Tag Archives: urgent calls

URGENT: Another boy heading to execution pole, attorney pleas for help

UPDATED: Sep 5, 2008

In an appeal Mohammad Mostafaei , Iranian attorney who represents many of the juveniles who are facing execution in Iran asked for help before another one of his clients get executed soon.

Bahman Saliamian is accused of killing his grandmother in 1996 . Bahman who was 15 years old at the time of crime was initially sentenced to 5 years imprisonment and payment of retribution, however after appeal by the victim’s next of kin’s, after 12 years , he is now sentenced to death and he is anticipated to be hanged soon. Bahman is now 27 years old is kept in Isfahan prison. According to his attorney, Bahman suffered from mental issues and he was not in a normal state of mind at the time of murder and he even attempted to committed suicide shortly after he realized what he had done.

Judiciary of city of Isfahan last week also executed Reza hejazi accused of murder at the age of 15. Although Reza’s attorney , Mostafaei, was assured on the day of execution that Reza would not be killed but only one hour later Mostafaei was informed that his client was executed without the presence of the attorney or the parents.

In his plea letter Mostafaei wrote: ” While still in the shock and sorrow of Reza Hejazi’s execution, I just heard of imminent execution of Bahman Salimian!”.

“Today Bahman Salimian, Mohammad Fadaee, Behnood Shojaee, Behnam Zare and all those who are sentenced to death for a crime committed during childhood are in need of our help and support. I desperately beg all of you to help save their lives by writing and expressing your oppositions to the current trend of executions of so many children ” He added. Mostafei’s email is : mostafaeilawyer@gmail.com.

Bahman Salimian’s name was not among the list of juveniles known by SCE to face execution in Iran. To date we have recorded 135 Iranian juveniles on the execution row.

To help save Bahman Salimian from execution please also immediately contact the following individuals and ask for immediate halt to Reza’s execution:



and to Mohammad Mostafaei at



Alireza Jamshidi, Spokesperson of Iran’s judiciary

+98 912 159 5504

Mohammad Shirj, Head of Judiciary Special supervision
+98 21 664 05170
+98 21 664 05171
+98 21 664 05172

+98 21 664 07070

Head of the Judiciary

Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi



(In subject line write: FAO Ayatollah Shahroudi)

Leader of the Islamic Republic

Ayatollah Sayed ‘Ali Khamenei,



Fax: +98 21 6 649 5880


(via website)



Director, Human Rights Headquarters of Iran
Mohammad Javad Larijani
C/o Office of the Deputy for International Affairs
Ministry of Justice,
Fax: +98 21 5 537 8827 (please keep trying)

نوجوانی دیگری این هفته به چوبه دار می رود

محمد مصطفایی

بهمن سلیمیان متولد 16/11/1360 نوجوان دیگری است که در سن 15 سالگی مرتکب قتل مادر بزرگ خود شده است او می گوید در شب بیست و پنجم بهمن ماه سال 1375 زمانیکه در منزل ایشان بودم ندانسته مادر بزرگ خود را به قتل رساندم و زمانی که فهمیدم چنین عملی را انجام داده ام خواستم خود را بکشم که موفق نشدم  چون از لحاظ عقلی به رشد نرسیده بودم دادگاه نخستین مرا به پنج سال حبس تعزیری و پرداخت دیه محکوم کرد ولی اولیاءدم به حکم صادره اعتراض نمود تا اینکه پس از 12 سال کابوس مرگ، قرار است حکم اعدام را آخر این هفته در محوطه زندان اصفهان اجرا نمایند.

بهمن سلیمانی می گوید قصد کشتن مادر بزرگ خود را نداشتم و واقعا نمی دانم که چطور این کار انجام شد حتی داییهایم باورشان نمی شود که چنین عملی انجام شده است من در آن زمان هیچگونه اراده ای نداشتم و از نظر عقلی نیز دچار مشکل شده بودم.

لازم به ذکر است در تاریخ 29/5/1387 نوجوانی به نام رضا حجازی در محوطه زندان مرکزی اصفهان به دار آویخته شد.

صدور حكم مرگ نسبت به  اطفالي كه در زمان ارتكاب جرم سنشان زير 18 سال   مي باشد برخلاف مفاد صريح قانون است با اين توضيح كه  مادة 49 قانون مجازات اسلامي

(ماده مورد استناد قضات دادگستري در صدور حكم قصاص و اعدام) مقرر مي دارد :« اطفال در صورت ارتكاب جرم مبري از مسئوليت كيفري هستند » تبصرة‌اين ماده طفل را به كسي اطلاق نموده كه به “حد بلوغ شرعي” نرسيده باشد در هيچ جاي قانون مجازات اسلامي و حتي ديگر قوانين موجود، سن مسئوليت كيفري اطفال مشخص نشده و قانونگذار به “حد شرعي” اكتفا نموده است البته در قانون مدني كه مربوط است به امور حقوقي – نه كيفري – قانونگذار در تبصره يك مادة 1210 مقرر نموده ؛ سن بلوغ در پسر 15 سال تمام قمري و در دختر 9 سال تمام قمري است اين ماده كه علي القاعده رسيدن صغار به سن بلوغ را دليل رشد قرار داده و خلاف آنرا محتاج به اثبات دانسته ناظر به دخالت آنان در هر نوع امور مربوط به خود، در امور مدني  مي باشد مگر در مورد امور مالي كه به حكم تبصره 2 مادة مرقوم كه اشعار مي دارد: اموال صغيري را كه بالغ شده باشد در صورتي مي توان به او داد كه رشد او ثابت شده باشد مستلزم اثبات رشد است. به عبارت ديگر صغير پس از رسيدن به سن بلوغ و اثبات رشد مي تواند نسبت به اموالي كه از طريق انتقالات عهدي يا قهري قبل از بلوغ مالك شده مستقلاً تصرف و مداخله نمايد و قبل از اثبات رشد از اين نوع مداخله ممنوع است. بنابراين علي القاعده نمي توان با توجه به اصل تفسير به نفع متهم در امور كيفري به مجموع قوانين مدني رجوع نمود مگر آنكه در اين خصوص تصريح بعمل آمده باشد.

فقها نيز در خصوص سن مسئوليت كيفري با يكديگر اختلاف نظرداشته و سن مشخصي تاكنون به عنوان سن فرد در ارتكاب جرم پيرامون رافعيت مسئوليت كيفري در نظر گرفته نشده است.

اما با مراجعه به مجموع مقررات بين المللي مي توان استنباط نمود كه سن مسئوليت كيفري اطفال در خصوص مجازاتهاي سالب حيات 18 سال مي باشد با اين توضيح كه بند الف مادة 37 كنوانسيون حقوق كودك صراحتاً مقرر نموده كه:« … مجازات اعدام، يا حبس ابد بدون امكان آزادي ، نبايد در مورد جرمهايي كه اشخاص زير 18 سال مرتكب مي شوند اعمال گردد». اين كنوانسيون در سال 1372 به دليل اهميت جايگاه و نقش كودكان تحت عنوان قانون اجازه الحاق دولت جمهوري اسلامي ايران به كنوانسيون حقوق كودك به تصويب نمايندگان مجلس شوراي اسلامي رسيده و اين مادة كنوانسيون كه به نظر گراميتان رسيد بدون هيچ ايرادي به مجلس، جهت اعلام به قوة مجريه و نشر آن ارسال شد. بنابراين طبق مادة 9 قانون مدني كه مقرر مي دارد: «مقررات و عهودي كه بر طبق قانون اساسي بين دولت ايران و ساير دول منعقد شده باشد در حكم قانون است». نمي توان حكم به مجازات مرگ و اعدام اطفال زير 18سال را صادر نمود چرا كه به نظر مي رسد اختلاف در سن “بلوغ شرعي” با تصويب اين كنوانسيون و تأييد آن توسط شوراي محترم نگهبان رفع و در خصوص مجازاتهاي سالب حيات، سن مسئوليت كيفري طفل “زير 18 سال”مي باشد بنابراين احكام صادره توسط محاكم دادگستري بنا به استدلالات مرقوم نسبت به سلب حيات اطفال زير 18 سال از اين لحاظ مخدوش و غیر قانونی است.

Execution order of Amir Amorllahi sent to prison

Kargozaraan: http://www.kargozaaran.com/ShowNews.php?26963

Iran’s judiciary has approved the death sentence of Amir Amrollahi, a juvenile who allegedly committed murder when he was 16 , Kargozaran newspaper said on Tuesday. Amir had “unintentionally stabbed a young man to death in a childish fight when he was 16, in November 2005,”  According to the newspaper , Amir’s execution order has already been sent to the prison and it is expected to take place within days.
A court in the southern city of Shiraz sentenced Amir to death and the verdict has been approved by the office of Iran’s judiciary chief, Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi, it added.

The news has not yet been confimed by Amir’s attorney, Mohammad Mostafaei whose another client Reza Hejazi was executed today in Iran for an alleged crime at the age of 15 . Mostafaei was not notified about the execution.

To read the urgent call and information about Amir Amrollahi visit: http://scenews.blog.com/Amir%20Amrollahi/

WARNING: Iranian boy to be executed tomorrow

Stop Child Executions has just been informed that Seyed Reza Hejazi, a juvenile offender is scheduled for execution tomorrow morning at 4am. According his father, Reza has been transferred to solitary cell which holds prisoners who are executed in 24 hours. In violation of Iran’s own laws, Reza’s attorney Mohammad Mostafaei has not been informed by the authorities of the imminent execution.

Reza Hejazi – then aged 15 – was among a small group of people involved in a dispute with a man on 18 September 2004, which resulted in the man being fatally stabbed. Reza Hejazi was arrested and tried for murder, and on 14 November 2005 he was sentenced to Qesas (retribution)

by Branch 106 of the Esfahan General Court. The sentence was approved by Branch 28 of the Supreme Court on 6 June 2006, although under Iranian law he should have been tried in a juvenile court. The case was referred for mediation between Reza Hejazi and the victim’s family, to try and arrange for the payment of diyeh, but no sum has yet been agreed. If no agreement is reached, Reza Hejazi will be executed.

Pease immediately contact the following individuals and ask for immediate halt to Reza’s execution:
Alireza Jamshidi, Spokesperson of Iran’s judiciary
+98 912 159 5504
Mohammad Shirj, Head of Judiciary Special supervision
+98 21 664 05170
+98 21 664 05171
+98 21 664 05172
+98 21 664 07070
Head of the Judiciary
Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi
info@dadgostary-tehran.ir (In subject line write: FAO Ayatollah Shahroudi)

Leader of the Islamic Republic
His Excellency Ayatollah Sayed ‘Ali Khamenei, The Office of the Supreme Leader
Email: info@leader.ir

His Excellency Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
The Presidency
Fax: +98 21 6 649 5880
(via website)

Director, Human Rights Headquarters of Iran
His Excellency Mohammad Javad Larijani
C/o Office of the Deputy for International Affairs
Ministry of Justice,
Fax: +98 21 5 537 8827 (please keep trying)

Prior Information: http://scenews.blog.com/2872820/
Persian: http://scenews.blog.com/3548471/

Amnesty International URGENT CALL – Amir Amrollahi

PUBLIC  AI Index: MDE 13/114/2008 
  15 August 2008

Further Information on UA 15/08 (MDE 13/009/2008, 18 January 2008) Death Penalty/imminent execution/unfair trial

IRAN  Amir Amrollahi (m), aged 17 or 18

Juvenile offender Amir Amrollahi’s death sentence received final approval from the Head of the Judiciary earlier this month, and judicial officials in Shiraz province have been asked to prepare to carry out his execution. He was sentenced to death for a murder committed when he was 16 years old.

The murder took place in November 2006 during a fight with another boy, who was fatally stabbed. According to his lawyer, who took up his case this year, Amir Amrollahi ran off in a panic after stabbing the boy, who he thought was about to attack him. Medical help did not arrive for half an hour, by which time it was too late. Amir Amrollahi told his father what had happened, the same day, and later presented himself to the police.

His family could not afford adequate legal representation at his trial. According to his new lawyer, the court did not hear that the killing had been unintentional, or that he was prescribed heavy doses of sedatives while in prison awaiting trial. His mental state at the time of the trial was not properly considered.

On 6 August 2007, Branch 5 of Fars province criminal court sentenced him to death, although one of the court advisors had expressed concern about his age and his ability to understand and recognise what was going on. The sentence was upheld by Branch 27 of Supreme Court on 11 October.


The execution of juvenile offenders is prohibited by international law. Since 1990 Iran has executed at least 35 juvenile offenders, eight of them in 2007 and four in 2008.

The family of a murder victim have the right either to insist on execution, or to pardon the killer and receive financial compensation. A convicted murderer has no right to seek pardon or commutation from the state, in violation of Article 6(4) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to which Iran is a state party.

RECOMMENDED ACTION: Please send appeals to arrive as quickly as possible, in Persian, Arabic, English or your own language:
– calling on the authorities to halt the execution of Amir Amrollahi immediately;
– expressing concern that he was sentenced to death for a crime committed when he was under 18;
– calling on the authorities to commute his death sentence;
– reminding the authorities that Iran is a state party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which prohibit the use of the death penalty against people convicted of crimes committed when they were under 18;
– urging the authorities to pass legislation to abolish the death penalty for offences committed by people under the age of 18, so bringing Iran’s domestic law in line with its obligations under international law.


Head of the Judiciary
Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi
Howzeh Riyasat-e Qoveh Qazaiyeh / Office of the Head of the Judiciary
Pasteur St., Vali Asr Ave., south of Serah-e Jomhouri, Tehran 1316814737, Islamic Republic of Iran
info@dadgostary-tehran.ir (In subject line write: FAO Ayatollah Shahroudi)
Salutation:  Your Excellency

Leader of the Islamic Republic
His Excellency Ayatollah Sayed ‘Ali Khamenei, The Office of the Supreme Leader
Islamic Republic Street – Shahid Keshvar Doust Street
Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Salutation:  Your Excellency


His Excellency Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
The Presidency
Palestine Avenue, Azerbaijan Intersection
Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Fax:   +98 21 6 649 5880
(via website)

Director, Human Rights Headquarters of Iran
His Excellency Mohammad Javad Larijani
C/o Office of the Deputy for International Affairs
Ministry of Justice,
Ministry of Justice Building, Panzdah-Khordad (Ark) Square,
Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Fax:   +98 21 5 537 8827 (please keep trying)

and to diplomatic representatives of Iran accredited to your country.

PLEASE SEND APPEALS IMMEDIATELY. Check with the International Secretariat, or your section office, if sending appeals after 26 September 2008.

Amnesty International UPDATE re: Behnood

PUBLIC  AI Index: MDE 13/117/2008                   15 August 2008

Further Information on UA 114/08 (MDE 13/065/2008, 29 April 2008) and follow-ups (MDE 13/066/2008, 8 May 2008; MDE 13/081/2008, 12 June 2008; MDE 13/101/2008, 25 July 2008) – Imminent execution

IRAN  Behnoud Shojaee (m), aged 20, juvenile offender

Behnoud Shojaee is again in imminent danger of execution: his family was unable to afford the diyeh, or financial compensation, required to obtain a pardon. His execution, which was due to take place on or around 12 August has been postponed until the end of August 2008.

Behnoud Shojaee was sentenced to qesas (retribution) by Branch 74 of the Criminal Court in Tehran on 2 October 2006, after he was found guilty of killing a boy named Omid the previous year, when he was 17. Behnoud Shojaee had no legal representation at his trial.

He was twice granted a stay of execution by the head of the judiciary, Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi, to allow time for further negotiations over diyeh between his and Omid’s families. However, although the Omid’s family agreed to reduce the diyeh they demanded, from US$2,085,000 to US$625,000, this is still more than Behnoud Shojaee’s family can afford.


Since 1990 Iran has executed at least 35 juvenile offenders, eight of them in 2007 and four in 2008.

The family of a murder victim have the right either to insist on execution, or to pardon the killer and receive financial compensation. A convicted murderer has no right to seek pardon or commutation from the state, in violation of Article 6(4) of the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).

The execution of juvenile offenders is prohibited under international law, as stated in Article 6 (5) of the ICCPR and the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), of which Iran is a state party to and so has undertaken not to execute anyone for crimes committed when they were under 18.

On 8 July 2008, during a press conference in Geneva, Switzerland, Amnesty International published a joint statement with over 20 other international and regional human rights organizations calling on Iranian authorities to stop imposing the death penalty for crimes committed by juvenile offenders, and to uphold their international obligation to enforce the absolute prohibition on the death penalty in such cases. See Iran: Spare four youths from execution, immediately enforce international prohibition on death penalty for juvenile offenders, available at: http://www.amnesty.org/en/for-media/press-releases/iran-spare-four-youths-execution-immediately-enforce-international-prohi 
RECOMMENDED ACTION: Please send appeals to arrive as quickly as possible, in Persian, Arabic, English or your own language:
– expressing concern that Behnoud Shojaee is at risk of execution for a crime committed when he was under 18;
– calling on the authorities to commute his death sentence;
– reminding them that Iran is a state party to both the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which prohibit the use of the death penalty against those under the age of 18 at the time of offence, and that to execute Behnoud Shojaee would therefore be a violation of international law;
– urging the authorities to pass legislation to abolish the death penalty for offences committed by people under the age of 18, so bringing Iran’s domestic law in line with its obligations under international law.


Head of the Judiciary
Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi
Howzeh Riyasat-e Qoveh Qazaiyeh / Office of the Head of the Judiciary
Pasteur St., Vali Asr Ave., south of Serah-e Jomhouri, Tehran 1316814737, Islamic Republic of Iran
info@dadgostary-tehran.ir (In subject line write: FAO Ayatollah Shahroudi)
Salutation:  Your Excellency

Leader of the Islamic Republic
His Excellency Ayatollah Sayed ‘Ali Khamenei, The Office of the Supreme Leader
Islamic Republic Street – Shahid Keshvar Doust Street
Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Salutation:  Your Excellency


His Excellency Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
The Presidency
Palestine Avenue, Azerbaijan Intersection
Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Fax:   +98 21 6 649 5880
(via website)

Director, Human Rights Headquarters of Iran
His Excellency Mohammad Javad Larijani
C/o Office of the Deputy for International Affairs
Ministry of Justice,
Ministry of Justice Building, Panzdah-Khordad (Ark) Square,
Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Fax:   + 98 21 5 537 8827 (please keep trying)

and to diplomatic representatives of Iran accredited to your country.

PLEASE SEND APPEALS IMMEDIATELY. Check with the International Secretariat, or your section office, if sending appeals after 26 September 2008.

Amnesty International URGENT CALL: Kamal 17 facing execution

AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL         PUBLIC                  
AI Index: MDE 13/115/2008
14 August 2008

UA 228/08                                
Death Penalty

Kamal (m), aged 17, barber’s assistant

Seventeen-year-old barber’s assistant Kamal was sentenced to death for murder on 12 April. His death sentence was approved by the Supreme Court at the beginning of August, and his file has since been sent to the Head of the Judiciary for final approval. He is in imminent danger of execution.

According to local press, in the evening of 10 April 2007 Kamal was standing in front of the barber’s shop where he worked with two friends, including the barber’s son, Mehdi. They noticed a man named Shahin verbally harassing a young girl. A fight broke out between Mehdi and Shahin. When Mehdi’s father arrived Shahin pushed him, and Mehdi asked Kamal to get a knife from the shop, which he did. Shahin then attacked Kamal and they both fell to the floor: Shahin was stabbed in the back. The blade hit his heart, and he died in hospital.

Under Article 206 (b) of Iran’s Criminal Code, any killing is classed as “premeditated murder,” and thus attracts a death sentence, “in cases where the murderer intentionally makes an action which is inherently lethal, even if [the murderer] does not intend to kill the person.”


Since 1990 Iran has executed at least 35 juvenile offenders, eight of them in 2007 and four in 2008.

The family of a murder victim have the right either to insist on execution, or to pardon the killer and receive financial compensation. A convicted murderer has no right to seek pardon or commutation from the state, in violation of Article 6(4) of the ICCPR.

The execution of juvenile offenders is prohibited under international law. Amnesty International opposes the death penalty in all cases, and supports the global trend away from the use of the death penalty, powerfully expressed in the UN General Assembly’s resolution calling for a worldwide moratorium on executions on 18 December 2007.

On 8 July 2008, during a press conference in Geneva, Switzerland, Amnesty International issued a joint statement with over 20 other international and regional human rights organizations calling on Iranian authorities to stop imposing the death penalty for crimes committed by juvenile offenders, and to uphold their international obligation to enforce the absolute prohibition on the death penalty in such cases. See Iran: Spare four youths from execution, immediately enforce international prohibition on death penalty for juvenile offenders, available at: http://www.amnesty.org/en/for-media/press-releases/iran-spare-four-youths-execution-immediately-enforce-international-prohi
RECOMMENDED ACTION: Please send appeals in your own words to arrive as quickly as possible, in Persian, Arabic, English or your own language:

– expressing concern that Kamal is at risk of execution for a crime committed when he was under 18;
– calling on the authorities to commute his death sentence;
– reminding them that Iran is a state party to both the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which prohibit the use of the death penalty against those under the age of 18 at the time of offence, and that to execute Kamal would therefore be a violation of international law;
– urging the authorities to pass legislation to abolish the death penalty for offences committed by people under the age of 18, so bringing Iran’s domestic law in line with its obligations under international law;
– stating that Amnesty International acknowledges the right and responsibility of governments to bring to justice those suspected of criminal offences, but unconditionally opposes the death penalty.


Head of the Judiciary
His Excellency Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi
Ministry of Justice, Panzdah Khordad (Ark) Square
Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
info@dadgostary-tehran.ir (In the subject line: FAO Ayatollah Shahroudi)
Fax: 011 98 21 3390 4986 (may be difficult. If a voice answers, say, “Fax please”)
Salutation:  Your Excellency

Leader of the Islamic Republic
His Excellency Ayatollah Sayed ‘Ali Khamenei, The Office of the Supreme Leader
Islamic Republic Street – Shahid Keshvar Doust Street
Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Salutation:  Your Excellency


His Excellency Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
The Presidency
Palestine Avenue, Azerbaijan Intersection
Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Fax:  011 98 21 6 649 5880

dr-ahmadinejad@president.ir (via website) http://www.president.ir/email/

Director, Human Rights Headquarters of Iran
His Excellency Mohammad Javad Larijani
C/o Office of the Deputy for International Affairs
Ministry of Justice,
Ministry of Justice Building, Panzdah-Khordad (Ark) Square
Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Fax:  011 98 21 5 537 8827 (may be difficult)

Mr Seyed Mahdi Mohebi
Chargé d’Affaires, Embassy for the Islamic Republic of Iran
245 Metcalfe Street
Ottawa, Ontario K2P 2K2
Fax: (613) 232-5712

Please send appeals immediately.  Thank you.

URGENT CALL: Stop beheading Canadian boy in Saudi Arabia

PUBLIC                                                                                                                                 AI Index: MDE 23/037/2008           
                                                                                                                                                                              14 August 2008
Further information on UA 116/07 (MDE 23/019/2007, 17 May 2007), and follow-ups (MDE 23/030/2007, 2 August 2007; MDE 23/016/2008, 31 March 2008; MDE 23/012/2008, 8 April 2008) – Death Penalty/ Fear of imminent execution
SAUDI ARABIA                             Mohamed Kohail (m), aged 23, Canadian national
                                                                Mehanna Sa’d (m), aged 22, Jordanian national
                                                                Sultan Kohail (m), aged 17, Canadian national

On 9 August, the Jeddah General Court, which sentenced Canadian national Mohamed Kohail and Jordanian national Mehanna Sa’d to

death, rejected the recommendations of the Court of Cassation to review their sentences. The case has now been passed back to the Court of Cassation, who could pass it back to the General Court for review again or uphold the sentences. If upheld, the death sentences would be passed to the Supreme Judicial Council for approval. The two men could be executed within weeks.

Mohamed Kohail and Mehanna Sa’d were charged with the murder of a Syrian boy, who died in a schoolyard brawl in January 2007. They were held incommunicado for approximately one and a half months, and beaten in an attempt to make them confess. Their trial before the General Court took place over nine sessions. Their lawyer was allowed to attend only the last one or two, and was not allowed to challenge the evidence brought against his clients. They were sentenced to death in March 2008, and launched an appeal against the sentences, which have failed.  
Sultan Kohail, who was arrested with the two others, was sentenced to 200 lashes and one year’s imprisonment by the Jeddah Summary Court in April 2008. The case was then passed to the Court of Cassation, which recommended that the case be re-tried by a General Court, which has the power to pass the death sentence against him. His case is now awaiting retrial at a General Court.
A new trial date has not yet been set but Amnesty International has previously expressed concern that if the case was to be re-tried at a General Court, Sultan Kohail could be sentenced to death. As he is 17 years old, sentencing him to death would violate Saudi Arabia’s obligations under the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), which prohibits the execution of those under 18 at the time of the crime.   


Saudi Arabia applies the death penalty for a wide range of offences, including offences with no lethal consequences, and does so following trials which invariably fall short of the most basic international standards. Hearings are often held in secret, and defendants are permitted barely any formal legal representation. They may be convicted solely on the basis of confessions obtained under duress or deception. In many cases defendants and their families are not informed of the progress of legal proceedings against them. Prisoners under sentence of death may not be informed of the date of execution until the morning when they are taken out and beheaded.
The number of executions in 2008 is increasing fast. In 2007 the authorities executed at least 158 people, of whom 76 were foreign nationals. At least 66 people have been executed so far this year, almost half of whom have been foreign nationals.

RECOMMENDED ACTION: Please send appeals to arrive as quickly as possible, in English, Arabic or your own language:

– urging the King to commute the death sentences of Mohamed Kohail and Mehanna Sa’d;
– reminding the authorities that they are bound by international standards for fair trial in capital cases, in particular the UN Safeguards Guaranteeing the Protection of the Rights of Those Facing the Death Penalty, which guarantee adequate opportunity for defence and appeal, and prohibits the imposition of the death penalty when there is room for alternative interpretation of the evidence;
– expressing concern that 17-year-old Sultan Kohail may still be at risk of being sentenced to death and asking the authorities to guarantee that this will not happen, as Saudi Arabia is a state party to the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Please note that you may experience difficulties sending faxes on Thursdays and Fridays, which are the weekend in Saudi Arabia.
His Majesty King Abdullah Bin ‘Abdul ‘Aziz Al-Saud
The Custodian of the two Holy Mosques
Office of His Majesty the King
Royal Court, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Fax:                        (via Ministry of the Interior) +966 1 403 1185 (please keep trying)

Salutation:     Your Majesty
His Royal Highness Prince Naif bin ‘Abdul ‘Aziz Al-Saud
Minister of the Interior
Ministry of the Interior
P.O. Box 2933
Airport Road, Riyadh 11134
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Fax:                        +966 1 403 1185 (please keep trying)
Salutation:          Your Royal Highness
His Royal Highness Prince Saud al-Faisal bin ‘Abdul ‘Aziz Al-Saud
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Nasseriya Street
Riyadh 11124
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Fax:                         +966 1 403 0645
Salutation:          Your Royal Highness


Mr Turki bin Khaled Al-Sudairy
Human Rights Commission
PO Box 58889, Riyadh 11515
King Fahad Road, Building No.373
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Fax:                        +966 1 4612061
and to diplomatic representatives of Saudi Arabia, accredited to your country.
PLEASE SEND APPEALS IMMEDIATELY. Check with the International Secretariat, or your section office, if sending appeals after 24 September 2008.

Behnoud transferred for execution

Following is a letter that Stop Child Executions received today from the family of Behnoud Shojaee:

17 year old Behnoud in 25/5/1384 tried to stop a fight between 15 young people. During the incident unintentionally become involved in murdering a 19 year young man. The victim was killed by two different hits from two different weapons which could not be done by same person. Behnoud in a very fast investigation, and followed by that trail without the presence of his lawyer was convicted to first class murder, and death penalty. Behnoud lost his mother who was from diabetics when he was only 10 years old and lived with his father, who was heavily depressed due to grief of losing his wife. So he moved to live with his grandparents and he had a happy life with them who were well educated and religious people. He was a very talented, fresh, young man, and his hobbies were playing team sport activities and he had no criminal record up to the date of the incident. 
Now he has been moved to the especial department of the jail to wait for the execution.

The victim’s family has been contacted many times by different group of people including, charities, cinema stars, NGO, human rights activists, etc to ask for their forgiveness, as by the domestic law they are the only one who can forgive Behnoud and stop the execution permanently. Initially they agreed to receive $2,085,000 and forgive Behnoud, but then they reduced it to $625,000. Still Behnoud’s family who are mostly retired people, living on pension, can not afford to pay this amount of money and if they fail to do so Behnound will be executed.

(A bank account has been opened in Iran attempting to collect funds at Melli Bank, BaghFerdous branch, Account Number 717865 )

محمد فدايي بار ديگر در چند قدمي مرگ

روزنامه اعتماد

  تاييد حکم قصاص محمد فدايي جوان محکوم به قصاص که در 17 سالگي متهم به قتل شده بود، بار ديگر او را در چند قدمي مرگ قرار داد. اين اتفاق در حالي رخ داد که پيش از اين رئيس قوه قضائيه از صدور اذن اعدام اين جوان خودداري کرده و پرونده را براي فراهم شدن مقدمات محاکمه مجدد وي در اختيار ديوان عالي کشور قرار داده بود

به گزارش خبرنگار ما، پرونده محمد فدايي که از 17 سالگي در زندان به سر مي برد در طول 5 سال گذشته با افت و خيزهاي زيادي مواجه شده است. وي که تاکنون دو بار پاي چوبه دار رفته و با نامه آيت الله هاشمي شاهرودي به سلول خود بازگردانده شده است، چندي قبل بالاخره توانست موافقت رئيس قوه قضائيه را در خصوص اعاده دادرسي جلب کند. اين جوان و وکلاي مدافع جديدش اسناد و مدارکي را به دفتر رئيس قوه قضائيه ارائه دادند که ثابت مي کند وکلاي محمد در زمان محاکمه قلابي بوده اند و جلسات محاکمه اش وجاهت قانوني نداشته است. هر چند آيت الله هاشمي شاهرودي صحت اين مدارک را پذيرفت و حکم قصاص وي را خلاف بين شرع دانست اما شعبه 27 ديوان عالي کشور پس از در اختيار گرفتن پرونده حکم اعدام را تاييد کرد. قضات ديوان با اين استدلال که دادنامه صادره يک بار پيش از اين تاييد شده است اعلام کردند اکنون دليلي براي نقض حکم و محاکمه دوباره محمد وجود ندارد.تاييد حکم قصاص از سوي شعبه 27 ديوان عالي کشور يک بار ديگر محمد و وکلاي مدافعش را به تکاپو انداخت تا تلاش خود را براي اثبات غيرقانوني بودن مراحل دادرسي آغاز کنند چرا که مطابق قانون اگر وکيل مدافع متهم به قتلي قلابي بوده يا اجازه وکالت نداشته باشد محاکمه وجاهت قانوني ندارد.محمد مصطفايي – يکي از وکلاي محمد – درباره روند رسيدگي به پرونده به خبرنگار ما گفت؛ «طبق قانون هنگامي که رئيس قوه قضائيه حکم قصاص را نمي پذيرد پرونده به ديوان عالي کشور ارجاع مي شود و در صورتي که قضات ديوان

نيز راي را نقض کنند بايد متهم از ابتدا محاکمه شود اما اگر حکم تاييد شود ديگر محاکمه مجددي در کار نخواهد بود. در اين پرونده به رغم مدارک متعدد و روشن که ارائه داديم ديوان عالي کشور حکم قصاص را نقض نکرد.»وي افزود؛ «در اين مدت محمد فقط يک بار در جلسه دادرسي که در شعبه 71 دادگاه کيفري استان تهران برگزار شد، حضور داشت و پس از آن وکلاي قلابي او به خاطر بي اطلاعي از قانون در مهلت هاي مقرر، اعتراض خود را به راي صادره اعلام نکردند و اين جوان از حق قانوني خودش براي دفاع محروم شد.»

وي ادامه داد؛ «اکنون ما 30 روز مهلت داريم به راي صادره در ديوان عالي کشور اعتراض و از دادستان کل کشور تقاضاي اعمال ماده 18 (اعاده دادرسي) کنيم. در صورتي که اين تقاضا نيز پذيرفته نشود، پرونده يک بار ديگر بايد به رئيس قوه قضائيه ارجاع شود تا او در مورد پرونده تصميم گيري کند و من اطمينان دارم رئيس قوه قضائيه و بازرسان دفتر وي قطعاً به مدارک ارائه شده توجه مي کنند، همان طور که پيش از اين آن را مورد توجه قرار دادند.»

وکيل مدافع محمد در ادامه گفت؛ «در کشورهاي مختلف که حکم اعدام هنوز وجود دارد هنگامي که قصد دارند حکمي را اجرا کنند دادستان وکيل مدافع متهم را فرامي خواند و به او گوشزد مي کند اگر مدرک جديدي براي اثبات بي گناهي موکلش دارد، ارائه دهد و در واقع حکم زماني اجرا مي شود که متهم و وکلايش هيچ مدرک جديدي نداشته باشند.

در اين گونه نظام هاي قضايي هيچ عجله يي براي اعدام وجود ندارد چرا که جان انسان غيرقابل بازگشت است و تا زماني که اطمينان حاصل نشود مدرکي به نفع متهم وجود ندارد حکم را اجرا نمي کنند، بنابراين نبايد در اجراي حکم اعدام تعجيل کرد.»

وي خاطرنشان کرد؛ «در پرونده محمد فدايي ايراداتي وجود دارد که قوي ترين آن قلابي بودن وکلايش است و ما تقاضاي خود را براي اعاده دادرسي ارائه خواهيم داد، اما از خانواده اولياي دم نيز درخواست بخشش داريم. اولياي دم پرونده هرچند اصرار بر قصاص داشتند اما خانواده يي بسيار محترم و متشخص هستند و ما از آنها استدعا مي کنيم با بخشش و گذشت بزرگ خود از اعدام محمد صرف نظر کنند. ما قبول داريم آنها داغدار هستند و فرزند عزيزشان را از دست داده اند و حق دارند مسبب ماجرا را تنبيه کنند ولي بي شک بخشش آنها را آ سوده و آرام تر خواهد کرد