Tag Archives: urgent calls

بی خبری از وضعیت محمد مصطفایی

 Radio Farda  & RoozOnLine

با گذشت چهار روز از بازداشت محمد مصطفایی، هنوز از سرنوشت و محل نگهداری او اطلاعی در دست نیست. این وکیل دادگستری که در سه سال اخیر تلاشهای فراوانی برای توقف اعدام کودکان و نوجوانان انجام داده، روز پنج شنبه توسط نیروهای لباس شخصی بازداشت شد.

همسر محمد مصطفایی با اعلام این خبر گفت: روز پنج شنبه به همراه محمد و دخترمان به بیرون از خانه رفته بودیم که چند نیروی لباس شخصی همسرم را شناخته و از او خواستند که با آنها برود. وی افزود: آنها به خانه ما آمدند و بعد به دفتر کار همسرم مراجعه کردند و بعد از تفتیش این دو محل او را با خود بردند.

همسر مصطفایی با اشاره به اینکه “برخورد بازداشت کنندگان توهین آمیز نبود، ولی محمد را در مقابل دختر کوچکمان بازداشت کردند”، از بی خبری در مورد وضعیت همسرش ابراز نگرانی می کند و می گوید:  از روز پنج شنبه از او بی خبریم. نه می دانیم او را کجا نگه می دارند و نه تماسی داشته است.

محمد مصطقایی وکیل حقوق بشری جوانی است که در چند سال اخیر به طور داوطلبانه وکالت برخی از محکومان نوجوان به اعدام، فعالان اجتماعی را به عهده گرفته است

Amnesty International urgent action



Human rights lawyer Mohammad Mostafaei was arrested on 25 June, probably in relation to his human rights activities and his peaceful exercise of the right to freedom of expression and association after the disputed re-election of President Ahmadinejad. Mohammad Mostafaei is a prisoner of conscience. He is at risk of torture.


Mohammad Mostafaei was arrested in Tehran on 25 June by plainclothes officials, while he was away from his home with his wife and daughter. The officials searched the family home and Mohammad Mostafaei’s office, and then took him away. His whereabouts remain unknown since his arrest.

Mohammad Mostafaei is a human rights lawyer who is best known for his campaigning against the execution in Iran of people convicted of crimes committed when they were under the age of 18. He is representing at least 25 juveniles sentenced to death for such crimes.

PLEASE WRITE IMMEDIATELY in Persian, Arabic, English, French or your own language:

n  calling on the authorities to release Mohammad Mostafaei immediately and unconditionally, if he has been arrested solely for his human rights activities and the peaceful exercise of his right to freedom of expression and  association, and is therefore a prisoner of conscience;

n  urging them to allow him immediate access to his family, a lawyer of his choice and any medical treatment he may require, and ensure that he is protected from all forms of torture or other ill-treatment;

n  calling on the authorities to allow peaceful demonstrations by those who wish to express their opinions on the elections to take place.




Leader of the Islamic Republic

Ayatollah Sayed ‘Ali Khamenei

The Office of the Supreme Leader

Islamic Republic Street – End of Shahid Keshvar Doust Street, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran

Email:                info_leader@leader.ir

via website: http://www.leader.ir/langs/en/index.php?p=letter (English)



Salutation: Your Excellency



Head of the Judiciary

Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi

Howzeh Riyasat-e Qoveh Qazaiyeh (Office of the Head of the Judiciary)

Pasteur St., Vali Asr Ave., south of Serah-e Jomhouri, Tehran 1316814737, Islamic Republic of Iran

Email:              shahroudi@dadgostary-tehran.ir

(In the subject line write: FAO Ayatollah Shahroudi)

Salutation: Your Excellency



Also send copies to diplomatic representatives accredited to your country.

Please check with your section office if sending appeals after the above date.


URGENT CALL: Release Attorney Mohammad Mostafaei

(Update June 30: Mohammad Mostafaei was approached by plain clothes government agents on Thursday June 25 while he was in the street with his family.His home and office were searched and then he was taken away in front of his young daughter. There is no information about his whereabouts.roozonline.com )

(Update June 29: Within less than 24 hours of the email and publishing of the URGENT CALL to release Mohamamd Mostafaei,  the news, demands or the SCE statement has been reflected by Wall Street Journal, Amnesty International, Iran’s Amirkabir university student news website, Radio Farda, Radio Iran KRSI, Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, Iran Human Rights and others. We expect more reaction in the coming days. No new information has been received about Mr. Mostafaei’s condition and whereabout.)

Stop Child Executions regretfully confirms the arrest of the Human and Child Rights Attorney Mohammad Mostafaei by the authorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Mr. Mostafaei who represents more than 25 Iranian juveniles facing execution has been imprisoned since Thursday June 25, 2009 .

Mr. Mostafaei has always been acting within the laws of the Islamic Republic representing clients or addressing violations of laws by the Islamic Republic of Iran and there are no legal grounds for his arrest. Mr. Mostafaei maintains a blog at http://mohegh.blogfa.com/.

SCE is extremely concerned about the status and well being of Attorney Mostafaei as well as the juveniles that he is supposed to be representing. Stop Child Execution is looking in to filling a legal complain with the United Nations about the illegal arrest of Mr. Mostafaei as well as contacting other authorities.

We urge that you contact the officials of the Islamic Republic and demand an immediate release of Mohammad Mostafaei. We also ask that readers, human rights activists and organizations to spread the news and also ask the government authorities of different countries and United Nations to also ask for release of Mr. Mostafaei.

Please send your requests to:

Head of the Judiciary
Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi
c/o Director, Judiciary Public Relations and Information Office
Ardeshir Sadiq
Judiciary Public Relations and Information Office
No. 57, Pasteur St., corner of Khosh Zaban Avenue
Tehran, Iran
Email:                        info@dadiran.ir  (In the subject line write: FAO Ayatollah Shahroudi)
Salutation:                Your Excellency
Judiciary spokesperson
Alireza Jamshidi
Howzeh Riyasat-e Qoveh Qazaiyeh / Office of the Head of the Judiciary
Pasteur St, Vali Asr Ave., south of Serah-e Jomhuri
Tehran 1316814737, Iran
Email:                      info@a-jamshidi.ir
Salutation:                Dear Sir
Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic
Ayatollah Sayed ‘Ali Khamenei, The Office of the Supreme Leader
Islamic Republic Street – End of Shahid Keshvar Doust Street, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Email:                        info_leader@leader.ir
via website: http://www.leader.ir/langs/en/index.php?p=letter (English)
http://www.leader.ir/langs/fa/index.php?p=letter (Persian)
Salutation:                                Your Excellency       
Director, Human Rights Headquarters of Iran
Mohammad Javad Larijani
Howzeh Riyasat-e Qoveh Qazaiyeh / Office of the Head of the Judiciary
Pasteur St, Vali Asr Ave., south of Serah-e Jomhuri
Tehran 1316814737, Iran
Fax:                           +98 21 3390 4986 (please keep trying)
Email:                      info@dadgostary-tehran.ir (In the subject line write: FAO Javad Larijani)
Salutation:              Dear Mr Larijani
and to diplomatic representatives of Iran accredited to your country.

Stop Child executions

Saudi’s to execute 4 Iraqi juveniles

Four Iraqi youths could be executed at any moment. None have enjoyed legal aid or a fair trial.

AI Index: MDE 23/019/2009

UA 157/09
Death Penalty / Alleged juvenile offenders
18 June 2009

Raid Halassa Sakit (m), aged about 20, Iraqi national
Abbas Fadil Abbas (m), aged 20, Iraqi national
Othman Ali (m), aged 20, Iraqi national
Aqil Matsher (m), aged 22, Iraqi national

The four Iraqi nationals named above are at risk of imminent execution for alleged offences reported to have been committed while they were below the age of 18. They were convicted and sentenced to death after unfair trials. All four were not given legal assistance or representation and they were sentenced after secret and summary trials. They all claim that they are innocent. They are held in Rafha prison, near the border with Iraq.

According to information received by Amnesty International, Raid Halassa Sakit was arrested and detained by the General Intelligence in the town of Rafha in 2005. He was charged and tried for drug-related offences and for links with armed groups in Iraq. He had been around 16 years old at the time of these alleged crimes. He was allegedly tortured by being subjected to electric shocks and then beaten until he signed a “confession” which, because he is illiterate, he could not read.

Raid Halassa Sakit was tried in secret without legal assistance by the Criminal Court in Rafha and was initially sentenced to five years’ imprisonment. According to a report received by Amnesty International, when the judge announced the sentence Raid Halassa Sakit insisted on his innocence, to which the judge apparently replied, “You had signed”, referring to the fact that he had signed a “confession”. When Raid Halassa Sakit told the judge that he had signed because of the torture the judge told him, “Such talk is of no benefit to you now”. When he was brought back to the same court two months later he was told that the Court of Cassation in Riyadh had increased the sentence to 20 years’ imprisonment. A month later Raid Halassa Sakit was again brought back to the Criminal Court in Rafha and informed that he was sentenced to death.

Because of the secrecy of the criminal justice system in Saudi Arabia, Amnesty International has been unable to obtain extensive details about the cases of the other three men. However, the organization has received reports that they were all aged between 15 and 18 at the time of their alleged crimes. Othman Ali and Aqil Matsher were arrested in 2004 and would have been around 15 years and 17 years old respectively at the time. Abbas Fadil Abbas is also reported to have been under 18 at the time of his arrest.

Prisoners in Saudi Arabia may be put to death without a scheduled date for execution being made known to them or their families. The four alleged juvenile offenders could be executed at any time.


Saudi Arabia is a state party to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which expressly prohibits the execution of juvenile offenders – those convicted of crimes committed when they were under 18. However, Saudi Arabia continues to execute alleged juvenile offenders in breach of their obligations under international law (see press release issued on 11 May 2009, Saudi Arabia: Two juveniles executed by Saudi Arabian authorities among a group of five at http://www.amnesty.org/en/for-media/press-releases/saudi-arabia-two-juveniles-executed-saudi-authorities-among-group-five-2).

At least 158 people, including 76 foreign nationals, were executed by the Saudi Arabian authorities in 2007, and at least 102 people, including almost 40 foreign nationals, were executed in 2008. Since the beginning of 2009, a further 42 people are known to have been executed.

Saudi Arabia applies the death penalty for a wide range of offences. Court proceedings fall far short of international standards for fair trial. Defendants are rarely allowed formal representation by a lawyer, and in many cases are not informed of the progress of legal proceedings against them. They may be convicted solely on the basis of confessions obtained under duress or deception.

In a recent report on the use of the death penalty in Saudi Arabia, Amnesty International highlighted the extensive use of the death penalty as well as the disproportionately high number of executions of foreign nationals from developing countries. For further information please see Saudi Arabia: Affront to Justice: Death Penalty in Saudi Arabia (Index: MDE 23/027/2008), published on 14 October 2008: http://www.amnesty.org/en/news-and-updates/report/saudi-arabia-executions-target-foreign-nationals-20081014

RECOMMENDED ACTION: Write a personally-worded appeal in Arabic, English or your own language

– urging the authorities to halt the execution of Raid Halassa Sakit, Abbas Fadil Abbas, Othman Ali and Aqil Matsher, all of whom may have been under 18 at the time of their alleged crimes;

– calling on the authorities to commute the death sentences of Raid Halassa Sakit, Abbas Fadil Abbas, Othman Ali and Aqil Matsher, particularly given Saudi Arabia’s obligations as a state party to the Convention on the Rights of the Child;

– reminding the authorities that they should act in accordance with international law, particularly Article 37 of the Convention of the Rights of the Child, and end the use of the death penalty against juvenile offenders.


His Majesty King ‘Abdullah Bin ‘Abdul ‘Aziz Al-Saud
The Custodian of the two Holy Mosques
Office of His Majesty the King
Royal Court
Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Fax: (via Ministry of the Interior) 011 966 1 403 1185 (can be hard to reach)
Salutation: Your Majesty

His Royal Highness Prince Naif bin ‘Abdul ‘Aziz Al-Saud
Second Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior
Ministry of the Interior
P.O. Box 2933, Airport Road
Riyadh 11134, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Fax: 011 966 1 403 1185 (can be hard to reach)
Salutation: Your Royal Highness


Mr Abdullah Saleh A. Al Awwad
Chargé d’Affaires, Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia
201 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, Ontario K1N 1K6
Fax: (613) 237-0567

Mr Bandar Mohammed Abdullah Al Aiban
President, Human Rights Commission
P.O. Box 58889, King Fahad Road, Building No. 373
Riyadh 11515, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Fax: 011 966 1 461 2061
Email: hrc@haq-ksa.org 

محمدرضا حدادی به اتهام ارتکاب جرم در کودکی چهارشنبه اعدام خواهد شد

پدر محمد رضا حدادی با مراجعه ای که به اجرای احکام دادسرای شیراز داشت متوجه شد که اجرای احکام برای اجرای حکم قصاص فرزندش که از پانزده سالگی به اتهام قتل عمد بازداشت شده در روز چهارشنبه ششم خرداد درست یک روز قبل از سالروز شهادت حضرت فاطمه زهرا سلام علیها در محوطه زندان عادل آباد شیراز وقت گذارده و در این روز حکم اجرا خواهد شد. این در حالی است که تاکنون زمان اجرای حکم به اینجانب ابلاغ نشده است.

ماجرای تشکیل پرونده محمد رضا از این قرار است که در تاريخ 30/5/1382 آقاي حسين رحمت به مرجع انتظامي اعلام مي كند كه پدرش بنام محمد باقر در روز 28/5/1382 كازرون را به مقصد شيراز ترك و تاكنون مراجعه ننموده است ايشان در تاريخ 8/6/1382 اعلام مي كنند كه اتومبيل پدرش بعد از يازده روز در روستاي فتح آباد كازرون پيدا شده است. تحقيقات قضايي و پليسي درخصوص مفقودي محمد باقر انجام و در جريان رسيدگي، شخصي بنام مهدي ساساني اقرار مي نمايد كه در ارتكاب سرقت اتومبيل و كشتن راننده، وي و افرادي به نامهاي محمد قرباني ، تقي و كريم دخالت داشته اند .

در تاريخ 20/7/82 كريم حدادي دستگير و اظهار مي دارد : « …. من به اتفاق مهدي ساساني و تقي حدادي و محمد  روبروي امام زاده سيد حسين ساعت 11 يا 12 شب بود كه ايستادم بغل جاده، يك پيكان سواري جوانان نارنجي رنگ  از كازرون آمد، محمد قرباني و
تقي حدادي دست بلند كردند پيكان هم ايستاد و ما سوار شديم از قائميه رد شديم به طرف شيراز . محمد به راننده گفت كه يك رفيق داريم او را سوار كن كرايه ات را مي دهيم راننده قبول كرد در بين راه به بهانه دستشويي، راننده ، خودرو را متوقف كرد و پياده شديم من و محمد رفتيم داخل دره و مهدي و تقي پهلوي راننده ماندند راننده مي خواست آب به داخل رادياتور ماشين بريزد كه تقي سنگي برداشت و از پشت به سر راننده زد و راننده روي زمين افتاد. بعد من و محمد از پائين آمديم بالا و به اتفاق مهدي و تقي چند مشت هم به سر و صورت و سينه راننده زديم و بعد جنازه او را داخل صندوق عقب پيكان انداختيم و او را تا حكيم باشي و رشن آباد آورديم در راه متوجه شديم كه پيرمرد راننده هنوز جان دارد و سرو صدا مي كند و تقي كه پسر عموي من مي باشد پشت فرمان نشسته بود از رشن آباد به طرف جاده خاكي  كوره كچي رفتيم تقي ماشين را متوقف كرد و درب صندوق عقب را باز كرد پيرمرد هنوز جان داشت مهدي ساساني با چوب دو دفعه به بدن پير مرد  زد و روي زمين افتاد بود كه محمد و تقي تسمه پروانه اي آورده و دور گردن پير مرد انداختند و او را خفه كردند سپس تقي گفت جنازه را آتش بزنيم و بنزين تهيه كرديم و جنازه را آتش زده داخل گودالي قرار داديم و روي گودال را پر از خاك كرديم و رفتيم .

پزشكي قانوني علت دقيق فوت را تشخيص نداده ليكن اعلام نموده كه ضربه مغزي و شكستگي استخوان جمجمه مي تواند يكي از دلايل آن باشد.

در اثناي رسيدگي محمد رضا حدادي كه در آن زمان سنش 15 سال وشش ماه بود دستگير مي شود و در جلسات اوليه رسيدگي اعلام مي دارد كه مقتول را او با تسمه پروانه خفه كرده است در تاريخ 8/8/82 مجدداً محمد رضا حدادي در جلسه رسيدگي به دادگاه ، اتهام سرقت و قتل را به عهده گرفته و اقرار به ارتكاب جرم مي نمايد .

چند روز پس از جلسه محاكمه مادر محمد رضا به ملاقاتش مي رود و محمد رضا به او مي گويد كه آيا به وي پولي پرداخت نموده اند يا خير مادرش به وي جواب منفي مي دهد پس از آنكه ايشان متوجه مي شود كه فريب ديگر متهمين را خورده است طي نامه اي در تاريخ 13/8/82 به دادگاه اعلام مي دارد كه يكي از متهمين وعده پول و ديگر وعده هاي واهي را داده  و به اين طريق فريب، ديگر متهمين كه از لحاظ عقلي و فكري وسني بزرگتر از موكل بوده اند را خورده است  در حاليكه در ارتكاب جرم قتل هيچ نقشي نداشته است .

در نهايت دادگاه بدون تحقيق نسبت به ادعاي محمدرضا و انكار وي در تاريخ 16/10/82 سلب حيات مقتول توسط محمد رضا حدادي را مسلم دانسته و با استدلالاتي به صرف اقرار محمدرضا وي را به قصاص نفس محكوم و به استناد مادة 621 قانون مجازات اسلامي به لحاظ شركت در آدم ربايي به تحمل 15 سال حبس و به استناد مادة 636 همان قانون به تحمل يك سال حبس به لحاظ مخفي كردن جسد مقتول محكوم و ديگر متهمين را نيز به حبس هاي طولاني  مدت به اتهام آدم ربايي و مخفي نمودن جسد و جنايت بر ميت محكوم مي نمايد .

متهمين به دادنامه صادره اعتراض مي نمايند كه با ارجاع پرونده به شعبه 42 ديوانعالي كشور در تاريخ 12/4/1384 قضات شعبه، دادنامه صادره را فاقد اشكال موثر دانسته و ابرام
 مي نمايند .

پس از آنكه دادنامه صادره به محمدرضا ابلاغ شده ، چون حقش را تضييع شده انگاشته بود با بدست آوردن دلايل جديد از جمله اقرار ديگر متهمين بر بي گناهيش تقاضاي اعمال مادة 18 مبني بر اعاده دادرسي و رسيدگي مجدد را مي نمايد كه شعبه سوم تشخيص ديوانعالي كشور درخواست وي را مردود اعلام مي نمايند در حالي كه جا داشت به دليل ارزش جان آدمي، تحقيقات مفصلي در اين خصوص انجام می پذيرفت محمدرضا  بارها اعلام نموده است كه متهمين وي را اغفال نموده و پيشنهاد پرداخت وجه به خانواده اش را داده اند از طرفي يكي از آنها به وي قول داده است كه اگر قتل را به گردن بگيرد سعي مي كند دختر عمه اش را براي خواستگاری کند چون محمدرضا به اين دختر علاقه داشته و از طرفي وضعيت مالي خود و    خانواده اش بسيار ضعيف بود لذا بنا به دلايل فوق و به علت كم عقلي و صغر سن، ارتكاب جرم قتل را به عهده مي گيرد.

      محکومیت و تعیین زمان برای اجرای حکم محمد رضا حدادی در حالی است که صرفنظر از ایرادات بسیاری که در پرونده وجود دارد در سال 1372 كنوانسيون حقوق كودك وارد صحن علني مجلس شوراي اسلامي گرديد و نمايندگان مجلس با اكثريت آراء مواد آنرا به تصويب رساندند پس از آنكه كنوانسيون به شوراي محترم نگهبان ارجاع گرديد، اعضاي  شورای با حق شرط، كنوانسيون حقوق كودك را تأييد نمودند.

      شوراي محترم نگهبان در نظريه شمارة 5760 مورخ 4/11/1372 خود به مجلس شوراي اسلامي، مشخصاً موارد مخالفت كنوانسيون را با موازين شرع به اين شرح اعلام داشت:« بند 1 مادة 12 و بند هاي 1و3 ماده 13 و بند 1و3 ماده 14 و بند 2 ماده 15 و بند 1 ماده 16 و بند د قسمت 1 ماده 29 مغاير موازين شرع شناخته شد.» نتيجه اينكه به غير از موارد ياد شده، ديگر مواد كنوانسيون هيچگونه مغايرتي با شرع نداشته و در محاكم دادگستري مستند به مادة 9 قانون مدني كه مقرر مي دارد:« مقررات عهودي كه بر طبق قانون اساسي بين دولت ايران و ساير دول، منعقد شده باشد در حكم قانون است.» لازم الرعايه مي باشد.

ماده 37 كنوانسيون حقوق كودك مقرر مي دارد: كشورهاي عضو تضمين خواهند كرد كه:

«……… مجازات مرگ يا حبس ابد بدون امكان آزادي، نبايد در مورد جرمهايي كه اشخاص زير 18 سال مرتكب مي شوند اعمال گردد.»

نتيجه اينكه صدور حكم به سلب حيات ( قصاص نفس ) محمدرضا حدادی که در تاریخ 27/12/1367 به دنیا آمده است و ديگر اشخاصي كه در سن زير 18 سال مرتكب جرم مي شوند بر خلاف صريح قانون بوده و دادنامه هاي صادره از اين حيث مخدوش است و در صورتیکه حکم صادره اجرا گردد محمدرضا حدادی با وجود ایرادات بسیاری که در پرونده وجود دارد برخلاف قانون به دار آویخته شد.


URGENT: Delara Darabi scheduled to be executed in 4 days!!!

FAX : (00982133904986

(If you are dialing from North America, you would dial 011 98 21 3390 4986)

Your Excellency Ayatollah Shahroudi,

Delara Darabi, the young artist who has been in Rasht prison for the last 6 years in Iran, is at risk of execution. I understand that her lawyer  Abdolsamad Khoramshai has been informed that her execution is scheduled in the next few days.  He  is convinced that if she were to be given a new trial whereby they could re-enact the scene of thecrime, it would be easily proven that Delara is innocent of the alleged murder she was convicted of.

Khoramshahi has said many times that he has new evidence including  the crime being committed by a right handed person whereas Delara is left-handed. Many attempts have been made by human rights groups and celebrities to try and get a pardon from the victim’s family, however they have said that they want her execution to be carried out.

Please keep in mind that Iran is a state party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), which prohibit the use of the death penalty against people convicted of crimes committed when they were under 18.

In the indicated circumstances, I’d request that she not be executed and be granted a new trial.

Thank you,

(Your name)

URGENT: Rahim Ahmadi to be executed soon

Source: Etemaad Newspaper- Iran
Translated by Iran Human Rights Voice: http://www.ihrv.org/inf/?p=953

The death sentence was confirmed by the head of the judicial force against a youth who had killed another man during a fight. On 17 Mordad 1384 (August 8, 2005) Shiraz police were informed that a young man identified as Reza was stabbed and killed by a 15 year-old youth identified as Rahim Ahmadi, and that the attacker fled the scene.

While police started a widespread manhunt, Mr. Rahim tuned himself in the day after the accident. “During the investigation,” Rahim said, “the day before the incident Reza and two of his friends confronted me. They beat me and then ran away and of course, I hit them back. Next day, they came after me again, I was standing in front of the door, when they attacked me. There were three of them, when then attacked me, I managed to get the knife from one of them. In my own defense, I stabbed Reza.” Rahim added, “I had not planned to kill anyone and if I had not hit Reza, they would have hit me. Although Rahim was not more than 15 years old, the presiding judges considered him an adult from a religious perspective and sentenced Rahim to death and transferred him to Adelabad prison in Shiraz. The sentencing was confirmed by the Supreme Court and sent to Ayatullah Shahroodi for approval, where the sentencing was also confirmed. A few days ago the sentencing was submitted to Rahim in jail, and he is now in death row waiting for his execution.

Amnesty International URGENT CALL – Bahman Salimian

PUBLIC      AI Index: MDE 13/134/2008                    

11 September 2008

 UA 252/08            Death Penalty                                              

IRAN                   Bahman Salimian, now aged 27; juvenile offender

Juvenile offender Bahman Salimian is at imminent risk of being executed. He was sentenced to qesas (retribution) by Branch 33 of the Supreme Court for the murder of his grandmother, committed in 1996 when he was 15 years old. His execution had been scheduled to take place on 28 August 2008 in Esfahan prison, central Iran. The execution was halted by the judicial authorities on 25 August to allow for further reconciliation attempts in order to negotiate a pardon from the only relative who still insists that the execution is to go ahead.


Throughout his trial, Bahman Salimian repeatedly claimed that his 70 year-old grandmother had talked of

committing suicide so he killed her to minimise her suffering. On hearing Bahman Salimian’s unusual motive for the murder the trial judge ordered that Bahman Salimian be psychologically assessed. Experts concluded that he was suffering from a psychological disorder and, accordingly, the judge sentenced him to five years’ imprisonment and the payment of diyeh (financial compensation, also called ‘blood money’) to be paid by his parents. Some members of the grandmother’s family appealed the sentence and demanded the death sentence for Bahman Salimian’s crime and Branch 33 of the Supreme Court overturned the lower court’s verdict and he was sentenced to qesas.


On 25 August, the Head of the Judiciary of Esfahan province, Gholam Reza Ansari, announced that Bahman Salimian’s  execution was to be suspended as two of his uncles had pardoned him. Gholam Reza Ansari ordered the relevant officials to try as hard as possible to obtain the pardon of the remaining uncle, which would spare Bahman Salimian from execution. 


Bahman Salimian has spent the last 12 years in prison due to the disagreement within the victim’s family regarding his pardon or execution. Under the Iranian qesas law, if one member of the victim’s family refuses to pardon the accused and, the other family members have received the appropriate amount of diyeh, then the death sentence will be implemented.                                                                                                                



Since 1990 Iran has executed at least 37 juvenile offenders, eight of them in 2007 and six so far in 2008.

The execution of juvenile offenders is prohibited under international law, as stated in Article 6 (5) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), to which Iran is a state party to and so has undertaken not to execute anyone for crimes committed when they were under 18.


In Iran a convicted murderer has no right to seek pardon or commutation from the state, in violation of Article 6(4) ICCPR. The family of a murder victim have the right either to insist on execution, or to pardon the killer and receive financial compensation.


For more information about executions of child offenders in Iran, please see: Iran: The last executioner of children (MDE 13/059/2007, June 2007), http://web.amnesty.org/library/index/engmde130592007


RECOMMENDED ACTION: Please send appeals to arrive as quickly as possible, in Persian, Arabic, English or your own language:

– expressing concern that Bahman Salimian is at risk of execution for a crime committed when he was under 18;

– calling on the authorities to commute his death sentence;

– reminding the authorities that Iran is a state party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), which prohibit the use of the death penalty against people convicted of crimes committed when they were under 18.


Head of the Judiciary

Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi

Howzeh Riyasat-e Qoveh Qazaiyeh / Office of the Head of the Judiciary

Pasteur St., Vali Asr Ave., south of Serah-e Jomhouri, Tehran 1316814737, Islamic Republic of Iran

Email:                    info@dadgostary-tehran.ir (In subject line write: FAO Ayatollah Shahroudi)

Salutation:          Your Excellency



Director, Human Rights Headquarters of Iran

His Excellency Mohammad Javad Larijani

Howzeh Riassat-e Ghoveh Ghazaiyeh (Office of the Head of the Judiciary)

Pasteur St, Vali Asr Ave., south of Serah-e Jomhouri, Tehran 1316814737, Iran

Fax:                        +98 21 3390 4986 (please keep trying)

Email:                    fsharafi@bia-judiciary.ir (In the subject line: FAO Mohammad Javad Larijani)

                                int_aff@judiciary.ir (In the subject line: FAO Mohammad Javad Larijani)


and to diplomatic representatives of Iran accredited to your country.


PLEASE SEND APPEALS IMMEDIATELY. Check with the International Secretariat, or your section office, if sending appeals after 23 October 2008.

Amnesty International notice

Amnesty International:

Unfortunately, since issuing the Urgent Action on Bahman Salimian, juvenile offender at risk of imminent execution, UA 242/08 (MDE 13/132/2008) we have discovered some of the information needs further verification, so we have to ask you to withdraw the Amnesty International Urgent Action from your websites and stop all work on it. We will update you as soon as we can about this UA. Our apologies for all inconvenience this causes.


Urgent Call by SCE remains the same and can be used instead.: http://scenews.blog.com/3727588/

Please also note Bahman’s last name has been corrected from Soleimanian to Salimian. European Union already had issued a demand using the inaccuate last name of Soleimanian that SCE used instead od Salimian: http://scenews.blog.com/3762514/

Iranian children right activist’s life is in danger

SCE: Following is a new urgent action call by Amnesty about Emadeddin Baghi, the Iranian human and children rights activist who is currently imprisoned in Iran. 

In July 2007, Mr. Baghi published the first comprehensive report about child executions in Iran. It was after Mr. Baghi’s report that the recorded number of the children facing execution rose drastically. Shortly after the report Mr. Baghi was sentenced to 3 years imprisonment with the alleged charges of  “assembly” and “conspiracy for crimes against country’s security” and  “propaganda against regime of Islamic Republic of Iran for benefit of foreign and opposition forces”.  

Regardless, Mr.  Baghi continued his human rights efforts. He and his wife were also present on the scheduled day of execution of Sina Paymard, the young flute player who was scheduled to be taken to the execution pole for the second time but was saved in July 2007 by mediations and offering blood money to the family of the alleged victim. SCE issued its first urgent call in October 2007. Mr. Baghi maintains a website at www.emadbaghi.com.

AI Index: MDE13/131/2008         
                                   02 September 2008

 Further Information on 130/08 (MDE 13/069/2008, 16 May 2008) Prisoner of conscience/ medical concern

 IRAN    Emadeddin Baghi (m), aged 46, human rights defender

On 9 August, Emadeddin Baghi, journalist and human rights defender, called his wife, Fatemeh Kamali Ahmad Sarahi,

informing her that his transfer from Evin prison to a hospital in Tehran had been authorized by the prison doctor. A few hours later he contacted her again saying that he had actually been transferred to Section 209 of the prison. Section 209 is controlled by the Ministry of Intelligence and houses prisoners in solitary confinement.


Fatemeh Kamali Ahmad Sarahi visited her husband on 18 August. During the visit he appeared weak and complained of breathing difficulties. Emadeddin Baghi informed his wife that he had recently refused to be interrogated by the prison guards whilst being handcuffed and blindfolded. Emadeddin Baghi had received the authorization to be transferred to a hospital in Tehran for treatment for a range of ailments that have emerged since his imprisonment. Fatemeh Kamali Ahmad Sarahi is concerned that her husband is not receiving adequate medical treatment.


On 14 October 2007, Emadeddin Baghi was arrested when he responded to a summons to appear before Branch 14 of the Revolutionary Court in Tehran. He was questioned about his activities as head of an NGO, the Association for the Defence of Prisoners’ Rights. He was accused of “publishing secret government documents”. Court officials set bail at 500 million Rials (approx. US$54,000). While his family were in the process of delivering the money, they were told that instead of being released on bail, he must serve a suspended sentence of one year’s imprisonment, which had been imposed after an unfair trial in 2003, during which he had no access to a lawyer. The court authorities revoked the bail, and Emaddedin Baghi was immediately returned to prison. Despite several periods of medical leave, Emadeddin Baghi continues to serve this one year sentence.


Since this time Emadeddin Baghi has faced politically motivated harassment whether by way of interrogation by Ministry of Intelligence officials or the opening of new ‘criminal’ investigations against him, some while he has been detained. These have included judicial protests to his acquittal of ‘national security’ related charges in one case, and interrogation concerning interviews in which he has highlighted human rights issues both in May 2008. He has faced interrogation in connection with his work with the Association for the Defence of Prisoners’ Rights, though it is not known whether this will be a continuation of existing cases or the start of new one.


Emadeddin Baghi is a prisoner of conscience, held solely for peacefully exercising his right to freedom of expression and for his human rights work.


Since December 2007, Emadeddin Baghi has suffered three seizures, the most recent on 7 May. In January and May 2008 he was granted temporary periods of medical leave, in part in response to national and international appeals. His family, lawyers and medical experts have noted that he has not been cured and doctors insisted that he should recover in a calm, quiet environment with no stressful conditions or situations.


Iranian legislation severely restricts freedom of expression and association, and human rights defenders often face harassment, imprisonment and torture. The Iranian Constitution protects freedom of expression and belief: Article 23 states that “The investigation of individuals’ beliefs is forbidden” and that “No one may be molested or taken to task simply for holding a certain belief.” Article 24 provides for freedom of expression in press and publications. Iran is a state party to international human rights treaties that enshrine these rights, notably the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.


The Penal Code contains a number of vaguely worded provisions relating to association and “national security” which prohibit a range of activities, many of them connected with journalism or public discourse, which are permitted under international human rights law. Human rights defenders are often imprisoned on politically motivated criminal charges. Many are subject to travel bans that prevent them from leaving the country.


RECOMMENDED ACTION: Please send appeals to arrive as quickly as possible, in Persian, Arabic, English, French or your own language:

– expressing concern that Emadeddin Baghi is not receiving adequate medical treatment;

– urging the authorities to grant him access to the medical treatment that he needs;

– calling on them to release Emadeddin Baghi immediately and unconditionally, as he is a prisoner of conscience, held solely for the peaceful exercise of his right to freedom of expression.


Leader of the Islamic Republic

His Excellency Ayatollah Sayed ‘Ali Khamenei

The Office of the Supreme Leader, Islamic Republic Street – Shahid Keshvar Doust Street

Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran

Email:                    info@leader.ir

Salutation:          Your Excellency


Head of the Judiciary

His Excellency Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi

Howzeh Riyasat-e Qoveh Qazaiyeh / Office of the Head of the Judiciary

Pasteur St., Vali Asr Ave., south of Serah-e Jomhouri, Tehran 1316814737, Islamic Republic of Iran

Email:                    info@dadgostary-tehran.ir (In the subject line write: FAO Ayatollah Shahroudi)

Salutation:          Your Excellency




His Excellency Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

The Presidency, Palestine Avenue, Azerbaijan Intersection

Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran

Fax:                        + 98 21 6 649 5880

Email:                    dr-ahmadinejad@president.ir

via website: http://www.president.ir/email/


and to diplomatic representatives of Iran accredited to your country.

PLEASE SEND APPEALS IMMEDIATELY. Check with the International Secretariat, or your section office, if sending appeals after 14 October.