Tag Archives: urgent actions

Ibrahim Goudarzvand Chegini’s open letter and plea for life


“Open letter of Ebrahim Goudarzvand Chegini, a juvenile convicted for execution”
Herana News: My name is Ebrahim Goudarzvand Chegini, son of Mansour, and I am in prison for 7 years now for the crime of killing.

At age 16, I was joking with my friend and suddenly the knife struck his chest. My friend’s name was Vali-ollah Pirmard-vand Chegini, and we were neighbors for 12 years. I was always at his house and some days we went fishing. We wold give the fish to his mother and she would give us grapes by cutting them down from the tree in their yard. His mother liked me very much. Valiollah and I were going to school together and were always playing in the back lane . One day, I saw Valiollah was fighting with another boy, I went forward to stop their fight, and that’s when the incident happened. I told him “don’t  fight, let’s go home” , he said “I am not coming and who are you to order me around?” I said, “I am your friend and if you are not coming I will knife you”, and of course I was joking. He said “you cannot do it”  and I struck him jokingly and unfortunately he passed away. I am very regretful, for a childish mistake I made and lost one of my best friend, and since I am in prison I did not make any friends purposely  because Valiollah is always on my mind. I plead to the deceased family to forgive me for the sake of my frail old parents. My father is a simple worker and now I have to be bring bread to them but I am in prison. I hope that they forgive me and I promise when I am out of the jail that I will make up to them. I consider them as my parents, as I remember when I was a kid, Valiollah’s mother put my head and Valiollah’s head on her lap as she would caress our hair. I was like a son to her. ”

For more information and how to take action please visit: http://scenews.blog.com/5153849/

نامه سرگشاده ابراهیم گودرزوند چگینی ، نوجوان محکوم به اعدام

خبرگزاری هرانا : اینجانب ابراهیم گودرزوند چگینی ف=D 8زند منصور به جرم قتل الان 7 سال است که در زندان هستم . در سن 16 سالگی با رفیقم شوخی کردم و یکدفعه چاقو به سینه اش خورد.
اسم رفیقم ولی الله پیرمردوند چگینی بود که با هم 12 سال همسایه بودیم. همیشه من خانه شان بودم و بعضی از روزها که با هم به ماهیگیری می رفتیم ماهی ها را به مادرش می دادیم و مادرش هم از درخت حیاطشان به من انگور می داد. مادرش من را خیلی دوست داشت. ما هر روز با هم به مدرسه می رفتDBم و همیشه با هم  در کوچه بازی می کردیم. تا اینکه آن روز ولی الله را دیدم که با یک نفر دعوا می کند. من رفتم که آنها را از هم جدا کنم و این ماجرا پیش آمد که من به او گفتم دعوا نکن  بیا به خانه برویم ولی او گفت نمی آیم مگر تو چه کار هستی؟ گفتم: من دوست تو هستم اگر نیایی با چاقو می زنم که البته به شوخی گفتم. و او گفت: نمی توانی بزنی و من هم به شوخی چاقو را زدم که متاسفانه فوت کرد.
من الآن خیلی D9شیمانم. به خاطر بچگی اشتباه کردم و یکی از دوستان خوبم را از دست دادم و حتی الآن که در زندان هستم با کسی رفاقت نکردم چون همیشه به یاد او بودم.
از اولیای دم خواهش می کنم به خاطر رضای خدا و به خاطر مادر و پدر پیری که دارم من را ببخشند. چون پدرم یک کارگر ساده است و من باید الآن نان آور خانه باشم اما در زندان هستم.
امیدوارم که آنها من را ببخشند و قول می دهم وقتی که از زندان آزاد شدم برای B Eدر و مادر ولی الله جبران کنم.چون من آنها را مانند پدر و مادر خودم می دانم همان طور که زمانی که بچه بودیم، مادر ولی الله سر من و ولی الله را روی پایش می گذاشت و نوازش می کرد و من برایش مانند پسرش بودم.

Mohammadreza Haddadi is in imminent danger of being executed in 48 hours.

Although his lawyer Mr. Mohammad Mostafaei has not receive official notice of the execution date, he was informed by Mohammadreza’s father that he is scheduled to be executed on Wednesday May 27th at Adelabad prison in Shiraz where he has been imprisoned for the last 4 years.

Eighteen year old Mohammdreza Haddadi was sentenced to death by hanging for an alleged murder at the age of 15. His appeal was denied by the superior court and the file was sent to the division of enforcement of verdicts for final execution permit by Ayatollah Shahrudi, the head of Iran’s judiciary.

Mohammad Reza Haddadi, aged 18, is held in Adelabad prison in the city of Shiraz. He was sentenced to death in January 2004 by a court in Kazeroun for the murder of a man in 2003. He had confessed to the murder, but retracted the confession during his trial, saying he had claimed responsibility for the killing because his two co-defendants had offered his family money if he did so. Mohammad Reza Haddadi stated during the trial that he had not taken part in murder of a man who had offered him and the two others a lift in his car. The two others later supported Mohammad Reza Haddadi’s claims of innocence, and withdrew their testimony that implicated him in the murder. His co-defendants, both over 18 at the time of the crime, are said to have received lesser sentences. However, in July 2005, a branch of the Supreme Court upheld the death sentence against Mohammad Reza Haddadi and later authorized by Ayatollah Shahroudi, the Head of Iran’s Judiciary.


Mohammad Reza’s execution order was reported for the first time by Stop Child Executions Campaign in January 12, 2008 . At the time no details were available until the new attorney Mohammad Mostafaei met Mohammadreza in Shiraz prison in the first week of February 2008. Subsequent to the initial report by SCE, the president of the European Union on behlaf of 42 countries listed Mohammadreza’s name in its letter to Iranian authorities condemning the execution order. (Januray 25, 2008). 

In a recent letter to Shahrudi, Mohammad Mostafaei detailed the incident and the flaws in the judicial processing of the case. According to the testimony of Karim Haddadi :

“ Mohammadreza Haddadi was accompanied by 3 adults: Mohammad Ghorbani, Karim Haaddai and his cousin Taghi Haddadi. They asked an old man to drive them to neighboring city and along the way when the driver stopped to fill the car radiator with water, Taghi Haddadi hit the driver in the head with a rock. According to Taghi they all beat the driver and dragged his body to the trunk of the car and drove away. According to the testimony, when they heard that the man was still alive, Taghi stoped the car and Mehdi hit the man with a piece of wood in the head. Karim testified that Taghi and 15 year old Mohammadreza strangled the man.  Then they burned the body and buried it. After the arrest, Mohammadreza confess to murdering the man. 

Following one of the court sessions he asked his mother if she had received a substantial amount of money promised to him by the three other men in return for his confession. After finding out that no money was given to his mother, he stated that he was lead to confession by the adults and  had nothing to do with the crime..

Regardless the court decided that  Mohammadreza was guilty of murder. He was sentenced to death while the three adults were sentenced to long imprisonments. 

Despite the fact that the other men later testified that Mohammadreza was innocent of the crime, his appeal was still denied and the execution order was confirmed . Th file was sent to division of enforcement of verdicts. The file incorrectly showed Mohammad’s age at the time of murder as 19 instead of 15.  In his letter, Mostafaei asked Shahrudi to order further review of the file based on the retracted testimony of others.

Mohammadreza Haddadi was scheduled to be executed on October 9th 2008, but his execution was stayed by Ayatollah  Shahrudi.

Considering Mohammad Reza’s age at the time, it was highly unlikely that the murder was planned and executed by the 15 year old instead of the other adults involved in the crime.. It is likely that Mohammad was “influenced” and taken advantage of by the adults, due to his immaturity in confessing to the crime in hopes of that due to his young age, the verdict would be more lenient.

Stop Child Executions Campaign recognizes the right and responsibility of governments to bring to justice those suspected of criminal offenses, but is opposed to the death penalty in all circumstances especially for those person guilty of crimes committed before the age of 18.

SCE has informed the High Commission on Human Rights at the United Nations and other international bodies.

For read more about Mohammad Reza visit: http://scenews.blog.com/Mohammadreza%20Haddadi/


Please  send urgent appeals

– calling on the authorities to commute his death sentence, as he is facing execution for a crime committed when he was under 18 which in accordance with Iran’s obligations as a state party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, is against international human rights law.


Head of the Judiciary

Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi

c/o Director, Judiciary Public Relations and Information Office

Ardeshir Sadiq

Judiciary Public Relations and Information Office

No. 57, Pasteur St., corner of Khosh Zaban Avenue

Tehran, Iran

Email:                     info@dadiran.ir  (In the subject line write: FAO Ayatollah Shahroudi)

Salutation:           Your Excellency


Judiciary spokesperson

Alireza Jamshidi

Howzeh Riyasat-e Qoveh Qazaiyeh / Office of the Head of the Judiciary

Pasteur St, Vali Asr Ave., south of Serah-e Jomhuri

Tehran 1316814737, Iran

Email:                    info@a-jamshidi.ir

Salutation:           Dear Sir


Leader of the Islamic Republic

Ayatollah Sayed ‘Ali Khamenei, The Office of the Supreme Leader

Islamic Republic Street – End of Shahid Keshvar Doust Street, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran

Email:                     info_leader@leader.ir

via website: http://www.leader.ir/langs/en/index.php?p=letter (English)

http://www.leader.ir/langs/fa/index.php?p=letter (Persian)

Salutation:                           Your Excellency       




Director, Human Rights Headquarters of Iran

Mohammad Javad Larijani

Howzeh Riyasat-e Qoveh Qazaiyeh / Office of the Head of the Judiciary

Pasteur St, Vali Asr Ave., south of Serah-e Jomhuri

Tehran 1316814737, Iran

Fax:                         +98 21 3390 4986 (please keep trying)

Email:                    info@dadgostary-tehran.ir (In the subject line write: FAO Javad Larijani)

Salutation:          Dear Mr Larijani

and to diplomatic representatives of Iran accredited to your country.

URGENT: Delara Darabi scheduled to be executed in 4 days!!!

FAX : (00982133904986

(If you are dialing from North America, you would dial 011 98 21 3390 4986)

Your Excellency Ayatollah Shahroudi,

Delara Darabi, the young artist who has been in Rasht prison for the last 6 years in Iran, is at risk of execution. I understand that her lawyer  Abdolsamad Khoramshai has been informed that her execution is scheduled in the next few days.  He  is convinced that if she were to be given a new trial whereby they could re-enact the scene of thecrime, it would be easily proven that Delara is innocent of the alleged murder she was convicted of.

Khoramshahi has said many times that he has new evidence including  the crime being committed by a right handed person whereas Delara is left-handed. Many attempts have been made by human rights groups and celebrities to try and get a pardon from the victim’s family, however they have said that they want her execution to be carried out.

Please keep in mind that Iran is a state party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), which prohibit the use of the death penalty against people convicted of crimes committed when they were under 18.

In the indicated circumstances, I’d request that she not be executed and be granted a new trial.

Thank you,

(Your name)

رضا حجازی به اتهام ارتکاب جرم در 15 سالگی ,فردا اعدام می شود

محمد مصطفایی

ساعت 9 شب مورخ ۲۸/5/1387 ( امشب) در پی تماس تلفنی از پدر رضا حجازی شنیدم که قرار است فردا ساعت 4 صبح رضا حجازی اعدام گردد اجرای حکم قصاص نفس این پسر 20 ساله در حالی صورت می گیرد که تاکنون هیچگونه ابلاغی جهت اجرای حکم به اینجانب به عنوان وکیل رضا نشده است.

پرونده اتهامی سیدرضا حجازی متولد 30/4/1367 حکایت از این دارد که در تاریخ 28/6/1382 در حین نزاع چند نفر با یکدیگر فردی به نام وحید صادقیان چاقو خورده و به بیمارستان سپاهان منتقل و به محض ورود به بیمارستان فوت می نماید پزشکی قانونی علت فوت را بریدگی قلب و عوارض اصابت جسم برنده تعیین می گردد.

در ادامه تحقیقات سید رضا دستگیر و پس از تفهیم اتهام می گوید شب حادثه به اتفاق وحید و ابراهیم برای تفریح رفته بودیم پارک ایثارگران داشتیم بازی می کردیم نمی دانم ابراهیم به مقتول و دوستانش شن پاشید یا برعکس به همین جهت بین آنها دعوا شد دیدم که آنها دو نفر بودند یکی مقتول و یکی دیگر که او را نمی شناسم دارند کتک کاری می کنند من و دهقان رفتیم آنها را جدا کنیم که مرحوم وحید صادقیان با مشت به صورت من کوبید که من هم با چاقویی که همراه داشتم به سینه او زدم و وحید هم چند ضربه از پشت به کتف مقتول زد از طرفی موکل در جلسات مکرر رسیدگی، اذعان داشته که قصد قتل را نداشته است.

شعبه 106 دادگاه عمومی جزایی اصفهان بر اساس شکایت و درخواست اولیاءدم مقتول به استناد بند ب ماده 206 قانون مجازات اسلامی رضا را به قصاص نفس محکوم می کند. با اعتراض موکل نسبت به حکم صادره پرونده به شعبه 28 دیوانعالی کشور مستقر در مشهد ارجاع و قضات شعبه بدون در نظر گرفتن سن موکل و اینکه ایشان می بایست در دادگاه اطفال محاکمه می گردید دادنامه صادره را تایید می نماید.

پرونده موکل جهت اجرای حکم به اجرای احکام ارسال می گردد که دادیار اجرای احکام جهت اعمال ماده 205 قانون مجازات اسلامی مبنی بر استیذان در اجرای حکم، به دفتر ریاست محترم قوه قضاییه ارجاع که بازرسان ویژه ریاست محترم قوه قضاییه با گرفتن ایراداتی شکلی از جمله دعوت از اولیاء دم جهت برقرای صلح و سازش به اجرای احکام ارسال می نماید.

در صورتیکه اولیاء دم از قصاص گذشت ننمایند احتمال دارد که با موافقت ریاست محترم قوه قضاییه ، حکم صادره اجرا خواهد شد.

اجرای حکم اعدام رضا حجازی در حالی است که طبق ماده 37 کنوانسیون حقوق کودک و بند 6 ماده 5 میثاق بین المللی حقوق مدنی و سیاسی، که به تصویب کشورمان نیز رسیده و لازم الاتباع می باشد اعدام افرادی که در زمان ارتکاب جرم سنشان زیر 18 سال می باشد ممنوع است.

English: http://scenews.blog.com/3548441/