Tag Archives: nazanin afshin-jam

URGENT ACTION: Iranian child's deadline ends, faces imminent execution.

Another Iranian child is facing imminent execution starting today.  Behnam Zare is convicted of an alleged murder committed when he was 15 years old. He has been imprisoned in the Adelabad prison of the Iranian central city of Shiraz ever since and has recently turned 18.

10 days ago he was given an ultimatum by the Iranian judiciary to obtain pardon of the family of the deceased by today or face execution. However the family has not issued a pardon and Behnam’s deadline is now over and can be executed as early as tomorrow.

In a letter sent to Nazanin Afshin-Jam today, Behnam’s attorney, Mohammad Mostafaei asked for an urgent action by all the world authorities and individuals before it is too late.

Behnam is the 76th child on the execution row in Iran.

Your urgent action is needed. How you can help:  https://www.stopchildexecutions.com/how-you-can-help.aspx

نامه های یک پدر به نازنین افشین جم, آیت الله شاهرودی و مجلس شوراي اسلامي ايران

Letters of father of Mohammad Latif (sentenced to death at 14) to Nazanin Afshin-Jam, Head of Iran’s judiciary and Iran’s parliament  

سرکارخانم نازنین افشین جم



با سلام واحترام         

              به اطلاع ميرساند  ديوانعالی کشور جمهوری اسلامی ايران حکم اعدام فرزندنوجوان 14 ساله ام را تأييد کرد واين در حالی است که کميسيون عالی پزشکی قانونی کشور اعلام نموده است .طفل مورد نظر در زمان وقوع حادثه رشد عقلانی نداشته است (عدم بلوغ عقل وفکر وذهن ) ودراستفتاءبعمل آمده از 2 نفر از مراجع عالی قدر هرکدام بدين شرح اعلام نظر نموده اند  (حضرت آيت الله بهجت ) درصورتيكه بلوغ شرعي مشكوك باشد كيفر ندارد 2- (حضرت آيت الله مكارم شيرازي ) درقصاص نيز رشد عقلاني لازم است

دراين رابطه مکاتبات عديده ايي با دفتر رهبری ورياست قوه قضائيه ورياست مجلس  ورياست جمهوری وکميسيون های مختلف مجلس انجام داده ام وسعی شده موضوع اطلاع رسانی کاملی صورت پذيرد .

ومتأسفانه تاکنون هيچگونه اقدام وحرکتی از سوی مقامات صورت نپذيرفته است وفرزندم منتظر اجرای يک حکم غير اسلامی وغير شرعی ميباشد .لذا به پيوست کليه مدارک مورد استناد اينجانب که موضوع را اثبات مينمايد ،تقديم ميدارم وبه شما وکالت ميدهم جهت رسانيدن پيام اين بی عدالتی به نام اسلام که تاحتی مورد تأييد وپذيرش اسلام شناسان مورد اتکای حکومت نيز نمی باشد ،تمام سعی وتلاش بی دريغ خود را مبذول بفرماييد ،واينجانب ازرجوع اين درخواست به شما خوش بينم .

سرکارخانم ازآنجائيکه فوت وقت موجب اجرای اين حکم خواهد شد (فرزندم درحال حاضر 17سال و9 ماه سن دارد ودرزمان وقع حادثه 14 سال و11 ماه و23 روز سن داشته است )ملتمسانه درخواست دارم به هرشکل ممکن موضوع را تا حصول نتيجه پيگيری وآنرا امربه ابلاغ بفرماييد .

محمود لطيف



 سم الله الرحمن الرحي

محضر مبارك حضرت آيت الله شاهرودي
رياست محترم قوه قضائيه جمهوري اسلامي ايران
با سلام واحترام
             به اطلاع ميرساند فرزندم محمد لطيف دانش آموز سال اول دبيرستان باقرالعلوم (ع)ساوه در تاريخ 7/8/1383 هنگام خروج از مدرسه مورد حمله واقع شده ودر كشاكش خروج سلاح از دست مهاجم ،ايشان كه  هجده ساله بود به رحمت خدا مي رود . اينجانب نيز با اعتقاد راسخي كه به سيستم قضائي مملكتم داشتم ،فرزندم  را كه مدتي به دليل ترس ازخانواده به حرم آقا علي ابن موسي رضا (ع) پناهنده شده بود را تسليم مقامات قضايي نمودم واز دادستان وقت شهرستان تقاضاي رعايت سن ووضعيت جسمي ايشان را نمودم .وايشان با رؤيت شناسنامه فرزندم وتاريخ تولد ايشان 13/8/1368 كه درتاريخ وقوع حادثه 14 سال و11 ماه و23 روز سن داشت اعلام داشتن ايشان بالغ است وهمانند يك بزرگسال باايشان برخورد خواهد شد وازآنجائيكه حقير به موضوع اعتراض نمودم وتأكيدات حضرتعالي در خصوص برخورد با نوجوانان را متذكر شدم ،ايشان با عنوان اينكه به خدا قسم ترتيب اعدام ايشان را خواهم داد ،اگر من وامثال من نباشيم با افكار آقاي شاهرودي فاتحه قوه قضائيه خوانده است ،ايشان براي خودشان اين مسائل را عنوان نموده اند ،ما يك عده هستيم كه به روش خودمان عمل مي نمائيم ،من تاكنون پاي چوبه دار 150 نفر ايستاده ام ومطمئن باش كه فرزندت را اعدام خواهم كرد و…و در زماني نامشخص فرزندم را به پزشكي قانوني شهرستان معرفي وبدون هرگونه آزمايشي با ليني ويا آزمايشگاهي همه علائم بلوغ را درپرونده مظبوط نمودن وازآنجائيكه نظرشان قطعي ومسلم نميبا شد ،نظريه پزشكي قانوني مركز را لازم ديدن واين كار 14 ماه بعد اتفاق افتاد وپس از گرفتن عكسهاي راديولوژي ومعاينه دندانپزشكي ومعاينات متعدد ومصاحبه بدين شرح اعلام نظر نمودن در6/8/83 حداقل برخي از علائم بلوغ جسم آغاز شده بودند ولي نامبرده از لحاظ عقلاني وفكري وذهني بالغ نمي باشد .واين نظريه مورد اعتراض اولياء دم واقع شد وجهت اخذ نظريه كميسيون عالي به اداره كميسيونهاي پزشكي قانوني تهران اعزام شد واين بار اعلام داشتن از صاحب عكس الصاقي معاينه روانپزشكي انجام شد .رشد عقلاني نامبرده درزمان وقوع حادثه براي اين كميسيون محرز نشد .ودرنهايت قاضي محترم پرونده (رياست شعبه 4 حقوقي ساوه )كه خود را هم خط فكري دادستان مخلوع ميدانست ،با اعلام اينكه عدم رشد عقلاني رافع مسؤليت كيفري نميباشد .حكم به قصاص صادر نمودن.
ودراين راستا حقير از مراجع عالي قدراستفتاءنمودم وآقايان درپاسخ اعلام نمودن  -(حضرت آيت الله بهجت ) درصورتيكه بلوغ شرعي مشكوك باشد كيفر ندارد 2- (حضرت آيت الله مكارم شيرازي )    درقصاص نيز رشد عقلاني لازم است .
واين موضوع را طي نامه ايي تقديم رياست محترم شعبه 42 ديوانعالي كشور كردم وايشان نيز با قرائت انشاي حكم دادگاه بدوي كه تمامأ با جهت گيري وداخل نمودن موضوعات غير مربوط به پرونده بود .متأسفانه رأي به تأييد حكم صادره نموده اند . لذا از محضر آن مجتهد والامقام درخواست مينمايم جهت جلوگيري از قرباني نمودن فرزندم      1- دستور به توقف اجراي حكم صادر بفرمايند .2- با احضار پرونده صدق عرايضم را بررسي فرمايند 3- باعنايت به موارد يادشده دستوربه نقص وبررسي مجدد صادربفرمايند .                                                                              
اجرکم عندالله
محمود لطيف    9/5/86 


ه نام خدا

محضر مبارك کليه نمايندگان محترم مردم درمجلس شوراي اسلامي ايران

با سلام واحترام

              به پيوست نامه مورخه 9/5/86 ارسالي محضر حضرت آيت الله شاهرودي رياست محترم قوه قضائيه را تقديم مينمايم وازکليه نمايندگان محترم عاجزانه درخواست مينمايم  .

1-    موضوع از رياست محترم قوه قضائيه خواسته شود .

2-    با توجه به اتمام كار لايحه جرايم اطفال ونوجوانان دركميسيون حقوقي وقضايي مجلس ،اين لايحه به جهت نجات جان يك نوجوان سريعأ جهت رأي گيري به صحن مجلس آورده شود .

3-    اين نامه وضمائم آن به رويت کليه نمايندگان محترم رسانيده شود .

لاحول ولا قوة الابالله

Nazanin talks to mothers of Delara Darabi and Reza Alinejad

Nazanin Afshin-Jam spoke with Reza Alinejad’s mother this morning who informed her that Reza’s file had been sent to Tehran and that decisions were being made. With the lawyers that are helping him in Iran and the support from the International communtiy, they are hoping for a positive outcome. Reza mother’s reported that her son is happier since having moved to a different cell in prison. He is a more comfortable with the new inmates that he has come into contact with and says there are not the same amount of fights that used to take place in his old division.
Nazanin Afshin-Jam also spoke with Delara Darabi’s mother this morning who said that Delara’s file seems to be stagnant and they have no idea what is taking place or what will take place. Mrs. Darabi admitted that although Delara seems to be happier with the environment of her new prison cell, she is still not doing very well, because “prison is prison afterall”. Her family tries to continue  to bring  hope to Delara.

Another Child facing execution in Iran

Yesterday Nazanin Afshin-Jam received an email from Mr. Mahmoud Latif asking if she could help bring worldwide attention to the injustice to his son Mohammad Latif who was sentenced to death at age 14 for defending himself from an 18 year old boy named Mansour Kayaee.

The news came as another surprise because Mohammad was not on SCE’s list of children facing execution. According to his father, Mohammad was 14 years 11 month and 23 days old when he was attacked by Mansour and accidentally killed the assailant while trying to take the knife away from him. His father is extremely worried about Mohammad who is now 17 years and 9 months, which could mean that they could execute him in three months when he turns 18 years old.
Mr. Latif has written to the head of Judiciary Ayatollah Shahroudi, the Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and the head of the Majles (Iranian Parliament) asking for help, however he has not received any replies.
The Supreme Court has confirmed the conviction saying that it was an intentional act. In his letters Mohammad’s father has stated that even according to Islamic Sharia laws of Iran Mohammad was not at the legal age of puberty (15 for boys).
Through official papers, The Ministry of Health confirmed that at the time of incident,  Mohammad was not mentally considered an adult. Mr. Latif also has written confirmation from two Ayatollahs, Behjat and Makarem Shirazi, that if there was any doubt on the maturity of the convicted, they could not carry out the execution.
A separate examination was conducted a year after the incident which says that Mohammad was an adult because he was past the age of puberty and had hair on his body.
Nazanin Afshin-Jam spoke to Mr. Latif this morning, where he pleads with the international community to help save his son from execution.  He said that his son has already spent three years in prison. When Mohammad was first admitted to prison, his father described him as a healthy boy. After spending 10 months in an adult prison in Arak, he was moved to a prison in Saveh with more juvenile offenders. He now describes his son as having lost weight, weak, problems with his vision and very nervous psychologically.

Nazanin Afshin-Jam immediately contacted attorney Mr. Mostafaei to see if there was anything he or his legal team could do to help Mohammad. Mr. Mostafaei spoke with Mr. Latif and will be visiting Mohammad tomorrow in jail and take a look at his file and see if there is anything he can do to assist Mohammad’s current lawyer.

Nazanin also sent the documents and the information about Mohammad to Amnesty International. 

Stop Child Executions campaign urges you to take part in helping young Mohammad and the 73 other minors who are on death row in Iran. Please click on “how you can help”  to learn more about how you can take action.

Nazanin Afshin-Jam upcoming interviews, speeches .

Nazanin Afshin-Jam will be taking the message of Stop Child Executions Campaign From Canada to US and then to the German Parliament:  

8/16/2007 08:00 PM – Save Darfur Event   , Montreal, QC, -  Canada

8/20/2007 08:00 PM - RADIO: WLTJ and WSHH  , Pittsburgh, PA, – USA

8/21/2007 08:00 PM - RADIO: WDOK and McVay Media  , Cleveland, OH, – USA 

8/22/2007 08:00 PM - RADIO: WRVF and WNIC   Toledo, OH & Detroit, MI, -  USA

8/23/2007 08:00 PM - RADIO: WCRZ and WFMK  , Flint, MI , st Lansing, MI, – USA

8/24/2007 08:00 PM – RADIO: WLHT and WOOD  – , Grand Rapids, MI, – USA

9/02/2007 08:00 PM – Downsview Park – Family Channel , Toronto, ON, – Canada

9/19/2007 08:00 PM – German Parliment Conference  ,  Berlin,  GERMANY

Nazanin Afshin-Jam will speak in Montreal

Nazanin Afshin-Jam will be a co-speaker at a conference on Darfur to be held in Montreal, Canada.

The Institute for Public Affairs of Montreal in conjunction with The Suburban newspapers and the Dym Family Foundation will be holding its 11th Policy Conference. It will be called DARFUR: THE MONTREAL CONFERENCE and will be held at the Delta Downtown at 777 University in Regency Hall C. It will run from 1-4 p.m. and will be followed by a  concert by Miss World Canada Nazanin Afshin-Jam from 4:30  to 6 p.m. Nazanin Afshin-Jam will not only perform songs from her new CD Someday, whose title track is a plea for the freedom of the people of Iran, but will speak on how to rally civil society internationally as she did in saving the life of Nazanin Fatehi in Iran and her latest efforts to stop child executions worldwide. 

The Conference has a two-fold purpose. First, to heighten public awareness of this tragedy and consider what greater role Canada can play from the military, legal, diplomatic and civil society aspects. Second, to raise funding for Save Darfur Canada. It is the umbrella organization that has brought together all Darfur advocacy groups in the country. SDC reports directly to the international Save Darfur organization in Washington, D.C. run by David Rubinstein. The executive director in Canada is Tara Tavender who will be one of the speakers. Confirmed speakers include Hillel Neuer, executive director of UN Watch in Geneva who will talk on the diplomatic failures and initiatives needed. Gen. Lewis MacKenzie is coming in from Ottawa and will deal with the military priorities based on his experience as commander of UN peacekeepers in the Balkans. Prof. Payam Akhavan, international law professor at McGill, former senior advisor to the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court and founder of the Iran Human Rights Documentation Center at Yale, will speak on legal issues including the recent ICC Court indictments brought down on Darfur. Simon Deng of New York, a black Christian from the south of Sudan, will share his experiences of being sold into slavery into the Muslim north. Simon now works with I Abolish.org, the Boston-based international anti-slavery organization. Finally, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, author of Infidel, will give an address by teleconference from Washington, D.C. arranged with the help of former CIA director R. James Woolsey, who keynoted the Institute’s third conference.

To reserve a seat please call 514-875-4884 or e-mail to info@iapm.ca.

For more information visit: TheSuburban.com

Nazanin Afshin-Jam sends urgent letter to Yemen's President & officials

August 3rd 2007

To your Excellency General Ali ´Abdullah Saleh,
On behalf of the Stop Child Executions campaign (www.stopchildexecutions.com ), I would like to voice my concern for Yemen citizen Hafez Ibrahim who is in imminent risk of execution despite Yemen being state party to the ICCPR and CRC.
Article 6.5 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) declares:
“Sentence of death shall not be imposed for crimes committed by persons below eighteen years of age”.
Article 37(a) of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) provides that:
“Neither capital punishment nor life imprisonment without possibility of release shall be imposed for offences committed by persons below eighteen years of age”.
Hafez Ibrahim was sentenced to death in 2005 for a murder he allegedly committed when he was 16. His death sentence was ratified by the President and was reportedly scheduled to be carried out on 6 April 2005.
However the former Minister of Human Rights had told Amnesty International that after this UA was issued on 5 April 2005, she appealed personally to you to stay the execution. She also said that Hafez Ibrahim’s age was disputed. She undertook to seek commutation of the death sentence, by obtaining a pardon from the family of the murder victim. On 7 April 2005 you stayed Hafez Ibrahim’s execution to allow time for an agreement to be reached in the case.
Relatives of the victim have reportedly refused to pardon Hafez Ibrahim, and in July 2007 the Supreme Court upheld the death sentence against Hafez.
 As a concerned global citizena and human rights activist, I urge you to prevent the execution of Hafez Ibrahim and prevent any further application of such penalties against child offenders.
Nazanin Afshin-Jam
Co-founder of Stop Child Executions Campaign


His Excellency Abdullah al-Ulufi 
Attorney General of Yemen

His Execellency Dr. Abdulla Abdulwali Nasher
Ambassador of Yemen in Canada

Nazanin Fatehi 's nightmares












Photo Courtesy: Nader Davoodi

In a phone conversation with Nazanin Afshin-Jam,  Nazanin Fatehi said that she is now attending school. Nazanin only has elementary school education because she had to help her parents with raising other children while they both had to work to support.

Nazanin said that her grandmother and that her mother is also suffering from much swellings on her feet and ankles. Her father was also hospitalized for a surgery, therefore they have much financial hardship. 

Nazanin said that she has been having hard time sleeping at nights and she often stays awake the whole night because she feels frightened, as if someone is following her.

Obviously an attempted rape which resulted in murder followed by 3 years of imprisonment while waiting to be executed at a young age has had substantial emotional toll on Nazanin.

For more information about Nazanin Fatehi visit: https://www.stopchildexecutions.com/Freed_Prisoners.aspx