Tag Archives: nazanin afshin-jam

One Nazanin calling another on Iranian new year

Today on the first day of the Iranian news year, Nazanin Afshin-Jam spoke with Nazanin Fatehi and reported Nazanin to sound “extremely happy”. Nazanin Fatehi has registered at school and will start school after the Norooz, Iranian New Year Holidays. Her attorney, Mohmmad Mostafaei visited her and provided her with household items including a telephone and television for her new house. She sounded very much adjusted and happy to have her new found freedom. She said that sometimes her old inmates phone her and ask her what freedom feels like and want her to explain everything that is going on for the Persian New Year. They really miss her.

Nazanin said that she was told by Mr. Mostafi about Shadi Sadr’s imprisonment and she was very sad and concerned for Shadi. Nazanin Afshin-Jam gave her the news of Shadi Sadr’s release on bail and Nazanin Fatehi was very happy to hear that. (Both Nazanin Fatehi and her attorney Shadi Sadr have now experienced imprisonment and solitary confinment in the same prison (EVIN) and they both are free on bail!)

When asked about her her experiences in prison, Nazanin revealed that it was an extremely hard time for her in prison. She said most of the women were really nervous and stressed all the time. Most of them had lost hope and
were waiting to die. She said that when she first received the news of her execution she became out of control and broke a lamp in her prison. For this she was sent to solitary confinement for months. She said that while she was
in solitary confinement sometimes the guards would check up on her as the prisoners were supposed to be asleep by 10pm. Whenever they saw that Nazanin was still awake, the next morning they would take her to “hefazat”
(protection division) and they would beat her, sometimes with electric chains. She still has marks from this brutality. When she was in solitary confinement she said it was very cold and she had to sleep on the ground
sometimes with no blanket and so now she has back problems.

When Nazanin she was released from prison she had visited the law offices of Mr. Mostafaei and Shadi Sadr and she is now excited of the prospect of one day becoming a lawyer and fighting injustice. “With the strength and hope in her voice I believe it could happen.” Nazanin fshin-Jam said.

Thanks to joint efforts of so many people worldwide, this is the first time in a few years that Nazanin Fatehi spends the Iranian new year (first day of spring) with her family. Nazanin Afshin-Jam and Stop Child Execution Campaign wish a happy and healthy Iranian New Year to Nazanin Fatehi and her family.

Nazanin promotes Stop Child Execution Campaign in Media

While on a music media tour, Nazanin Afshin-Jam is taking the opportunity to address the plight of Iranian teenagers facing execution and the launch of the Stop Child Executions Campaign. In her interviews she is encouraging the audience to sign the petition and take action .
You can read, hear, or view about her promotion of Stop Child Execution Campaign here:

March 11th

5:10 – 5:40pm – Live interview on KPFK’s “Cosmic Bario” with Derek Rath. Derek will also be interviewing her for NPR on Tuesday.
6:30 – 7:00pm – Live interview on KLSX’s “Industry Night” with Dave Adelson, Roy Trakin (editor of Hits Magazine) and guest host Barney Hoskyns (big british freelance journo)

MARCH 12th (Los Angeles)

9:00-9:30am – X Radio Networks
10:00-12:30am – LA TV (2 million viewers)
1:00-2:30pm – LA Confidential magazine interview

MARCH 13TH (Los Angeles)

11:00-12:00pm – Westwood One
12:30-1:30pm – NPR Day to Day (US national Radio program) 2:00-3:00pm – Reuter’s/Daily Variety

MARCH 15TH (New York)

10:15-10:35am – Maxim Radio
10:45-11:00am – Catholic Radio – “Everyday Heroes”
11:30-12:15pm – Interview with Nicole Elyse writer for Dazed & Confused, NME, Kerrang!, Complex and New York Press
1:00-2:30pm – Billboard Magazine
4:00-4:20pm – Eminem’s Radio Show – Shade 45
9:30-11:00pm – Meet with Dennis Sabayon- writer for Urb, Out, onbeat.com and Club Systems International

MARCH 16th (New York)

8:30- 10:00 Fox News: Hannity and Colmes

Nazanin Contacts UN High Commissioner for Human Rights for Reza & All Minors

In a letter to the Deputy Director of the New York Office of the United Nation High Commissioner for Human Rights, Nazanin Afshin-Jam stated her concern about Reza Alinejad’s imminent sentence of execution which may be carried out within a month. In her letter she urged the United Nations to take immediate action on Reza Alinejad’s case as well as the 24 other minors on death row in Iran. She provided the details of Reza’s case as well as the contact information for Reza’s lawyer in Iran.

Mr. Mokhiber of UN in reply said that he would see to it that the file gets to the appropriate UN human rights mechanisms to take further action.

Canadian Parliament Member Supports SCE Campaign

Canadian Parliament member, Belinda Stronach has extended her support to Stop Child Executions Campaign by signing the petition:

174. Belinda Stronach Canada Member of Parliament for Newmarket-Aurora

Ms. Stronach was also a strong supporter of Campaign that led to freedom of Nazanin Fatehi. She was the largest contributor to the bail money needed to free Nazanin Fatehi ($10,000 USD).

Stop Child Executions Campaign and Nazanin Afshin-Jam greatly appreciatea the continuous support and generosity of Ms. Belinda Stronach (MP).

Canada, Secretary of State supports SCE Petition

In response to Nazanin Afshin-Jam’s call , Jason Kenney the Secretary of State, Canada and his chief of staff, Mr. Tenzin D. Khangsar signed and supported Stop Child Execution petition:
42. Tenzin D. Khangsar Canada Chief of Staff
41. Jason Kenney Canada Secretary of State

SCE Campaign and Nazanin Afshin-Jam very much appreciates the support of Mr, Kenny and Khangsar.