Tag Archives: behnood shojaee

URGENT: Iranian Boy facing imminent execution in 8 days

PUBLIC         – AI Index:  MDE 13/065/2008                

29 April 2008
UA 114/08 – Imminent Execution                
IRAN        Behnoud Shojaee (m), aged 20,

Behnoud Shojaee is facing imminent execution for a murder committed when he was 17 years old, even though Iran is a state party to international treaties including the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), which expressly prohibit the execution of child offenders. The Office for the Implementation of Sentences has scheduled his execution to take place at 5:00 am on 7 May 2008.

On 18 June 2005, Behnoud Shojaee, then aged 17, intervened to stop a fight between his friend Hesam and another boy named Omid in Park-e-Vanak in Tehran. Behnoud Shojaee managed to separate the two boys but Omid swore at him, started a fight and threatened him with a knife. During the fight Behnoud Shojaee picked a shard of glass and stabbed Omid once in the chest, before fleeing the scene.
Behnoud Shojaee was sentenced to qesas (retribution) by Branch 74 of the Criminal Court in Tehran on 2 October 2006. During his trial, Behnoud Shojaee was not afforded legal representation and was therefore made to write a request for re-examination and re-trial of his case himself. According to his lawyer who recently took up his case, Behnoud Shojaee maintained throughout his trial that he only stabbed Omid once even though the coroner’s report stated that the victim died as a result of sustaining several injuries. His claims were never investigated and Behnoud Shojaee’s sentence was nevertheless confirmed by Branch 33 of the Supreme Court on 30 June 2007.

Under Article 206 (b) of Iran’s Criminal Code, murder is classed as premeditated “in cases where the murderer intentionally makes an action which is inherently lethal, even if [the murderer] does not intend to kill the person.”

As a state party to both the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), Iran has undertaken not to execute child offenders, those convicted of crimes committed when they were under 18. However, since 1990 Iran has executed at least 28 child offenders, six of them in 2007. At least 86 child offenders are now on death row in Iran. This number may be even higher as at least a further 15 Afghan child offenders have reportedly been sentenced to death. For more information about executions of child offenders in Iran, please see: Iran: The last executioner of children (MDE 13/059/2007, June 2007), http://web.amnesty.org/library/index/engmde130592007.

Amnesty International opposes the death penalty in all cases, and supports the global trend away from the use of the death penalty, powerfully expressed in the UN General Assembly’s resolution calling for a worldwide moratorium on executions on 18 December 2007.


Please send appeals to arrive as quickly as possible, in Persian, Arabic, English or your own language:

– calling on the authorities to commute the death sentence of Behnoud Shojaee, who is at imminent risk of execution for a crime committed when he was under 18;
– reminding them that Iran is a state party to both the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), which prohibits the use of the death penalty against those under the age of 18 at the time of offence, and that the execution of Behnoud Shojaee would therefore be a violation of international law;
– urging the authorities to pass legislation to abolish the death penalty for offences committed by people under the age of 18, so bringing Iran’s domestic law in line with its obligations under international law;
– stating that Amnesty International acknowledges the right and responsibility of governments to bring to justice those suspected of criminal offences in proceedings that meet international fair trial standards, but unconditionally opposes the death penalty.

Leader of the Islamic Republic
His Excellency Ayatollah Sayed ‘Ali Khamenei
The Office of the Supreme Leader
Islamic Republic Street – Shahid Keshvar Doust Street
Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Email:                 info@leader.ir
Salutation:         Your Excellency

Head of the Judiciary
Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi
Howzeh Riyasat-e Qoveh Qazaiyeh / Office of the Head of the Judiciary
Pasteur St., Vali Asr Ave., south of Serah-e Jomhouri, Tehran 1316814737, Islamic Republic of Iran
Email:                 info@dadgostary-tehran.ir (In the subject line write: FAO Ayatollah Shahroudi)
Salutation:         Your Excellency

His Excellency Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
The Presidency, Palestine Avenue, Azerbaijan Intersection, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Email:                 dr-ahmadinejad@president.ir OR via website: www.president.ir/email

and to diplomatic representatives of Iran accredited to your country.

بهنود شجاعي ده روز دیگر اعدام خواهد شد

 محمد مصطفایی وکیل بهنود شجاعی

بهنود شجاعي كه محكوم است در سن 17 سالگی مرتکب قتل احسان نصرالهی شده در روز چهارشنبه مورخ 18/2/1387 یعنی ده روز دیگر در زندان اوین اعدام خواهد شد متن ذیل نامه ای است که اینجانب به عنوان وکیل محکوم به مرگ به ریاست قوه قضاییه مرقوم نموده ام

به نام خدا
ریاست محترم قوه قضاییه جناب آیت الله شاهرودی
با سلام و عرض ادب،
اینجانب در تاریخ 7/2/1387 به زندان رجایی شهر کرج رفته و وکالت آقای بهنود شجاعی  را که توسط قضات شعبه 74 کیفری استان تهران طی دادنامه شماره 62 مورخ 10/7/1385 محکوم به قصاص نفس شده را پذیرفتم. در تاریخ 8/2/1387 به دایره اجرای احکام دادسرای ناحیه 27 تهران ویژه امور جنایی مراجعه و توانستم پرونده اتهامی موکلم را مطالعه کنم. ضمن آنکه  ایراداتی  و ابهامات بسیاری در اجرای حکم صادره وجود دارد تمام مراحل و تشریفات اجرا طی شده و با استیذان از آن مقام معظم وقت اجرای حکم به تاریخ 18/2/1387
ساعت 5 صبح در محل زندان اوین تعیین شده است.

حال بنا به مراتب ذیل خواستار توقف عملیات اجرایی حکم می باشم تا خدای ناکرده، خون بی گناه بی ناحق ریخته نشود:
1- چون موکلم در زندان بازداشت بوده و دسترسی به امکانات خارج از زندان به خصوص وکیل مدافع نداشت به ناچار تقاضای اعمال ماده 18 قانون تشکیل دادگاههای عمومی و انقلاب خود، مبنی بر رسیدگی مجدد به پرونده و اعاده دادرسی، را در تاریخ 10/5/1387 مرقوم و از همان محل به شعبه 74 دادگاه کیفری استان ارسال می نماید ریاست محترم شعبه در ذیل درخواست موکل دستور می دهند که اعمال ماده 18 اقدام گردد به عبارت دیگر دستور ریاست شعبه حاکی از آن بود که طبق ماده 18 قانون یادشده، پرونده به مرجع ذیصلاح که همان دادستان کل کشور می باشد ارسال شود ولی متاسفانه  به این خواسته قانونی موکل ترتیب اثر داده نشد.اجرای حکم قصاص نفس موکل از این لحاظ که حق وی مبنی بر اعاده دادرسی و درخواست رسیدگی مجدد معلق مانده، جای تردید دارد چه بسا امکان نقض دادنامه صادره از این طریق وجود دارد.
2- در تاریخ 28/5/1384 زمانی که موکل 17 سال بیشتر نداشت به این طریق نزاعی در ونک پارک تهران رخ می دهد که یکی از دوستان موکل به نام حسام با وی تماس می گیرد و موضوع اختلاف خود با فردی به نام امید را مطرح می کند موکل برای حل و فصل اختلاف آنان وارد ماجرا می شود موکل به محل وقوع جنایت می رود و می بیند مقتول با دوستش در حال جر و بحث می باشد موکل آنها را جدا می کند و در حین برگشت مقتول به موکل ناسزا می گوید درگیری بین این دو آغاز می شود موکل ادعا می کند که در دست مقتول چاقو بوده است وی برای دفاع از خود تکه شیشه ای تهیه و در شدت درگیری با شیشه ای که در دست داشت یک بریدگی بر روی سینه مقتول ایجاد می کند و متواری می شود. پرونده ای در این رابطه تشکیل و تحقیقات مقدماتی آغاز می گردد و در نهایت موکل بنا به درخواست اولیاءدم محکوم به مرگ می گردد.
3- موکل به دادنامه صادره از شعبه 74 دادگاه کیفری استان اعتراض می کند و اعلام می دارد که تنها یک ضربه چاقو به مقتول زده و بیش این     ضربه ای وارد نکرده و بارها منکر ارتکاب جرم قتل عمد شده است لیکن قضات شعبه 33 دیوانعالی کشور نیز ترتیب اثر نداده و حکم صادره را طبق دادنامه شماره 134 در مورخه 9/4/1386 تایید می نمایند تایید این دادنامه در حالی است که ایرادات بسیاری در پرونده وجود دارد که تعدادی از آنها را به اختصار بر می شمارم:
اولا- در گواهی پزشکی قانونی جراحتهای وارد به مقتول ذکر شده و علت تامه مرگ نیز عنوان شده است لیکن ادعای موکل که عنوان نموده، تنها یک ضربه به مقتول زده است ترتیب اثر داده نشده است در این مورد لازم و ضروری بود تا مرجع رسیدگی کننده به پرونده، از پزشکی قانونی استعلام می نمود که آیا بریدگیهای وارد شده به مقتول هر دو بر اثر اصابت یک جسم برنده می باشد یا از دو جسم تیز و برنده استفاده شده است. مطمئنا در صورتی که پزشکی قانونی گواهی می نمود یا نماید که از دو جسم برنده استفاده شده است نشان   می دهد شخص دیگری نیز در هنگام درگیری سلاح سرد در دست داشته است و این موضوع تاثیر بسزایی در مسئولیت کیفری موکل دارد.
ثانیا- موکل از بدو دستگیری  و در مراحل دادرسی، اذعان داشته که با شیشه به مقتول آنهم تنها یک ضربه وارد نموده است. برخی از شهود نیز اظهارات موکل را گواهی نموده اند این موضوع می بایست توسط پزشکان پزشکی قانونی مورد بررسی قرار می گرفت که بریدگی ایجاد شده توسط چه نوع جسم برنده ای، ایجاد شده است که متاسفانه تحقیقات در این زمینه تنها در چارچوب بازجویی از شهود صورت گرفته، شهودی که اظهارات متعارضشان، شهادت را از عداد دلایل خارج می کند.
ثالثا- یکی از مواردی که رافع مسئولیت کیفری متهمین یا مجرمین می باشد موضوع دفاع مشروع است متاسفانه مرجع رسیدگی کننده به پرونده در این خصوص نیز هیچگونه تحقیقی به عمل نیاورده است بر مرجع قضایی است که هم دلایل به نفع متهم و هم دلایل به ضرر او را جمع آوری کند در این پرونده دلایل بسیاری وجود دارد که نشان می دهد موکل در مقام دفاع مشروع حتی آن یک ضربه چاقوی مورد ادعای خود را وارد نموده است هر چند او از کرده خویش پشیمان بوده و تقاضای عفو و بخشش از اولیاء دم را دارد.
رابعا- طبق ماده 37 کنوانسیون حقوق کودک که مقرر می نماید :« … مجازات مرگ و یا حبس ابد را بدون امکان بخشودگی نمی توان در مورد کودکان که در سن زیر 18 سالگی مرتکب جرم شده اند اعمال نمود.» و با تصویب مجلس شورای اسلامی در سال 1372 و عدم مغایرت این ماده قانونی با موازین شرعی طبق نظر شورای نگهبان، حکم صادره، مخدوش می باشد.
حال بنا به مراتب فوق که عمده، ایرادات موجود در پرونده می باشد که شبهه جدی در اجرای حکم صادره بر قصاص نفس موکل ایجاد می کند همچون گذشته از آن مقام معظم استدعا دارد ترتیبی اتخاذ فرمایید که پرونده موکل مجدد مورد بررسی قرار گیرد تا خدای ناکرده خون بی گناه به نا حق به زمین ریخته نشود.
در پایان لازم به ذکر است اینجانب در پرونده هایی که جان انسان در معرض خطر بوده است شاهد دقت حضرتعالی و بازرسان ویژه تان بوده ام و دیده ام که چگونه عدالت را با تصمیم های مستند و آگاهانه خود برقرار نموده اید حال از شما می خواهم مجددا با مداقه در محتویات پرونده، این اجازه را ندهید که موکل بالای دار رفته و جانش از بدن خارج گردد که در این صورت دیگر نمی توان جان وی را اعاده نمود.
                                           با تقدیم شایسته ترین احترام
                                       محمد مصطفایی وکیل بهنود شجاعی

Amnesty International issues urgent action to save Behnood

Following the urgent action call by SCE Campaign to stop execution of Behnood in December 23, 2007, Amnesty International last week issued an urgent action request :


08 January 2008         UA 09/08 Death penalty

IRAN Behnoud (m), full name not known, aged about 19, child offender

A young man called Behnoud has been convicted of a murder committed before he was 18, and is now believed to
be in danger of execution. Behnoud was convicted of beating to death a 19-year-old man, known only as Ehsan, with a bottle during a street fight in 2005. At the time of the murder, Behnoud was aged about 17. To execute him would be a violation of international law. Behnoud was sentenced to
qesas (retribution) by a court in Tehran, and his sentence was upheld by the Supreme

Court. According to the Iranian news agency Fars, Ehsan’s family is demanding that Behnoud be executed. However, the case has been referred to conciliation in order to allow both families to negotiate the payment of diyeh (blood money) in exchange for pardoning Behnoud.


As a state party to both the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the Convention on

the Rights of the Child (CRC), Iran has undertaken not to execute child offenders, those convicted of crimes

committed when they were under 18. However, since 1990, Iran has executed at least 28 child offenders, six of

them in 2007. At least 79 child offenders are now on death row in Iran. This number may be even higher as at least

a further 15 Afghan child offenders have reportedly been sentenced to death.

For more information about executions of child offenders in Iran, please see: Iran: The last executioner of children (June

2007), http://web.amnesty.org/library/index/engmde130592007

RECOMMENDED ACTION: Please send appeals to arrive as quickly as possible:

– expressing concern that Behnoud is at risk of execution for a crime committed when he was under 18;

– calling on the authorities to commute his death sentence;

– reminding them that Iran is a state party to both the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)

and the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), which prohibits the use of the death penalty against those

under the age of 18 at the time of offense, and that the execution of Behnoud would therefore be a violation of

international law;

– urging the authorities to pass legislation to abolish the death penalty for offenses committed by persons under the

age of 18, so bringing Iran’s domestic law in line with its obligations under international law;

– stating that Amnesty International acknowledges the right and responsibility of governments to bring to justice

those suspected of criminal offenses, but unconditionally opposes the death penalty.

Amnesty International’s mission is to undertake research and action focused on preventing and ending grave abuses of the rights to physical and mental integrity, freedom of conscience and expression, and freedom from discrimination, within the
context of its work to promote all human rights.


Leader of the Islamic Republic
His Excellency Ayatollah Sayed ‘Ali Khamenei
The Office of the Supreme Leader, Islamic Republic
Street – Shahid Keshvar Doust Street
Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Email: info@leader.ir
Salutation: Your Excellency
Head of the Judiciary

Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi
Howzeh Riyasat-e Qoveh Qazaiyeh / Office of the
Head of the Judiciary
Pasteur St., Vali Asr Ave., south of Serah-e Jomhouri,
Tehran 1316814737, Islamic Republic of Iran
Email: info@dadgostary-tehran.ir
(In the subject line write: FAO Ayatollah
Salutation: Your Excellency


His Excellency Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
The Presidency, Palestine Avenue, Azerbaijan
Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Email: dr-ahmadinejad@president.ir
via website: www.president.ir/email

Director, Human Rights Headquarters of Iran
His Excellency Mohammad Javad Larijani
Howzeh Riassat-e Ghoveh Ghazaiyeh
(Office of the Head of the Judiciary)
Pasteur St.,
Vali Asr Ave., south of Serah-e Jomhuri,
Tehran 1316814737, Islamic Republic of Iran
Fax: 011 98 21 3390 4986
(Please keep trying)
Email: fsharafi@bia-judiciary.ir
(In the subject line: FAO Mohammad Javad Larijani)
(In the subject line: FAO Mohammad Javad Larijani)
PLEASE SEND APPEALS IMMEDIATELY. Check with the AIUSA Urgent Action office if sending
appeals after 20 February 2008.

URGENT: Another child offender facing imminent execution

A young man identified as Behnood could be facing execution soon, reported few of Iran’s news agencies today. He is convicted of murdering a 19 year old boy called Ehsan, with a soda bottle during a street fight two years ago. Behnood was 17 years of age at the time. A court in Tehran sentenced him to death and the sentence has been confirmed by Iran’s supreme court, and about to be carried out.

Fars news agency reported that the parents of Ehsan have asked for Ghisas (punishment by execution) and Iran’s mediation departments are trying to obtain the victims parents pardon to prevent execution. There was no mention if the execution has been approved by Iran’s head of judiciary or not.

SCE campaign strongly condemns the planned execution of Behnood as the International law strictly prohibits the use of the death penalty against people convicted of crimes committed when they were under 18. As a state party to both the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), Iran has undertaken not to execute child offenders. However, since 1990, the ruling Islamic regime in Iran has executed at least 30 child offenders, including more than 6 so far this year. 81 child offenders are now recorded by SCE to be on death row in Iran. This number may be even higher as according to reports, at least a further 15 Afghan child offenders may be under sentence of death. According to the recent statistics provided by an Iranian police official about 170 children can be facing execution in Iran. There has been a surge in processing the children’s file for execution and this is the FIFTH URGENT CALL IN ONE MONTH that Stop Child Executions Campaign had to issue, the other four being for Ali Mahin-Torabi, Mohammad Latif, Delara Darabi and Hossein Haghi. Iran’s regime executed a 20 year old boy, Makwan Moloudzadeh, earlier this month for alleged homosexuality at the age of 13.

Four child offenders have been executed since October 2007: Babak Rahimi (17), Hossein Gharabaghloo (16), Mohammadreza Tork (15) Makwan Moloudzadeh (13).*
[* The numbers in the ( ) indicate the age when they allegedly committed the crime for what they were executed.]

The legal proceedings in Behnood’s case, like those of other child offenders facing the death penalty, may also have been flawed. As well as noting that Iran is violating international law by sentencing child offenders to death, SCE Campaign is concerned about the use of evidence in these cases, including that of expert witnesses, where relevant, in trials, and relevant circumstantial evidences.

Please send appeals to arrive as quickly as possible, in Persian, Arabic, English, French or your own language:

– calling on the Iranian authorities to immediately halt the execution of Behnood.
– expressing concern that Behnood was sentenced to death for a crime committed when he was under 18;
– urging the Head of the Judiciary to investigate the procedures followed in this case from the investigation through to its confirmation by the Supreme Court;
– calling for the death sentence against Behnood to be commuted;
– reminding the authorities that Iran is a state party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which prohibit the use of the death penalty against people convicted of crimes committed when they were under 18, and that the execution of Hossein Haghi would therefore be a violation of international law;
– urging the authorities to pass legislation to abolish the death penalty for offences committed by anyone under the age of 18, so as to bring Iran’s domestic law into line with its obligations under international law;
– stating that you acknowledge the right and responsibility of governments to bring to justice those children suspected of criminal offences, but unconditionally opposes their death penalty.

Head of the Judiciary
His Excellency Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi
Ministry of Justice, Panzdah Khordad (Ark) Square,
Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Salutation: Your Excellency
Email: info@dadgostary-tehran.ir (In the subject line: FAO Ayatollah Shahroudi)
Fax: +98 21 3390 4986 (please keep trying, if the called is answered, say “fax please”)

Leader of the Islamic Republic
His Excellency Ayatollah Sayed ‘Ali Khamenei, The Office of the Supreme Leader
Islamic Republic Street – Shahid Keshvar Doust Street
Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Email: info@leader.ir
Salutation: Your Excellency

Director, Human Rights Headquarters of Iran
His Excellency Mohammad Javad Larijani
C/o Office of the Deputy for International Affairs
Ministry of Justice,
Ministry of Justice Building, Panzdah-Khordad (Ark) Square,
Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Fax: + 98 21 5 537 8827 (please keep trying)

and to diplomatic representatives of Iran accredited to your country.


for more information about how to help visit: https://www.stopchildexecutions.com/how-you-can-help.aspx

حكم قصاص جوان 17 ساله‌ براي اجرا فرستاده شد

خبرگزاري فارس
حكم قصاص جوان 17 ساله‌اي كه يك جوان 19 ساله را با ضربه شيشه نوشابه به سرش به قتل رسانده بود براي اجرا به واحد اجراي حكم دادسراي امور جنايي تهران رفت.به گزارش خبرنگار اجتماعي فارس، ساعت 23 روز 27 مرداد سال 84 ، مأموران كلانتري ونك از وقوع يك درگيري و نزاع منجر به فوت يك جوان 19 ساله با خبر شدند
مأموران با حضور در صحنه دريافتند فردي به نام بهنود 17 ساله با شخص ديگري به نام احسان 19 ساله درگير شده و در اين درگيري بهنود با ضربه شيشه نوشابه به سر احسان،؛ وي را مجروح و به قتل رسانده است
جابري قاضي واحد اجراي احكام دادسراي امور جنايي تهران در خصوص اين پرونده گفت: بهنود متهم به قتل در بازجويي ها به قتل احسان اعتراف كرده و مدعي شد عصر روز حادثه با گروهي از دوستان احسان درگير شده و با آنها جر و بحث كرده اما شامگاه همان شب احسان به همراه دوستانش به محله ما آمده و مدعي شد قصد گرفتن انتقام از من را دارد
وي ادامه داد: بهنود در ادامه دفاعياتش مدعي شد احسان در درگيري به خانواده‌اش فحاشي كرده و بهنود نيز كه از اين موضوع عصباني شده است با وارد كردن ضربه شيشه نوشابه به سر وي او را مضروب و سپس به قتل رسانده است
قاضي واحد اجراي احكام دادسراي امور جنايي تهران گفت: با توجه به مجرم شناخته شدن بهنود و درخواست اولياي دم مبني بر قصاص وي شعبه 74 دادگاه كيفري استان تهران براي وي حكم قصاص صادر كرد كه اين حكم از سوي شعبه 32 ديوان عالي كشور تائيد شد
جابري افزود: در حال حاضر واحد صلح و سازش دادسراي امور جنايي تهران در تلاش است تا بتواند رضايت خانواده مقتول را مبني بر عدم اجراي حكم قصاص بهنود بگيرد