Tag Archives: behnam zare

Amnesty's urgent call to save Behnam Zare

PUBLIC                AI Index: MDE 13/009/2008             06 March 2008

Further Information on UA 230/07 (MDE 13/109/2007, 31 August 2007) and follow-up (MDE 13/032/2008, 05 February 2008) – Imminent execution/child offender

IRAN        Behnam Zare` (m), child offender

On or around 11 February 2008 the Head of the Judiciary ordered a second attempt to negotiate payment of diyeh (“blood money”) with the family of the man that Behnam Zare` was convicted of killing, according to a report carried by the BBC Persian news service.

The order for the implementation of his sentence had been approved by the Head of the Judiciary, Ayatollah Shahroudi, on 5 February, and Behnam Zare` was awaiting execution. The order to reopen negotiations, therefore, may have been given, at least in part, in response to campaigning by Amnesty International’s UA network and others. Negotiations over the payment of diyeh are managed by the Council for the Resolution of Differences, a body under the authority of the judiciary which is intended to solve a variety of legal disputes without recourse to the court system. There is no time limit for its decision. Behnam Zare’ remains at risk of execution.

Behnam Zare’ was convicted of a murder which reportedly took place on 21 April 2005, when he was 15 years old. He was found to have swung a knife during an argument with a man named Mehrdad, wounding him in the neck. Mehrdad later died in hospital. Behnam Zare`was detained on 13 November 2005; Branch 5 of Fars Criminal Court sentenced him to qesas (retribution) for premeditated murder. Under Article 206 (b) of Iran’s Criminal Code, murder is classed as premeditated “in cases where the murderer intentionally makes an action which is inherently lethal, even if [the murderer] does not intend to kill the person.” The case went to appeal before Branch 33 of the Supreme Court where the sentence was upheld, and it was then passed to the Office for Implementation of Sentences.

Iran is one of only six countries in the world in which child offenders – those convicted of crimes committed when they were under 18 – have been executed in the past four years. This is despite Iran’s obligations under international treaties to which it is a state party which prohibit the execution of child offenders. In the last four years Iran has executed more child offenders than in all those other countries combined.

RECOMMENDED ACTION: Please send appeals to arrive as quickly as possible, in Persian, Arabic, English or your own language:
– expressing concern that Behnam Zare` is still at risk of execution for a crime committed when he was under 18;
– calling on the authorities to abide by the moratorium on the implementation of the death penalty called for by the UN General Assembly in December 2007, and to commute the death sentence passed on Behnam Zare`;
– reminding the authorities that Iran is a state party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which prohibit the use of the death penalty against people convicted of crimes committed when they were under 18.


Leader of the Islamic Republic
His Excellency Ayatollah Sayed ‘Ali Khamenei

The Office of the Supreme Leader
Islamic Republic Street – Shahid Keshvar Doust Street
Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Email:                 info@leader.ir
Salutation:         Your Excellency

Head of the Judiciary
Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi
Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Justice Building, Panzdah-Khordad Square,
Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Email:                 info@dadgostary-tehran.ir (In the subject line write: FAO Ayatollah Shahroudi)
Salutation:         Your Excellency


His Excellency Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
The Presidency, Palestine Avenue, Azerbaijan Intersection, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Email:                 dr-ahmadinejad@president.ir
via website: www.president.ir/email

and to diplomatic representatives of Iran accredited to your country.

PLEASE SEND APPEALS IMMEDIATELY. Check with the International Secretariat, or your section office, if sending appeals after 17 April 2008.

Working to protect human rights worldwide

Another chance for Behnam Zare

Faced with the worldwide condemnation of imminent execution of Behnam Zare, Iran’s head of judiciary Ayatollah Shahrudi ordered Behnam’s file to be sent back for negotiation with the family of the alleged victim. This is the second time that Shahrudi is sending the case for mediation. Iran’s Islamic sharia law leaves the final decisions of life or death of those condemned to death to the family of the victims (Ghisas).  The file was sent to division of enforcements for execution after Shahrudi’s final permit to execute, however faced with the international outrage Ayatollah Shahrudi retracted his initial execution permit and ordered another mediation.

Nazanin Afshin-Jam and Stop Child Executions wish to thank Behnam’s attorney Mohammad Mostafaei, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights for their immediate response and their efforts through the Geneva office, Amnesty International and its members, president of European Union, authorities in India, international news agencies, international committee against executions, internet websites and bloggers, SCE volunteers and supporers and 100’s of human rights advocates inside and outside Iran for the letters sent to Ayatollah Shahrudi and Iranian authorities. Together we will abolish the inhumane and illegal practice of child executions in Iran and worldwide once and forever.     

To read more about Behnam Zare visit http:scenews.blog.com//Behnam+Zare/ 

فرصتی دیگر برای نجات بهنام زارع از اعدام

بی بی سی

رئیس قوه قضائیه فرصت دیگری به بهنام زارع، جوانی که در آستانه شانزده سالگی مرتکب قتل شد داده تا با کسب رضایت خانواده مقتول، از اعدام نجات پیدا کند.

محمد مصطفائی، وکیل بهنام زارع به خبرگزاری دانشجویان ایران گفته که رئیس قوه قضائیه، پرونده موکل او را مطالعه کرده و سپس آن را به شورای حل اختلاف شیراز ارجاع داده و گفته است که سعی شود این پرونده با صلح و سازش و رضایت اولیای دم (پدر و مادر مقتول) فیصله پیدا کند، در غیر این صورت موازین قانونی اجرا شود، یعنی حکم اعدام بهنام زارع اجرا گردد.

به گفته وکیل بهنام زارع، در پی این دستور، دایره اجرای احکام دادسرای شیراز طی نامه‌ ای از شورای حل اختلاف شیراز خواسته است تا در جلسه‌ مشترکی، خانواده مقتول را دعوت و در مورد اخذ رضایت با آنها صحبت کند.

این در حالی است که تلاش برای جلب رضایت خانواده مقتول طی بیش از دو سال به نتیجه ای نینجامیده و چند روز پیش، در پی پافشاری خانواده مقتول بر اعدام بهنام زارع، دستور اجرای حکم او به زندان عادل آباد شیراز ابلاغ شده بود.

بهنام زارع اهل روستای دستجرد از توابع شهرستان استهبانات در استان فارس است و در اول اردیبهشت 1384، یک ماه پیش از آنکه به شانزده سالگی برسد، بر سر پرتاب سنگ بسوی کبوتری که متعلق به جوانی به نام مهرداد بوده، با وی وارد نزاع می شود و مهرداد را از پا در می آورد.

بهنام در جلسات بازجویی گفته که مهرداد بارها و بارها او را در مدرسه کتک زده و قصد آزار و اذیت او را داشته، در مدرسه چندین مرتبه بینی او را شکسته بوده و مدام او را تعقیب می ‌کرده و هیچ کجا او را آرام نمی‌ گذاشته است.

از بهنام زارع نقل شده است: “از آنجا که او [مهرداد] سه سال بزرگتر از من بود، مجبور بودم از دستش فرار کنم، توانایی درگیر شدن با او را نداشتم تا اینکه یک روز در حالی که من در زمین بازی حوالی منزل عمویم در حال بازی فوتبال بودم، به زمین بازی آمد و گفت بیا برویم کبوترهایم را نشانت دهم، من هم همراه او رفتم اما او باز هم قصد آزار و اذیتم را داشت، در آنجا با هم درگیر شدیم، مهرداد چاقو داشت و من هم تبرزین کوچکی همراهم بود، این تبرزین را برای کار همراه داشتم، مهرداد اول چاقویش را درآورد و خطی روی بدنم انداخت، شروع به فحاشی کرد و گفت که من توان مبارزه با او را ندارم، من هم از سر عصبانیت تبرزین را درآوردم و می ‌خواستم خطی روی بدنش بیندازم که جاخالی داد و تبرزین به گردنش فرورفت، من از ترس فرار کردم و نزد پدرم رفتم، وقتی به پدرم ماجرا را گفتم او مرا به پلیس تحویل داد”.

تلاش خانواده بهنام زارع و مهلتی که از خانواده مقتول می خواهند بیش از یک سال و نیم اجرای حکم اعدام را متوقف کرده بود تا اینکه سرانجام، این حکم اخیراً و در حالی که سن بهنام زارع به هیجده سالگی رسیده برای اجرا به زندان عادل آباد شیراز ابلاغ شده است.

وکیل بهنام زارع می گوید صدور حکم اعدام برای موکل او که در زمان ارتکاب جرم سنش زیر هیجده سال بوده، با کنوانسیون حقوق کودک که ایران از امضاکنندگان آن است مغایرت دارد.

مقامات قضائی ایران نیز بارها تأکید کرده اند که اعدام افرادی که پیش از رسیدن به سن هیجده سالگی مرتکب قتل شده اند متوقف شده، اما همچنان مواردی از صدور حکم اعدام برای افراد کمسال گزارش می شود

Amnesty International issues urgent request to save Behnam Zare

PUBLIC                AI Index: MDE 13/032/2008        
                05 February 2008

Further Information on UA 230/07 (MDE 13/109/2007, 31 August 2007) imminent execution/child offender

IRAN        Behnam Zare’ (m), child offender

Child offender Behnam Zare’ is now facing execution within 72 hours. The order to carry out his execution has been sent to the prison where he is held.

Behnam Zare’ was convicted of a murder committed when he was 15 years old. Iran is a state party to international treaties, including the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), which expressly prohibit the execution of child offenders. Behnam Zare’ has been detained in Adelabad prison, in the south-western city of Shiraz, since his arrest.

The murder reportedly took place on 21 April 2005, when Behnam Zare’ swung a knife during an argument with a man named Mehrdad, wounding him in the neck. Mehrdad later died in hospital. Behnam Zare’ was detained on 13 November 2005; Branch 5 of Fars Criminal Court sentenced him to qesas (retribution) for premeditated murder. Under Article 206 (b) of Iran’s Criminal Code, murder is classed as premeditated “in cases where the murderer intentionally makes an action which is inherently lethal, even if [the murderer] does not intend to kill the person.” The case went on appeal before Branch 33 of the Supreme Court where the sentence was upheld, and it has now been passed to the Office for Implementation of Sentences.

RECOMMENDED ACTION: Please send appeals to arrive as quickly as possible, in Persian, Arabic, English or your own language:
– expressing concern that Behnam Zare’ is in imminent danger of execution for a crime committed when he was under 18;
– calling on the authorities to halt the execution of Behnam Zare’ immediately, and commute his death sentence.


Leader of the Islamic Republic
His Excellency Ayatollah Sayed ‘Ali Khamenei

The Office of the Supreme Leader
Islamic Republic Street – Shahid Keshvar Doust Street
Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Email:                 info@leader.ir
Salutation:         Your Excellency

Head of the Judiciary
Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi
Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Justice Building, Panzdah-Khordad Square,
Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Email:                 info@dadgostary-tehran.ir (In the subject line write: FAO Ayatollah Shahroudi)
Salutation:         Your Excellency


His Excellency Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
The Presidency, Palestine Avenue, Azerbaijan Intersection, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Email:                 dr-ahmadinejad@president.ir
via website: www.president.ir/email

and to diplomatic representatives of Iran accredited to your country.

PLEASE SEND APPEALS IMMEDIATELY. Check with the International Secretariat, or your section office, if sending appeals after 18 March 2008.

Working to protect human rights worldwide

VERY URGENT: Shahrudi approved execution of Behnam Zare


Ayatollah Shahrudi , the head of Iran’s judiciary approved the execution of Behnam Zare. In a letter, Behnam’s attorney Mohammad Mostafei informed Stop Child Executions that the execution order of Behnam Zare was sent by Ayatollah Shahrudi to Adelabad prison in central city of Shiraz Iran and the execution can be performed at anytime.

According to Iran’s law, 48 hours before the execution the attorneys and the families must be informed, however in many circumstances the law has been violated. Mohammad Mostafaei has not yet received such notice.

SCE first reported Behnam death sentence in August of 2007 and also reported it to Amnesty International.  Soon after Amnesty issued an Urgent Action request. Nazanin Afshin-Jam also contacted the office of Ms. Louise Arbour, the High Commissioner for Human Rights at United Nations and her office ”provided the the information to the human rights mechanisms in Geneva for their attention.” . Also after learning about scheduled execution of Behnam Zare, the presidency of the European Union issued an statement, urging the Islamic regime in Iran to halt the execution. Additionally other European governments as well as the governments of Australia and Canada condemned the execution verdict.  

None of the pleas by Behnam Zare, his father and his attorney to the family of the alleged victim and to Ayatollah Shahrudi was responded and 3 years after the incident, now that Behnam has reached the age of 18, he can be hanged at any time.

Behnam Zare’ has been convicted of a murder committed when he was 15 years old, and is now at risk of imminent execution, though Iran is a state party to international treaties including the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), which expressly prohibit the execution of child offenders.

The murder reportedly took place on 21 April 2005, when Behnam Zare’ swung a knife during an argument with a man named Mehrdad, wounding him in the neck. Mehrdad later died in hospital. Behnam Zare’ was detained on 13 November 2005; Branch 5 of Fars Criminal Court sentenced him to qesas (retribution) on charges of premeditated murder. Under Article 206 (b) of Iran ’s Criminal Code, murder is classed as premeditated “in cases where the murderer intentionally makes an action which is inherently lethal, even if [the murderer] does not intend to kill the person.” The case went on appeal before Branch 33 of the Supreme Court where the sentence was upheld, and it has now been passed to the Office for Implementation of Sentences.

International law strictly prohibits the use of the death penalty against people convicted of crimes committed when they were under 18. As a state party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the CRC, Iran has undertaken not to execute child offenders. since 1990, the ruling Islamic regime in Iran has executed at least 30 juveniles, including more than 6 in 2007. 86 youth are now recorded by SCE to be on death row in Iran for alleged crimes before the age of 18. This number may be even higher as according to the reports, at least a further 15 Afghan juvenile offenders may be under sentence of death. According to the statistics provided by an Iranian police official about 170 children (under 18 at time of alleged crime) can be facing execution in Iran. There has been a surge in processing the children’s file for execution. In the past 3 months, SCE has reported 10 imminent executions for Ali Mahin-Torabi, Mohammad Latif, Delara DarabiHossein HaghiBehnoodAliSaeed Jazee, Amir Amorollahi, Rahim Ahmadi and Mohammad Haddadi.  Earlier this month 42 European countries condemned Iran for the surge in child executions. Iran has broken the world records in 2007 with at least 297 recorded executions comparing to 177 in 2006.

As of February 2008 Stop Child Executions Campaign has recorded 91 children facing executions worldwide: 86 in Iran, 2 in Saudi Arabia, 2 in Sudan and 1 in Yemen. In 2007 at least 7 were reported to have been executed : 6 in Iran and 1 in Saudi Arabia. Three are known to have been saved from execution: 2 in Iran and 1 in Yemen.

RECOMMENDED ACTION: There is not much time left:

– Contact United Nations , your government, Iran’s embassy in your country and the media. 
– Call on the Iranian authorities to immediately halt the execution of Behnam Zare.
– Express concern that Behnam Zare was sentenced to death for a crime committed when he was under 18;
- Calling for the death sentence against Behnam to be commuted;
– Remind the authorities that Iran is a state party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which prohibit the use of the death penalty against people convicted of crimes committed when they were under 18, and that the execution of Behnam Zare would therefore be a violation of international law;
– Urging the authorities to pass legislation to abolish the death penalty for offences committed by anyone under the age of 18, so as to bring Iran’s domestic law into line with its obligations under international law;
– Stating that you acknowledge the right and responsibility of governments to bring to justice those children suspected of criminal
offences, but unconditionally opposes their death penalty.

Head of the Judiciary
Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi
Email: info@dadgostary-tehran.ir (In the subject line: FAO Ayatollah Shahroudi)
Fax: +98 21 3390 4986 (please keep trying, if the called is answered, say “fax please”)

Leader of the Islamic Republic
Ayatollah Sayed ‘Ali Khamenei, The Office of the Supreme Leader
Email: info@leader.ir

Director, Human Rights Headquarters of Iran
 Mohammad Javad Larijani
C/o Office of the Deputy for International Affairs
Fax: + 98 21 5 537 8827 (please keep trying)

and to diplomatic representatives of Iran accredited to your country.


for more information about how to help visit: https://www.stopchildexecutions.com/how-you-can-help.aspx

حکم اجرا اعدام بهنام زارع ابلاغ شد

محمد مصطفايي

حكم قصاص نفس بهنام زارع كه در سن 16 سالگي مرتكب قتل شده بود با استيذان از رياست قوه قضاييه جهت اجرا به زندان عادل آباد شيراز ابلاغ شد

بهنام زارع فرزند صمد متولد 3/3/1368 پدرش کشاورز است و برروی زمین دیگران کار می کند و چوپان نیز می باشد . در روستای دستجرد از منطقه استهبان شیراز به دنیا آمده و تا کلاس اول دبیرستان درس خواند و پس از آن به دلیل قتل مهرداد روانه زندان عادل آباد شیراز شد .

در مورخ 1/2/1384 غروب روز پنجشنبه مهرداد از محل كار پدرش به منزل مي رود وي تعدادي كبوتر داشت . مشغول پراندن كبوتران بود مهرداد را ديد كه در حال بازي فوتبال بود در اين حين یک کبوتر روی دیوار زمین فوتبال نزديك منزل آنها نشست. مهرداد با سنگ به کبوتر زد و خورد به کبوتر . بهنام رفت بیرون منزل و مهرداد با پسر خاله اش داشت با موتور می رفت و بعد برگشت بهنام گفت چرا کبوتر من را زدی گفت دلم خواست درگیری بچه گانه اي بين آنها آغاز شد مقتول دست کرد داخل جیبش که چاقو بردارد بهنام تبرزینی همراه داشت زودتر از او به دست گرفت و به طرف سینه مهرداد رفت بهنانم می خواست تبرزین را به دست مهرداد بزند که او گردنش را کج کرد و خورد به گردنش و وی را به قتل رساند .

قضات شعبه 5 دادگاه کیفری استان فارس در تاریخ 22/8/1384 با اين استدلال كه چون اقدام متهم به قتل و ايراد ضرب و صدمه با تبرزين به گردن مقتول نوعا كشنده است مستند به بند ب ماده 206 قانون مجازات اسلامي كه مقرر مي نمايد مواردي كه قاتل عمدا كاري را انجام دهد كه نوعا كشنده باشد هر چند قصد كشتن شخص را نداشته باشد قتل، عمدي است وی را با تقاضاي اولياءدم به قصاص نفس محكوم نمودند موكل به دادنامه صادره اعتراض مي نمايد كه در تاریخ 24/2/1385 شعبه 33 دیوانعالی کشور دادنامه صادره را تایید مي كند .

در حال حاضر پرونده در اجرای احکام دادگستری شیراز بوده و حکم صادره با ابلاغ به زندان آماده اجراست و هر لحظه امکان دارد بهنام به دار آویخته شود . تاكنون زمان مشخصي را جهت اجرا اعلام ننموده اند. به هر حال در صورتيكه اولياءدم همچنان بر قصاص بهنام باقي باشند و رضايت ندهند حكم صادره به زودي اجرا خواهد شد.

با عنايت به قوانين موجود در خصوص اطفال زير 18 سال به اين نتيجه خواهيم رسيد كه صدور حكم قصاص نسبت به آقاي بهنام و ديگر اطفالي كه در زمان ارتكاب جرم سنشان زير 18 سال مي باشد برخلاف مفاد صريح قانون است با اين توضيح كه مادة 49 قانون مجازات اسلامي مقرر مي دارد :« اطفال در صورت ارتكاب جرم مبري از مسئوليت كيفري هستند » تبصرة‌اين ماده طفل را به كسي اطلاق نموده كه به “حد بلوغ شرعي” نرسيده باشد در هيچ جاي قانون مجازات اسلامي سن مسئوليت كيفري اطفال مشخص نشده و قانونگذار به “حد شرعي” اكتفا نموده است البته در قانون مدني كه مربوط است به امور حقوقي – نه كيفري – قانونگذار در تبصره يك مادة 1210 مقرر نموده ؛ سن بلوغ در پسر 15 سال تمام قمري و در دختر 9 سال تمام قمري است اين ماده كه علي القاعده رسيدن صغار به سن بلوغ را دليل رشد قرار داده و خلاف آنرا محتاج به اثبات دانسته ناظر به دخالت آنان در هر نوع امور مربوط به خود در امور مدني مي باشد مگر در مورد امور مالي كه به حكم تبصره 2 مادة مرقوم كه اشعار مي دارد اموال صغيري را كه بالغ شده باشد در صورتي مي توان به او داد كه رشد او ثابت شده باشد مستلزم اثبات رشد است.

به عبارت اخري صغير پس از رسيدن به سن بلوغ و اثبات رشد مي تواند نسبت به اموالي كه از طريق انتقالات عهدي يا قهري قبل از بلوغ مالك شده مستقلاً تصرف و مداخله نمايد و قبل از اثبات رشد از اين نوع مداخله ممنوع است. بنابراين علي القاعده نمي توان با توجه به اصل تفسير به نفع متهم در امور كيفري به مجموع قوانين مدني رجوع نمود مگر آنكه در اين خصوص تصريح بعمل آمده باشد.

فقها نيز در خصوص سن مسئوليت كيفري با يكديگر اختلاف داشته و سن مشخصي تاكنون به عنوان سن فرد در ارتكاب جرم پيرامون رافعيت مسئوليت كيفري در نظر گرفته نشده است.

اما با مراجعه به مجموع مقررات بين المللي مي توان استنباط نمود كه سن مسئوليت كيفري اطفال در خصوص مجازاتهاي سالب حيات 18 سال مي باشد با اين توضيح كه بند الف مادة 37 كنوانسيون حقوق كودك صراحتاً مقرر نموده كه :« هيچ كودكي مورد شكنجه يا ساير رفتار هاي بي رحمانه ، غير انساني يا تحقير آميز قرار نگيرد.

مجازات اعدام ، يا حبس ابد بدون امكان آزادي ، نبايد در مورد جرمهايي كه اشخاص زير 18 سال مرتكب مي شوند اعمال گردد». اين كنوانسيون در سال 1372 به دليل اهميت جايگاه و نقش كودكان تحت عنوان قانون اجاره الحاق دولت جمهوري اسلامي ايران به كنوانسيون حقوق كودك به تصويب نمايندگان مجلس شوراي اسلامي رسيده و اين مادة كنوانسيون كه عنوان گرديد بدون هيچ ايرادي به مجلس جهت اعلام به قوة مجريه و نشر آن ارسال شدد بنابراين طبق مادة 9 قانون مدني كه مقرر مي دارد :« مقررات و عهودي كه بر طبق قانون اساسي بين دولت ايران و ساير دول منعقد شده باشد در حكم قانون است ». نمي توان حكم به قصاص نفس طفل 16 ساله را صادر نمود چرا كه اختلاف در سن “بلوغ شرعي” با تصويب اين كنوانسيون و تأييد آن توسط شوراي محترم نگهبان رفع و در خصوص مجازاتهاي سالب حيات، سن طفل “زير 18 سال”مي باشد بنابراين حكم صادره نيز از اين لحاظ مخدوش و قابليت نقض را دارد ليكن متاسفانه محاكم دادگستري كشورمان به اين موضوع مهم و اساسي توجه ننموده و همچنان سن مسئوليت كيفري را در دختر 9 سال تمام قمري و در پسر 15 سال تمام قمري در نظر مي گيرد.

محمد مصطفايي وكيل بهنام زارع

Interview of radio Pezhvak with father of Behnam Zare

In an interview with the Iranian radio Pezhvak in Europe (in persian) , father of Behnam Zare stated that he has not been allowed to visit his son for the past 45 days and ever since Behnam’s final execution decree was approved by Iran’s Head of judiciary.

Mr. Zare said that his son has been imprisoned for more than 2 years and his mother has been crying every night ever since. He told the radio that the alleged victim was fighting his son for 16 months and was responsible for breaking Behnam’s nose and one of his teeth who was only 15 at the time. He stated that he did not file a complaint because they were neighbors and family and instead he had complained to the family of the other boy. Behnam’s father told Radio Pezhvak that both children had knives and Behnam stabbed the alleged victim sooner than the other boy after they got in to fight again. 

Behnam’s father is a farmer in a vilage in central Iran. His income is about $700 dollars per year and because of his low income he could not even afford to visit his son for one year.

During the interview Behnam’s father stated that he personally knows families of 2 other children in the Adel-abad prison of Shiraz, Iran where his son is kept. 

Behnam’s father pleaded to United Nations and other authorities to help save his son from execution. 

مصاحبه رادیو پژواک در باره اعدام کودکان زیر 18 سال

گفتگو با پدربهنام زارع نوچوانانی که حدود دوسال پیش، در ۱۵ سالگی در شیراز مرتکب قتل شده واینک در زندان منتظر اعدام است  


گزارش  می شنوید از وضعیت این نوچوانان درگفتگو با پدر یک نوجوان محکوم به اعدام، کامبیز محمودپور و منوچهر ماسوری  از کمیته ی توقف اعدام نوجوانان در ایران



More countries condemn imminent execution of Behnam Zare

More countries support European Union in urging the Islamic Regime of Iran to halt the execution of Behnam Zare:
Date:   2007-09-11

The EU is deeply concerned by the news of the imminent execution of Mr Behnam Zare, who was sentenced to death by a judge of the Shiraz Court for a crime committed when he was a minor.

The EU recalls the Islamic Republic of Iran’s international commitments, and specifically the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, both clearly prohibiting the execution of minors or people who have been convicted of crimes committed while they were minors.
The EU urges the Islamic Republic of Iran to comply with International Law and to halt the execution of Mr Zare, and of all other juvenile offenders, taking in consideration alternative sentences for juvenile offenders.

The EU also calls on the Islamic Republic of Iran, in the advent of the month of Ramadan, to announce a temporary halt to all executions in order to initiate an urgent review of Islamic Republic of Iran’s international position and to remind the Judiciary of Iran’s international obligations.
The Candidate Countries Turkey, Croatia* and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia*, the Countries of the Stabilisation and Association Process and potential candidates Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, and the EFTA countries Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, members of the European Economic Area, as well as Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova and Georgia align themselves with this declaration.

* Croatia and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia continue to be part of the Stabilisation and Association Process.