Letter to Swedish foreign minister about Delara Darabi and other children facing execution in Iran.

In a letter to Foreign Minister of Sweden, Birgitta Ohlsson , member of the Swedish Parliament , after addressing Delara’s situation and Iran’s obligation to adhere to International laws against execution of children, she asked the Swedish Foreign minister : What is the policy and plan of Government of Sweden in stopping execution of Delara Darabi and others in Iran who were under 18 at the time of alleged crime?

 den 2 mars
2006/07:789 Stoppande av avrättningen av D Darabi
av Birgitta Ohlsson (fp)
till utrikesminister Carl Bildt (m)

17 år gammal greps den iranska flickan Delara Darabi för ett mord hon inte begått. Två år senare inväntar hon nu dödsstraff trots att ingen brottsutredning har gjorts. Den 16 februari 2007 offentliggjorde Högsta domstolen i Iran att Delara Darabi ska avrättas genom hängning inom kort. Mordet hon anklagas för begicks när hon ännu inte fyllt 18 år.

FN:s Kommitté för Barnens Rättigheter uppmanade 2005 Iran att ”omedelbart inställa verkställandet av alla dödsstraff för personer som begått brott när de var under 18 år”, vilket föreskrivits i artikel 37 i Konventionen om Barnens Rättigheter.

Dödsstraffet kränker rätten till liv och förhindrar inte brott. Det är inhumant, skapar martyrer och strider mot rätten till liv, vår allra mest grundläggande mänskliga rättighet.

Vad avser statsrådet att vidtaga för åtgärder så att den iranska staten häver dödsdomen mot Delara Darabi samt stoppar alla dödsstraff utfärdade för individer som anklagas för brott begångna innan de fyllt18 år?


English translation of letter:



Stopping the execution of D Darabi

by Birgitta Ohlsson (fp)

to Minister of Foreign Affairs Carl Bildt

When she was 17 years old the Iranian girl Delara Darabi was arrested for a murder she did not commit. Two years later she is awaiting execution though there has been no crime scene investigation. The Supreme Court in Iran announced February 16, 2007 that Delara will be executed shortly by hanging. The murder she is accused of happened before she turned 18 years.

The UN committee on the Rights of the Child asked Iran in 2005 to “immediately end the use of death penalty against people who committed crimes before they turned 18 years”, as prescribed by article 37 in the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

The death penalty violates the right to life and do not act as an deterrent to crime. It is inhuman, creates martyrs and denies the right to life, the most fundamental of all human rights.

What measures does the minister intend to take to make the Iranian state overturn the death sentence against Delara Darabi, and end the use of death penalty for individuals accused for crimes committed before they turned 18 years?

Inkom: 2007-03-02

نامه بیریگیتا اولسون نماینده حزب مردم در پارلمان سوﺌد به وزیر امور خارجه سوﺌد درباره دلآرا دارابی و اعدام کودکان و نوجوانان درایران!

در پی تماسهای نماینده گان کمیته بین المللی علیه اعدام با بیرگیتا اولسون و تقاضای دخالت ایشان در شرایط دلارا دارابی، توقف اعدام کودکان و لغو مجازات اعدام در ایران، ایشان در نامه اش به کارل بیلد می نویسد:

دلآرا دارابی، زمانی که 17 سال بیشتر نداشت به جرم قتلی که مرتکب نشده است، بازداشت شد. دو سال بعد قرار است وی اعدام شود در حالیکه هیچ گونه تحقیقات جنایی در رابطه با این قتل صورت نگرفته است. شانزدهم فوریه دادگاه عالی ایران، اعلام کرد که حکم دلآرا تأیید شده است و به زودی به دار آویخته خواهد شد. قتلی که او به انجام آن متهم است در زمانی اتفاق افتاده است که وی به سن قانونی یعنی 18 سالگی نرسیده بود. کمیسیون حقوق کودکان سازمان ملل در سال 2005 بر اساس بند 37 کنوانسیون حقوق کودک، اخطار داد که اعدام کسانی که در زمان اجرای جرم، زیر 18 سال بوده اند را بیدرنگ متوقف کند،.

مجازات اعدام نه تنها از تکرار جنایت و قتل جلوگیری نمی کند بلکه حق حیات را سلب می کند. این عملی ضد انسانی و خلاف حق زندگی است، این ابتدایی ترین و پایه ای تری حقوق بشر.

برنامه دولت برای لغو حکم اعدام دلارا و اشخاص دیگری که در زمان وقوع جرم زیر 18 سال بوده اند در ایران چیست؟ 

"While Free" : by Delara Darabi

Today Delara Darabi was visited. Delara’s right hand is better and healing.

Delara said that she was very thankful to everyone for all the caring efforts on her behalf. This poem is a present from Delara :


While Free
we suppose freedom is an ideal, Unattainable.
and we reach out
for what is already sacrificed under our own feet!
“Freedom”….Never being entrapped is meaningless!
Oh People! Let us rip the chains of our thoughts
and not be captivated by freedom
for …that itself is our “captive” !…


دلارا دارابىã Delara Darabi

تا زمانیکه آزادیم
آزادی را آرمانی دست نیافتنی می پنداریم

و برای رسیدن به چیزی که قربانی زیر پای ماست؛

دستها یمان را دراز می کنیم

آزادی” ! همیشه در بند نبودن معنا نمی دهد “

آی آدم ها ! بیایید بند های اندیشمان را بدریم ها

ودر بند ازادی نباشیم

زیرا که خود “بند در ماست

Stop The Executions of Minors - Sign the petition today!

Victims's daughter: "I am against death penalty" (re: Delara Darabi)

Mina Ahadi, the head of the International Committee Against Executions, contacted the daughter of the victim in the alleged murder involving Delara Darabi and Amir Hossein. In her phone conversation, Mahin’s daughter stated that she does not believe in the death penalty, however, she does believe that those who were implicated in her mother’s death should be put to justice and serve proper jail time.

The news may possibly serve as an important factor in sparing Delara’s life from death as in the Sharia laws of Iran, the views of the victim’s family are considered in decision making.

Stop Child Execution Camopaign has communicated this information to Delara’s attorney and family. 

….Prison by Delara Darabi دلارا دارابى…. زندان


                                    I want to give you a different name

Who called you this for the first time?

What was her bird of thoughts seeking?

how far did she soar

                                    that she saw this abyss?

What did she see

                                    that she felt a lack!

                                    Lack of a sense named Freedom….

دلارا دارابىã Delara Darabi           

زندان …
می خواهم نامی دیگر برایت بگذارم

چه کسی اولین بار این نام را خواند ؟

مرغ فکر اودنبال چه میگشت ؟

تا کجا اوج گرفت                                  

تا توانست این قعر را ببیند ؟

او چه چیزی را دید ؟

   !  که یک کمبود را احساس کرد 
 ….کمبود حسی بنام آزادی را

 Stop The Executions of Minors - Sign the petition today!

Documentary about Delara Darabi published

Nazanin Afshin Jam and Stop Child Executions Campaign have been working on production of this documentary for nearly three months. A word of thanks to many in Iran, Europe, US and Canada who made this video possible.

To sign the petition to save Delara Darabi and other children facing execution in Iran please visit :


Stop The Executions of Minors - Sign the petition today!

How you can help

Delara Darabi update

Earlier this week After visiting her daughter’s and her emotional state,.  Delara Darabi’s mother came home very disturbed and crying.

Delara’s sister who vistied her today reported her as ” not as good as other times I had seen her” .  Delara had told her sister ” I had only been prentending to you that I am ok, because of my concern for dad’s health”

While all of Delara and her attorney’s requests for prison transfer have been denied, Amir Hossein whom Delara claims to be the guilty of crime had been granted vacations from prison.

Amnesty International issues URGENT ACTION on Delara Darabi

A word of thanks to Amnesty International for their immediate response and issuing the urgent action statement on Delara Darabi :  LINK 


Iran: Further information on death penalty / legal concern: Delara Darabi (f)

PUBLIC AI Index: MDE 13/047/2007
27 April 2007

Further Information on UA 04/06 (MDE 13/084/2006, 01 August 2006) and follow-up
(MDE 13/038/2007, 27 March 2007) – Death penalty/legal concern/health concern

IRAN Delara Darabi (f), aged 20, child offender

Delara Darabi’s death sentence has been confirmed by the Supreme Court,
according to a 25 April report in the newspaper Etemad. The verdict has
apparently been sent to the office of the Head of the Judiciary, Ayatollah
Shahroudi, for consideration.

Her father has again requested that she be transferred from Rasht Prison to
Evin, in Tehran, on the grounds that conditions in Rasht may have led in part
to her January suicide attempt. Her life was saved by her cellmates, who
alerted the prison authorities. According to recent reports, Delara Darabi has
been beaten in Rasht Prison, leaving her with a broken arm, and she is in poor
health. She reportedly also suffers from a pre-existing kidney complaint. It is
not known whether she is receiving adequate medical care, but her condition has
reportedly worsened in prison.

Delara Darabi, then aged 17, reportedly burgled the house of an elderly female
relative on 29 September 2003 together with a 19-year-old man named Amir
Hossein Sotoudeh. Amir Hossein allegedly killed the woman during the burglary.
Delara Darabi initially confessed to the murder, but subsequently retracted her
confession, claiming that Amir Hossein had asked her to admit responsibility
for the murder to protect him from execution, believing that as she was under
18, she could not be sentenced to death. Iran is a state party to international
treaties, including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,
that expressly prohibit the use of the death penalty for crimes committed by
those under the age of 18.

Delara Darabi was sentenced to death by Branch 10 of the General Court in Rasht
in 2005. The Supreme Court later found “deficiencies” in the case and sent it
for retrial. Following further trial sessions in January and June 2006, Delara
Darabi was sentenced to death for a second time. Amir Hossein Sotoudeh was
sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment for complicity in the murder and both
received sentences of three years’ imprisonment and 50 lashes for robbery, and
20 lashes for an “illicit relationship”. Delara Darabi’s death sentence was
confirmed by the Supreme Court on 16 January 2007. According to the Etemad
report, this sentence has now been further confirmed by Branch 7 of the Iran’s
Supreme Court, sitting as a sentencing “discernment”, or review, body (Sho’
be-ye tashkhis).


Despite being a state party to international treaties which prohibit the use of
the death penalty against anyone under the age of 18 at the time of offence,
many child offenders are under sentence of death in Iran.

At least 177 people were executed in Iran in 2006, including one who was under
the age of 18 at the time of execution, and at least three others who were
under 18 at the time of the offences of which they were convicted.

On 14 January 200, judges in a Tehran criminal court cleared 19-year-old
Mahabad Fatehi (known as Nazanin Fatehi) of premeditated murder, but ordered
her to pay diyeh (blood money) to the family of the man she killed in
self-defence in March 2005. She had been sentenced to death for murder in
January 2006, but following domestic and international protests, her death
sentence was quashed by the Supreme Court in May 2006 and her case sent for
retrial (see UA 220/05, MDE 13/047/2005, 24 August 2005, and follow-ups).



Statement of Mohammad Mostafaei, co-attorney of Delara Darabi’s about the execution verdict


As we heard in the media yesterday, the execution verdict of Miss Delara Darabi was confirmed by the 7th division of the appeal review department of the supreme court of Iran.

It is very unfortunate that the judges paid no attention whatsoever to Miss Delara Darabi’s file and took the matter of taking the life of a 17 year old child so lightly. While the international laws clearly mandates against execution of children under 18 years of age, we observe that the higher judges of the judiciary paid no attention to this case and in violation of the international civil and human rights verified the death sentence.

Delara Darabi’s file has many doubtful and vague ambiguities and in order to clear the facts it was wise that the judges had exercised patience about this case. For example Delara Darabi is left-handed and the victim’s was stabbed on the side of the body which required a reenactment of the scene by the judiciary but there has never been such reenactment.

Other matter which requires much consideration is the lack of motive for the crime. Delara Darabi had no motives for the murder of Mahin (the victim). The financial status of the Delara was such that there was no need for Delara to commit robbery and the crime.

Therefore the same as Mr. Khoramshahi, I believe that the issued verdict is unlawful and it is also against the Islamic Sharia laws.

Mohammad Mostafaei  

Attorney at Law

April 26, 2007 

URGENT ACTION CALL: Delara Darabi one step closer to execution…

20 year old painter Delara Darabi with broken fingers, broken heart needs your urgent help.

Her appeal was denied and now her life and death decision is in the hands of one man: Ayatollah Shahroudi  (Iran’s head of judiciary)

Details in next SCE post coming soon.

Source: Delara’s lawyer, family and Etemaad Newspaper 

Please sign these three petitions as soon as possible if you haven’t yet:




Send your appeals to :

Head of the Judiciary,
His Excellency Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi
Justice Ministry BLDG. – Panzdah-Khordad (ARK) Sq.
Tehran.  Iran.
Phone: [00 98 21] 391 1109
Fax: [00 98 21] 390 4986
Email: info@dadgostary-tehran.ir
(In the email subject line write:
Comment box through his website:
(The fields are written in Persian. The first line is for your name, 2nd your email, 3rd the subject which should read ‘URGENT LETTER TO AYATOLLAH HASHEMI SHAHROUDI’ and 4th field is for your comments)

Leader of the Islamic Republic,
His Excellency, Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei
The Office of the Supreme Leader,
Shahid Keshvar Doost St.
Tehran.  Iran.
Phone: [00 98 21]  64411
Fax: [00 98 251] 7774 2228
(Mark as: “FAO the Office of His Excellency, Ayatollah Khamenei
Email: istiftaa@wilayah.org
Email via website: http://www.leader.ir/langs/EN/index.php?p=sendletter
Salutation: Your Excellency


  • Contact everyone you know and ask them to sign the petitions

  • Post the link to this site on blogs, Internet Forums and Chat rooms.
    Also See Link To Us

  • Write personal letters to the UN and ask them to put pressure on the Iranian Officials to stop the executions of those who have allegedly committed an offence before the age of 18.

    • UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon and
      UN High Commissioner of Human Rights, Louise Arbour at:
      Petitions Team
      Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
      United Nations Office at Geneva
      1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
      Fax: 41 22 917 9022
      (particularly for urgent matters)
      E-mail: tb-petitions@ohchr.org