Amnesty UK members take action to save Delara Darabi

Source: Gazzette Correspondent , UK

During their annual meeting, members of the Amnesty International of Taunton, UK “took part in an activity to make a banner of goodwill for Delara Darabi, an Iranian citizen, who has been given the death penalty for an alleged crime that occurred when she was 17. Iran have agreed not to execute child offenders, and new evidence has come to light which could prove the innocence of Delara. It’s hoped this action which is being replicated by local groups around the country, will encourage the authorities in Iran to review her case. “

Delara Darabi's case less promising due to obvious injustice

According to Etemaad Newspaper , Amir Hossein, Delara’s boyfriend withdrew his case appeal. Amir Hossein was accused of assisting Delara Darabi in murder of her family member, theft and intimate relationship with Delara. After the initial hearings Amir Hossein was sentenced to 10 year imprisonment for being the accomplice to murder and was required to pay additional fines for the theft and his relationship (not allowed by Islamic Sharia). 

He had appealed the verdict about assisting with the murder and the therefore file was send to the appeal court,  however his attorney later notified the appeal court that Amir Hossein has accepted all the charges.

Therefore the appeal court issued the final verdict of 13 years imprisonment and flogging. 

 * * *

Stop Child Executions Campaign condemns the review of Amir Hossein and Delara Darabi case independent of each other and in different courts as they both were present at the scene and therefore the case must have been reviewed simultaneously because the decision and outcome of one verdict would have direct affect on the other.

The acceptance of the current charges by Amir Hossein was an obvious attempt under advise of his attorney to end the case to his benefit and therefore now Delara Darabi is the only person accused of murder as Amir Hossein’s case is considered finalized.

Review of Delara and Amir Hossein’s case independent of one another is a clear indication of unfair trial in favor of one accused versus another. The FACT remains that they both were present at the scene and therefore making separate decisions for the same crime is an obvious ground for inaccurate decision making process, unfair reviews and preferential treatments.

We at SCE campaign are extremely concerned about the upcoming outcome of Delara’s case due to the improper handling of this case.  

Please note that we have had other independent verfication of this news except what was written in Etemmad newspaper today and we will provide more update as soon as available.

 Source: Etemaad Newspaper

اميرحسين محکوميتش را پذيرفت  

گروه حوادث؛ همدست جوان دل آرا دختر نقاش متهم به قتل که به راي صادره دادگاه اعتراض کرده بود، اعتراض خود را پس گرفت. به گزارش خبرنگار ما، اميرحسين پسر جواني که متهم به   معاونت در قتل و سرقت اموال زني به نام مهين و رابطه نامشروع با دل آرا بود، پس از محاکمه به 10 سال حبس از سوي دادگاه بدوي و حبس و جزاي نقدي در خصوص سرقت و رابطه نامشروع محکوم شد. او بدون اعتراض به حکم صادره در خصوص معاونت در قتل به ساير احکام اعتراض کرد و پرونده براي رسيدگي در اين خصوص به دادگاه تجديد نظر فرستاده شد، اما مدتي بعد وکيل مدافع اميرحسين اعتراض خود را پس گرفت و اعلام کرد موکلش همه محکوميت هايش را پذيرفته است. بنابراين اميرحسين بدون اعتراض به آراي صادره به 13 سال حبس و شلاق محکوم شد. دل آرا دارابي دختر نقاش متهم به قتل متهم است سه سال پيش با همدستي امير حسين  دخترعموي پدرش را به قتل رسانده است. دل آرا در جلسه محاکمه اتهام قتل را رد کرد و گفت به خواسته اميرحسين به قتل اعتراف کرده است. در حال حاضر پرونده دل آرا در مرحله استيذان نزد رئيس قوه قضائيه است و اميدهاي تازه براي نقض حکم قصاص او به وجود آمده است

Iraqi feminist signs petition to save Delara Darabi

14908. Yanar Mohamad President Editor-in-chef of Al Mosawat/President of organization Women’s Freedom in Iraq

Yanar Mohamad signed the petition to save Delara Darabi from execution. She is the head of the Organisation of Women’s Freedom in Iraq (OWFI), is a renowned activist, and highly regarded in the world today for her brave efforts in defending women’s rights in Iraq. She and the OWFI have been at the forefront of raising Iraqi women’s awareness of their rights, fighting for an egalitarian secular state and full equality for women, as well as advocating for the separation of religion from the state and educational system which is a precondition for guaranteeing women’s rights in Iraq.

Nazanin Afshin-Jam and SCE Campaign thank Ms. Mohamad for joining the campaign to save Delara Darabi. 

Nealy 15,000 have signed Delara’s petition to date.   

To Delara Darabi

I still believe in life
where the smiles of colors on the body of paper
paints the words of love
with my nostalgic sentiments

I love the pulse of earth in the spring
for its blossoms have crossed the winter
to plant its flowers on the walls of my impatience

I still believe in living life
as I avoid counting the pulses
of the visiting prisoners

I despise execution of love
along the noose
above the stool of death

I adore the laughter of love
as it defines freedom
in the extension of history

I wish to embrace love
with all its colors
for it awaits the caress of my touch

I trust my hands with you
to translate kindness with words of freedom 
to define the justice in my life
for the small world of my glances
under the blue sky of my colors

I am afraid of justice of Quran
on the small surface of my body
I am scared of passing the line
that ends on top the execution stool
I despise this wall of impatience
for it is hauling the word of prison

I experience Life with its words
Freedom with depth of its screams
Humanity with its kindness
War deep within its shame
Love with all its colors
Prison in the black of my eyes
Resistance in the silence of my loneliness
Peace in its spring like smiles

and I am in love with the colors of life
like the flights of birds to infinity 
I am the prisoner of colors

From a Persian poem by Y. safaei

Voice of America TV & Radio Iran broadcast discuss Delara Darabi

Today Voice of America Television and radio - Persian program- in its news commentary «تفسير خبر» dedicated one hour program to human rights violation in Iran (نقض حقوق بشر در جمهوری اسلامی) .

Delara Darabi was one of the cases that was addressed by the program guests. VOA Persian is widely watched in Iran via TV Satellite and internet. To view the broadcast in Persian click :

WINDOWS MEDIA PLAYER     or       REAL PLAYER     (Delara Darabi:  minute 30 )

Update on Delara Darabi

Delara is being kept in a prison in city of Rasht near Caspian sea in Iran. This year the excessive heat and humidity has made the living conditions in the prison very difficult. Last week Delara and other prisoners were forced to attend a religious occasion in the prison yard for long hours. By the time Delara was allowed to come back inside she was ill and had to be rushed for medical treatment due to heat exhaution.

Delara is ok now and was just visited by her family. She is only allowed 15 minutes visitations.








Voice of America Radio interview with Mina Ahadi about Delara Darabi

Mina Ahadi , head of International Committee Against Execution was interviewed on Voice of America Radio, Persian language. She expressed her concern about Delara Darabi and other children facing executions in Iran.

Ms Ahadi stated that according to the Nasrin Sotoudeh and other attorneys in Iran, the number of children facing execution in Iran is substantially more than the 32 known names.

Interview in persian:

فعاليت های ايرانيان برای نجات جان کودکان و نوجوانان از اعدام (نظير دلارا دارابی) در ايران

دلارا دارابی يکی از نوجوانانی است که در ايران به اتهام قتل به اعدام محکوم شده است. خبرنگار بخش فارسی صدای آمريکا با خانم مينا احدی، فعال حقوق بشر و زنان در آلمان، گفتگويی انجام داده است پيرامون فعاليت های ايرانيان از جمله سازمانهای ايرانی مدافع حقوق کودگان و زنان برای نجات جان کودکانی که به مجازات اعدام محکوم شده اند.

Delara Darabi Petition reached 14,000 mark

                                                                                                                                                                                                       Today the petition to save Delara Darabi from execution reached 14,000 signatures. A word of thanks to Mani Azizzadeh for initiating the petition , to 14000 petitioners, many media, websites, government officials, bloggers and human right organizations for taking a part in bringing awareness to Delara Darabi’s situation.

To sign the petition for Delara Darabi please visit: 

Delara Darabi's letter to Nazanin Afshin-Jam






(Nazanin in Persian means dear, lovely and precious. Delara has used the word Nazanin with interchangable with its meanings in her letter to Nazanin Afshin-Jam) 
For my Nazanin! The one who without seeing or knowing, has sympathized with Delara
Lord, In your name

Hello to precious, my unseen friend, Hi to my dear Nazanin

I thank and appreciate for all your honest and giving support. I don’t know, I even don’t know how this happened to me. After many years I still haven’t been able for even few minutes resolve it.
Lets not get to it,…… It has been a while that I have been wanting to write you but my hands were not helping…

Dear Nazanin, you live there…you struggle and shout and …I am here far away and all around me is filled with your letters, memories and hopes. Filled with kindness of all of you my unseen friends. Filled with your giving, lasting and pure kindness

My Lord! On the third bed of this cell , I am sitting in the corner of an accusation and I am writing to you… Kind Nazanin. I hope for the day that I can meet all of you kind people in person and to see you with my own eyes, Because I have already have felt your purity, kindness and your vast love with my heart…

I wish God gives enough life to Delara that she can complete all her purposes…Dear Nazanin, you don’t know how difficult it is when one sees that friends and dear ones move on with life but you stay stagnant and in one place.
My dear Nazanin, you don’t know how painful it is to see (in here) freedom of those who are proud that they murdered someone but in their own court (conscious) they represent themselves as innocent and not guilty and they even give themselves the right for what they had done and…

Dear Nazanin, I don’t know…. may be they are right, I am only afraid that I may not deserve so much blessing and attention from so many dear ones worldwide. I am afraid that I may not deserve all my pains. The sorrows, pains, insults, despise and falsifications that has become the meanings of my life…All the meaning of my life…

You are a human rights activist and you shout…
and I quietly and with no sound, I present to your beautiful eyes , the same rights and pains ..with no judgments or words…In silence you have heard and are hearing my screams more clear and more beautiful  don’t you?!
My heart has much to express but time is short and I am not allowed any control !!! Writing here is meaningless.
Everything here is fake and superficial. This world is worthless but a world filled with missions.

I don’t know if I will meet you my dear ones or we must leave the meeting to the the unseen world.
Anyway, Delara is not alone, Delaras are trapped in prisons and in need of God’s help and in need of defenders of human right and humanity!!!

I hope that you defend humanity and always be successful. The one who defends humanity and knowledge , is not a human but a true knower of God and knower of self. A reference, a gauge and a motive for life…and that is how you are …Nazanin (precious) of all ages.

You and I and all of us, human beings of the world came here with will but after a while we forgot everything… We live with different feelings, with perplexity and amazements and we still do not understand why?

I cry a lot, just like the spring clouds! with large droplets…have you ever seen it?! Yes my cries are because when I
was could have loved I had shortcomings and now that I am loved, my hands are tight from everywhere an everyone.
I have never cried for being imprisoned, because my thoughts and my heart is free and is with you : the best

Delara May 8, 2007

Say hello to my true loving friends
Because every night during my prayer I pray for all the people of this large and vast house
I pray that one day everyone becomes a lover and we all be the guests of Lord’s vast feast

want to know ,that s you are ,wait for me untill the day i am not prison here!
(Above English Line was written by Delara)

Excuse me , my precious Nazanin If I wrote incorrect
Hope to see you…
ARAM , far and homesick
(Delara’s cell mates have given her the nickname of ARAM , which in Persian means Silent, calm and quiet)

برای نازنیتم

 !  آنکه نادیده و نشناخته …..با دل آرا همدردی نمود

خدایا به نام تو                                                                                                                                                 
سلام به نازنین یار نادیده ام،  

                                      سلام به نازنین عزیزم…
از تمامی حمایت های بی دریغ و بی ریا

و شاید بی دیللتان ممنون و سپاسگذارم،نمی دانم،خودم هم نمی دانم چطور این اتفاق برایم افتاد،بعد سالها هنوز نتوانستم آن چند دقیقه را برای خودم حلاجی کنم!
بگذریم،مدتها بود که می خواستم برایت بنویسم ولی دستهایم یاری نمی کرد…

نازنین جان تو در آنجایی و زندگی می کنی…تلاش می کنی و فریاد میزنی و…من اینجایم و دو ر تا دو رم از نامه ها وخاطره ها و امید های شما پر است،از محبت های شما دوستان نادیده ام،از لطف بی دریغ و همیشگی وپاک خدایم !                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                روی تخت سوم در کنج یک اتهام نشسته ام و برای تو نازنین مهربان می نویسم.آرزوی روزی را می کنم که همه شما مهربانان را از نزدیک و این دو چشم ملموس خود ببینم، چون پاکی و محبت و عشق ماورای شماها را قبلاًباچشمان دلم لمس کرده ام…امیدوارم خداوند آنقدر عمر به دل آرا بدهد تا تمام رسا لت هایش را بتوانہ f ب_e5 اتمام برساند…نازنین جان نمی دانی چقدر سخت است سالها رفتن دوستان و عزیزانت را ببینی و خودت در سکون غرق شده باشی و هی در جا بزنی!!! نازنینم نمی دانی چقدر دردناک است آزادی کسی راببینی که بارها و بارها از خود به خاطر قتلی که کرده تشکر کرده ودر دادگاه شخصی خود ،خود را بیگناه و تبرئه نموده و حتی حق خود دانسته که این کار را باید انجام می داده و…
نازنین جان نمی دانم شاید حق با آنها باشد ،من تنها از این می ترسم که لیاقت این همه لطف خداوند و توجه عزیزانم در سراسر دنیا را نداشته شم، ترسم از این است که لیاقت رنجهایم را نداشته باشم، همان رنجها ودردها و توهین ها وتحقیر ها و حق و نا حق کردنها که معنای زندگی ام شده اند…

تمام معنای زندگی ام …تو فعال حقوق بشری و فریاد می زنی! ومن آرام و بی صدا همان حق ها ودردها را به نگاه زیبای شما تقدیم میکنم، بی هیچ قضاوت یا حرفی….در سکوت فریاد ها را زیباتر وشیواتر میشنوید وشنیدید…مگر نه؟!
خلاصه حرف دل بسیار است و وقت کم واختیار بی اختیار!!!اینجا نوشتن معنا ندارد، اینجا همه چیز فرمالیته و ظاهریست.

نمی دانم من در این دنیای بی ارزش ولی پررسالت  شما دلبندانم را ملاقات خواهم کرد یا وعدهء مان به دنیایی نادیده موکول شود، در هر حال دل آرا تنها نیست ،دل آرا هایی در زندانها اسیرند که محتاج کمک خدا و حما یت حامیان انسانیت و بشریت اند!!!
امیدوارم از انسانیت دفاع کنی وهمیشه موفق باشی ؛آنکه از انسانیت ومعرفت دفاع می کند،انسان نیست یک خدا شناس ِخود شناس ِتمام عیار است ،یک ملاک و معیار و انگیزه برای زندگی است…

                                                                                             و تو نازنین تمام اعصار  اینچنینی!!!
من و تو و همه ی ما انسانهای دنیا با  ا راده به دنیا آمده ایم ،بعد از مدتی همه چیز یادمان رفت….با حیرت و شگفتی و احساسهای دیگر زندگی می کنیم و باز نمی فهمیم چرا؟…

و آخر هم با حسرت از تعدادمان روی  کره خاکی کم و کمتر میشود و باز هم نمی فهمیم چرا؟!!
من گریه زیاد می کنم، درست مثل ابر بهاری !با قطره های درشت…تا حالا دیده ای؟!   آری گریه ام به خاطر این است که آن زمان که باید دوست می داشتم ، کوتاهی کردم و حالا که دوستم دارند ، دستم از همه جا و همه کس کوتاه شده است ،هرگز برای در بند بودن نگریسته ام زیرا که اندیشه وقلبم آزاد است و پیش شما بهترینها…   

 دل آ را   86/2/18
 سلام مرا به همه ی دوستداران ِواقعی ام برسان

 چون من هر شب سر نماز برای تمام انسانهای این خانه ی بزرگِ بی در و پیکر دعا میکنم ! دعا می کنم که روزی همگی عاشق هم باشیم وبا هم روی سفره با وسعت ِخدا میهمان باشیم!
want to know ,that s you are ,wait for me untill the day i am not prison here!

                        اگر اشتباه نوشتم منو ببخش نازنینم.. 
                                                                              به امید دیدار….
    آرام دور و دلتنگ…


A recent poem by Delara Darabi: Dream… خواب






My dream is made of broken images
A dream shattered in pieces!
and every piece a non matching patch to another
I can not sleep!…
I can not put together the puzzle of images in my dream…  
I know!  The primary piece is missing !…
Ask him to come
My status is beyond a hairline crack
Hey , china repairman!!!
The china of my dreams is shattered
Will you patch it for me?!!
دلارا دارابىã Delara Darabi
  !خوابم از جنس تصاویر شکسته است
  خوابی تکه تکه شده
…وهر تکه اش وصله ای ناجور برای دیگریست 
  !…و من خوابم نمیبرد
  پازل تصاویر رویایم ساخته نمیشود 
                                     !…میدانم!تکه اصلی اش گم است
  صدایش کنید بیاید
                                      آخر کارم از ترک هم گذشته 
   !!!آی چینی بند زن
                                       چینی خوابم تکه تکه شده 
             !!برایم بند میزنی؟