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دل آرا، در آستانه اجراي حکم قصاص

گروه حوادث؛ دل آرا دارابي دختر نقاش متهم به قتل که چندين سال است در زندان به سر مي برد در آستانه اجراي حکم قصاص قرار گرفت.

به گزارش خبرنگار ما، دل آرا که از 18سالگي به اتهام قتل دختر عموي پدرش در زندان است چند روز پيش از طريق مسوولان زندان باخبر شد قرار است به زودي حکم قصاص وي اجرا شود و او بايد خود را آماده کند.دل آرا تاکنون بارها با نوشتن نامه هاي متعدد اصرار کرده او قاتل نيست و در شرايط روحي و رواني خاصي به قتل اعتراف کرده است. اين دختر پنج سال پيش به همراه پسر مورد علاقه خود با انگيزه سرقت به منزل دخترعموي پدرش رفت و هنگامي که مقتول قصد پذيرايي داشت، کشته شد. پس از آن پدر دل آرا دخترش را به پليس تحويل داد و وي به جنايت اعتراف کرد اما بعد آن را انکار کرد.

اين دختر نقاش چند روز پيش در تماسي با خانواده اش اعلام کرده مسوولان زندان به او گفته اند هر لحظه احتمال اجراي حکم وجود دارد و او به زودي قصاص خواهد شد.

يک بار پيش از اين زماني که پرونده براي استيذان نزد آيت الله هاشمي شاهرودي رئيس قوه قضائيه فرستاده شده بود حکم قصاص دل آرا نقض و محاکمه دوباره برگزار شد اما قاضي دادگاه باز هم دفاعيات اين دختر را نپذيرفت و او را به قصاص محکوم کرد.دل آرا که تاکنون از تابلوهايي که در زندان کشيده چندين نمايشگاه برگزار کرده يک بار ديگر خواستار بررسي پرونده اش شده است.وي پيش از اين در نامه هاي خود براي رئيس قوه قضائيه نوشته بود؛ من مرتکب قتل نشده ام و زماني که اعتراف کردم به دليل رفتارهاي پدرم به شدت دلشکسته بودم و مي خواستم از اين زندگي راحت شوم. پسر مورد علاقه ام نيز بعد از دستگيري به من گفت چون تو کمتر از 18 سال سن داري تو را اعدام نمي کنند پس بهتر است تو قتل را گردن بگيري. من هم به خاطر همين حرف به کشتن دختر عموي پدرم اعتراف کردم. من دختري چپ دست هستم، بنابراين اينکه به سمت راست مقتول آن هم از کنار ضربه وارد کنم، غيرممکن است. اين حکم عادلانه نيست چرا که من مرتکب قتل نشده ام.

هرچند عبدالصمد خرمشاهي وکيل مدافع دل آرا نيز طي لوايح متعدد ايرادات پرونده را گوشزد کرده بود، حکم قصاص دختر نقاش تاييد شد. در حالي که اين دختر همچنان بر بي گناهي خود پافشاري مي کند عده يي از هنرمندان براي جلب رضايت اولياي دم مقتول سراغ آنها رفتند اما فرزندان مقتول حاضر به گذشت نشدند و بر قصاص قاتل مادرشان پافشاري کردند. آنها بر اين باورند اگر دل آرا قاتل نبود حکم بارها مورد تاييد قرار نمي گرفت. اما دل آرا و وکيل مدافعش مي گويند به ايرادات پرونده توجهي نشده است و اگر يک بار ديگر صحنه قتل بازسازي شود به اثبات مي رسد دل آرا قاتل نيست و او بي دليل پنج سال را در انتظار اجراي حکم قصاص در زندان گذرانده است.

بنابر اخبار رسيده دل آ را اکنون شرايط روحي بدي دارد و با توجه به اينکه در آستانه اجراي حکم قصاص قرار گرفته، عبدالصمد خرمشاهي تلاش هاي دوباره خود را براي نجات اين دختر نقاش آغاز کرده است.

What will be Delara’s fate?



Delara Darabi, the young artist who has been  on death row for the last 5 years in Rasht prison may not have much longer to live. According to her lawyer Abdolsamad Khoramshahi who was recently interviewed by Rooz online, said that soon after the Persian New Year, he had a phone conversation with Delara who relayed to him that there were rumours in prison that she was going to soon be executed soon.

Mr. Khoramshahi said that his client has reason to be worried because her file has gone beyond  any kind of legal recourse and that the only option is for the family of the victim pardon her. He said that one of the children of the victim has neither approved nor disapproved her execution.  Because the Judiciary has already approved her execution, once the family of the victim also  approve , Delara’s execution will be carried out.

Mr. Khoramshahi explained in the interview that  out of deep love for the man that committed the crime, Delara took the blame in the first trial and had confessed to the murder of her father’s cousin. He said that she even went so far as justifying that she was capable of such a crime because she was an athlete and  was strong in Karate.

Later, when she understood that juveniles still face the death penalty for such crimes, she retracted her statement.  By then it was too late and the court did not accept the retraction.  Later, Mr. Khoramshahi had noticed that his client was left handed and the autopsy of the victim had revealed that the stab wounds were committed by a right handed person.

Khoramshahi said that the Judge overlooking the case said that if it was proven that Delara was left handed, the direction of the file would change course. However, even with the evidence required to prove this  fact and further evidence from the Ministry of Education that Delara had never partaken in sports teams or Karate, Delara was not absolved of her alleged crime.

Branch 107 (juvenile court) confirmed her execution in her second trial and yet again in Branch 33 of the Supreme Court. Khoramshahi said that at this stage it is too late to try and repeat the same evidence over and over again. He said that they have gone beyond what can be done legally and that despite his many complaints regarding Delara’s file and new evidence, he has not had any responses come back; nor has there been any efforts from the courts to discover the reality behind her case.

He said “She is on the verge of execution and no legal institute can save her, unless the victim will forgive her”. He emphasized the fact that a lawyer’s responsibility is to defend the case in a “legal” court, but that he has to go beyond his duty. He said he is confident in his client’s innocence and is pleading with the family of the victim to forgive her execution.

He said: “She has spent her whole life around art and painting and the biggest mistake of her life was falling in love with a boy, which has lead to this outcome. Has she not suffered enough having spent the best days of her youth behind bars and experienced the worse physical and emotional pain?”

After three years in prison, Delara’s art was exhibited in Golestan Gallery in Tehran through the help of a prominent journalist and activist Asieh Amini. The paintings were the result of the loneliness she suffered in prison. It brought many people to the Golestan gallery.  The exhibition drew a large crowd; however the fame of this artist, who grew up her whole life surrounded by paintbrushes, could not save her.

She had written a welcome letter to the viewers of her exhibition:

“I have been circling around myself in prison for the last 3 years wondering how I have ended up here in prison. I’m not looking for empathy or forgiveness from anyone except from my God. I have come to accept that if I am to be released it will not be because of my three years fighting to prove my innocence but rather as a result of forgiveness.

Stop Child Executions encourages everyone to keep up the pressure. Visit our “what you can do” section and take action.

دلارا دارابی در آستانه اعدام‏

روزآنلاين؛ سارا مقدم ‏: دلارا دارابی دختر نقاشی که به دلیل اقرار به قتل در هفده سالگی، بیش از پنج سال را در زندان رشت گذرانده ‏است، با داشتن استیذان و پایان گرفتن مراحل قانونی پرونده اش، در آستانه اجرای حکم اعدام قرار دارد. ‏
‏ عبدالصمد خرمشاهی، وکیل دلارا دارابی با اعلام این خبر به روز گفت که موکلش در نخستین ساعات سال جدید، ‏در تماسی تلفنی به او از زمزمه هایی که در زندان، درباره احتمال اجرای حکم اعدام شده ابراز نگرانی کرده ‏است. ‏
خرمشاهی درباره پرونده دلارا که از سن هفده سالگی با اتهام قتل در زندان مرکزی شهرستان رشت زندانی ‏است، می گوید: سال گذشته این پرونده مراحل حقوقی اش را طی کرد و ظاهرا به دلیل اینکه یکی از فرزندان ‏مقتول، رضایت یا عدم رضایت خود را اعلام نکرده، در مرحله اجرای حکم باقی ماند.‏
وکیل دلارا می افزاید: اجرای حکم اعدام دلارا، با توجه به اینکه پرونده استیذان هم گرفته است، در صورتی که ‏اولیاء دم مصر به اجرای حکم باشند، امکان دارد و از این نظر نگرانی او بی دلیل نیست. ‏
دلارا دارابی در آبان ماه سال 86، در حالی که 17 سال بیشتر نداشت، مسوولیت جنایتی را که طی آن یکی از ‏بستگان پدرش به قتل رسیده بود را به عهده گرفت. طبق اقرار دلارا و نکاتی که او در بازسازی صحنه گفت، ‏دادگاه وی را به عنوان متهم ردیف اول پرونده معرفی کرد. درحالی که او پس از این اقرار اولیه، علت اقرارش را ‏علاقه زیاد به پسری عنوان کرد که به گفته دلارا ، عامل اصلی جنایت بود. دلارا حتا برای قبولاندن دادگاه به ‏اینکه وی قاتل است، عنوان کرده بود که به دلیل اینکه ورزشکار است و کاراته کار می کند، توانسته است با وجود ‏جثه کوچک و نحیفش، حریف مقتول، که خانمی تنومند بود، شود. ‏
‏ پس از اقراری که یکی از دلایل اصلی صدور حکم قصاص علیه وی بود، از اقرار خود پشیمان شد و ارتکاب به ‏قتل را انکار کرد. اما انکار پس از اقرار، مورد پذیرش دادگاه قرار نگرفت. اما پس از چندی، وکیل وی متوجه ‏شد که او چپ دست است، در حالی که همه ضربه های وارد شده ، از سمت راست وارد شده بود. ‏
خرمشاهی در این باره خاطرنشان مي کند: قاضی محترم پرونده عنوان کرده بود که درصورتی که ثابت شود که ‏دلارا چپ دست است، مسیر پرونده تغییر خواهد کرد. اما با وجود قطعی شدن این مساله، و با وجود استعلامی که ‏از آموزش و پرورش رشت کرده بودیم که نشان می داد این دختر هرگز اهل ورزشهای رزمی و کاراته نبوده و ‏در هیچ باشگاه ورزشی هم تمرینی از این دست نداشته است، و همه سخنانی که درباره توانمندی ورزشی خود ‏گفته ، نادرست بوده، اما مسیر پرونده تغییر نکرد و نتیجه دادگاه دوم ( شعبه 107 دادگاه اطفال رشت) نیز صدور ‏حکم اعدام برای دلارا بود. (این حکم در شعبه 33 دیوان عالی کشور تایید شد. )‏
وی می افزاید: حالا برای گفتن دوباره این حرفها خیلی دیر است. به هر حال مسیر قانونی طی شده و با وجود همه ‏ایرادهایی که از نظر بنده در این پرونده وجود دارد و به آنها پاسخی داده نشده و آنچنان که باید و شاید کشف ‏واقعیت نشد، دلارا در آستانه اجرای حکم قرار دارد و هیچ مرجع قانونی جز اولیاء دم نمی توانند او را از این ‏خطر دور کنند. ‏
وی با تاکید بر این که وظیفه وکیل دفاع قانونی در دادگاه است ، می گوید با این وجود با توجه به اینکه بی گناهی ‏موکلم برای من محرز است، از اولیاء دم می خواهم که از خون این دختر بگذرند. او دختری است که همه زندگی ‏اش را با نقاشی و هنر گذرانده بود و بزرگترین خطای زندگی اش دل بستن به پسری بود که به خاطر او به این ‏روز افتاد. اما این همه تاوان آیا برایش کافی نیست که بهترین سالهای عمرش را پشت میله های زندان و در بد ‏ترین شرایط روحی و جسمی بگذراند؟ ‏
آبان ماه سال 85 ( سه سال پس از زندانی شدن دلارا )، نمایشگاهی از آثار نقاشی دلارا دارابی به همت آسیه ‏امینی روزنامه نگار و فعال حقوق زنان، در گالری گلستان تهران برگزار شد. این نقاشی ها حاصل لحظه های ‏تنهایی دلارا در زندان بود و بازدیدکنندگان بسیاری را به گالری گلستان کشاند. اما آوازه هنر سیاه و تلخ این ‏هنرمند کم سن و سال که از چهار سالگی به گفته مادرش با رنگ و قلم مو زندگی کرده است، نیز نتوانسته است او ‏را از زندان و مرگ و خواب اعدام نجات دهد.‏
در نامه خیر مقدم دلارا دارابی به بازدیدکنندگان نمایشگاهی که از نقاشی های دلارا برپا شده بود ، نوشته بود : ‏‏”سه سال است كه در كنج يك اتهام دور خودم مي چرخم و حلاجي مي كنم. من به بزرگواري ها محتاجم ولي نه به ‏ترحم يا بخشايش به جز از خداوندم. گرچه مي دانم اين قصه تنهابايد با بخشودگي حل شود و سه سال مبارزه براي ‏احقاق حقم و شنيده شدن اينكه بي گناهم به جايي نخواهد رسيد…”

Hossein Toranj is RELEASED from prison


Hossein Toranj, who was pardoned by the family of the victim in February this year, has since been released from prison. Stop Child Executions wishes him a safe, peaceful and prosperous life for the rest of his youth and adult life.

For more information on Hossein Toranj’s case please refer to

Abumoslem Sohrabi facing imminent execution!

Stop Child Executions has informed the proper mechanism at the United Nations about the imminent case of Abumoslem Sohrabi facing execution in Iran. We encourage you to read Amnesty International’s latest report on Abumoslem and take the recommended actions below.
For more information about Abumoslem please refer to :

Source:  AI Index: MDE 13/025/2009
27 March 2009

UA 87/09 Fear of imminent execution

IRAN Abumoslem Sohrabi (m), now aged 24, juvenile offender

Abumoslem Sohrabi is at risk of imminent execution for a murder committed when he was 17 years old. His execution order has been approved by the Supreme Court and passed to the Office for the Implementation of Sentences, the body responsible for seeing that all sentences – including executions – are carried out.

In December 2001, Abumoslem Sohrabi from the city of Firouzabad, in Fars Province, stabbed a 25-year-old man, Amin, in what he claimed was an act of self-defence. Abumoslem Sohrabi says that Amin had raped him on numerous occasions and was harassing him at the time of the incident, by asking him out and offering him motorbike rides, but he had repeteadly refused the advances. On the day of the killing, Abumoslem Sohrabi had again refused a ride with Amin, who then threatened to tell others about their previous encounters. Abumoslem Sohrabi then said he would accept the ride, but, after mounting the motorbike, hit Amin and then ran away. Amin came after him, and they fought. Abumoslem Sohrabi managed to grab a knife that Amin was carrying knife and used it against him. He then fled the scene on Amin’s motorbike, apparently not knowing that he had killed him.

Abumoslem Sohrabi was tried by Branch 3 of the Revolutionary Court in Firouzabad and sentenced to qesas (retribution) for murder committed in order to steal Amin’s motorbike. However, in a letter to the Supreme Court, the judge who issued the original death sentence retracted his ruling in the light of evidence that Abumoslem Sohrabi was a rape victim and acted in self-defence. In July 2008 Branch 33 of the Supreme Court in Tehran ordered a review of the case but the death sentence was upheld.

RECOMMENDED ACTION: Please send appeals to arrive as quickly as possible and remind the authorities that Iran is a state party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), which prohibit the use of the death penalty against people convicted of crimes committed when they were under 18.

Write to:

Head of the Judiciary
Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi
Howzeh Riyasat-e Qoveh Qazaiyeh (Office of the Head of the Judiciary)
Pasteur St., Vali Asr Ave., south of Serah-e Jomhouri, Tehran 1316814737, Islamic Republic of Iran
Email: (In the subject line write: FAO Ayatollah Shahroudi)
Salutation: Your Excellency


Leader of the Islamic Republic
Ayatollah Sayed ‘Ali Khamenei
The Office of the Supreme Leader
Islamic Republic Street – End of Shahid Keshvar Doust Street, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
       via website:’letter (English)’letter (Persian)
Salutation: Your Excellency

Director, Human Rights Headquarters of Iran
Mohammad Javad Larijani
Howzeh Riassat-e Ghoveh Ghazaiyeh (Office of the Head of the Judiciary)
Pasteur St, Vali Asr Ave., south of Serah-e Jomhuri, Tehran 1316814737, Islamic Republic of Iran
Fax: +98 21 3390 4986 (please keep trying)
Email: (In the subject line: FAO Mohammad Javad Larijani) (In the subject line: FAO Mohammad Javad Larijani)
Salutation: Dear Mr Larijani

and to diplomatic representatives of Iran accredited to your country.


A small group of  Iranian-Americans in Chicago collected $1,630  for the Stop Child Executions campaign during a Nowruz gathering in celebration of the Persian New Year.  It is the largest donation SCE has received since its formation in February 2007.

We are thankful that they remembered the campaign on this special day and, as one contributor said, “we hope that nowruz will truly bring a new day to all Iranians, especially the children.”

A special thank you goes out to Behnaz Shahriari for her continued support and dedication to alleviating injustice.

Amnesty International’s new report on executions in 2008

Source: Death Sentences and Executions in 2008  (ACT 50/003/2009)

Amnesty International remained concerned about the application of the death penalty in Iran. Some of the cruel and inhumane methods used to execute at least 346 people in 2008 included stoning and hanging.13 The number of public hangings in Iran decreased in 2008 after the Chief Justice issued a decree banning them.


Amnesty International was also concerned about proposals by the authorities in Iran to widen further the already wide scope of application of the death penalty. In 2008 a new law was passed that allows the application of the death penalty against people convicted of illegal audiovisual activities (pornography) and a proposed law prescribing the death penalty for apostasy, heresy and witchcraft and for certain internet-related crimes that “promote corruption and apostasy” was being drafted.


In July 2008 Amnesty International and nine other human rights organisations issued a joint public statement calling for an end to the execution of juvenile offenders in Iran.14Many human rights defenders in Iran continue to campaign vigorously against such executions and for an end to executions by stoning. Despite these efforts the authorities in Iran executed eight juvenile offenders in 2008 in flagrant violation of international law.15 Iran was the only country in the world in which juvenile offenders were known to have been executed in 2008.



Article 6(5), ICCPR and Article 37(a) of the CRC prohibit anyone under 18 years old at the time the crime was committed from being sentenced to death. The major regional treaties in Europe, the Americas and Africa also have similar provisions.


More than 100 countries that retain the death penalty for some crimes have outlawed the execution of juvenile offenders. A small number of countries, however, continued to execute child offenders in flagrant violation of international law.


Amnesty International is concerned that the Arab Charter on Human Rights (ACHR), which entered into force in 24 March 2008, clearly fails to prohibit the imposition of the death penalty on those under the age of 18. Article 7(a) of the Charter prohibits the imposition of the death penalty against persons under 18 years of age except where it is permitted under national legislation. This, clearly, leaves room for states to execute juvenile offenders in flagrant violation of international law, in particular the ICCPR and the CRC, but without necessarily breaching the terms of the ACHR.

UN acknowledges Children’s Rights



New York, Mar 11 2009 12:10PM
A landmark treaty adopted 20 years ago has transformed the way the world views children but greater efforts are needed to ensure that their rights are protected and advanced, the United Nations human rights chief said today.
“Children are no longer regarded as the property of parents or the passive recipients of charity or goodwill, but as rights-holders,” UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay told a meeting of the Human Rights Council focusing on the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

“This conceptual shift also underscored States’ accountability in fulfilling their obligations towards children’s rights,” she added. “The Convention anchors these obligations to the principles of non-discrimination, the best interests of the child, children’s right to life, survival and development, and respect for the children’s right to express their views.”

She noted that over the past two decades, national mechanisms and practices have furthered children’s rights, which are now a feature of many school curricula, and awareness of children’s rights has never been higher.

At the same time, there was cause for concern in a number of areas, she stated, adding that many crimes against children continue to go unpunished.

According to the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), each year nearly 10 million children die from preventable causes before their fifth birthday.

The UN Study on Violence against Children reported that some 80 to 98 per cent of children suffer physical punishment in their homes, with a third or more experiencing severe physical punishment inflicted with implements.

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimated in 2002 that 150 million girls and 73 million boys under 18 experienced forced sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual violence. Also, the latest data available shows that some 1.2 million children are trafficked worldwide every year.

In addition, as noted by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, young people pay a heavy price in situations of conflict, where they are victims of attacks against schools, and are abducted and forced to serve as combatants, sex slaves or servants. More than 250,000 children are estimated to have been recruited as soldiers.

The current global financial crisis is also taking a toll on children, undermining their survival, access to housing, health and education. “When crises strike, social spending in programmes protecting children is to be counted among the first casualties of budget adjustments,” said Ms. Pillay.

“It is also true that in times of hardship, absent specific and targeted programs to support their education, children may be forced to abandon school and join the workforce. In this situation they may become more vulnerable to exploitation and trafficking,” she noted.

“We must remain vigilant in order to confront emerging challenges and ensure that the spirit and letter of the Convention shape the responses and remedial measures of the international community,” she said, adding that the Geneva-based Council can play an important role in advocating and advancing measures for the protection of the rights of the child.

“We need to translate our commitment, engagement, and work on children’s rights into a tangible reality for each and every one of them,” Ms. Pillay stated, pledging through her personal advocacy and the work of her staff to continue to draw attention to the rights of children and help States to fulfil their relevant responsibilities.
Mar 11 2009 12:10PM

Keeping Behnam Zare’s Spirit Alive

Stop Child Executions organization would like to congratulate Canadian youth for their initiative against juvenile execution and for keeping Behnam Zare’s spirit alive. 

Doing it for Zare
Students launch campaign to stop executions of people who committed crimes as children

The Telegram

A picture of Behnam Zare is posted at the top of the website The Iranian boy looks into the distance, his hair slicked back, his eyes focused on something up ahead.

It’s a similar pose to the one leaders take when they want to look visionary – staring bravely into the future.

But for Zare, that future was short and dim. At the age of 15, he killed an acquaintance in a fight and was convicted of murder. He was held until he turned 18 – the age after which the United Nations convention against executing children no longer applies – and was hanged in August 2008 without so much as a call to his mother.

Now, his story has inspired high school students in St. John’s, Mount Pearl and Deer Lake to campaign to make sure youths are no longer sentenced to death and face the same fate as Zare.

High school students at Holy Heart of Mary, St. Bonaventure’s College, O’Donel, St. Kevin’s and Deer Lake’s Elmwood high schools have created the website to raise awareness and gather signatures for a petition against youth executions.

They plan to present the petition to the United Nations in hopes of getting a stronger stance on the issue from the organization.

Jeremy Dyer, a Grade 11 student and president of Holy Heart of Mary’s Amnesty International group, said students were appalled to learn that people their age are being killed for crimes committed as children.

“I think it’s an incredibly important cause to be a part of because innocent children are essentially dying and in a lot of cases they aren’t given fair trials and they aren’t given basic human rights,” he said.

“I think it’s up to us to advocate and bring an end to it.”

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