Internview about child executions and Reza Alinejad


مصاحبه مينوهمتي با آزاد زماني پيرامون اعدام نوجوانان در ايران و بطور ويژه اقدامات پيرامون پرونده رضا علي نژاد Mino Hemati interviews Azad Zamani about child execution by Islamic Regime in general and about Reza Alinejad’s death sentence in particular.

Reza Alinejad is on death row in Adelabad prison in Shiraz. His family is asking for help to pay the family of the victim to lift the death sentence from Reza. If you would like to help the Alinejad family here is their contact information:
 Iran – Fars – Fasa – Kamala Ave – Allay 578 – No 41 Account No.: 0101245977005 Account type: Siba (ATM) Bank name: Bank Melli Iran (BMI) Branch No. (Fasa): 7381 Bank address: Imam Khomeini street, at Melli Shoe three road, Central BMI, Iran, Fars, Fasa

Disclaimer: As a policy SCE does not collect money for diyeh “blood money”. If anyone wants to help pay for a child on death row’s diyeh, we can try and help connect you.