A Change in SCE




 Due to new time constraints and responsibilities, David Etebari will no longer be able to continue his role as the Vice President and Campaign coordinator of Stop Child executions. He has been  instrumental in the formation and continuation of SCE as he has assumed the majority of research and editorial segments of SCE news updates. We are happy that David will remain on board by holding an advisory and supportive role to SCE.

In an email to the SCE team of volunteers David wrote: 
 ” As I indicated in my recent article( http://scenews.blog.com/4040738/ ), the will to Stop Child Execution has now rooted in the awareness of the Iranians and the world. Nazanin with our support has already lighted up the fire on the subject of child executions while it used to only be a small subject to occasionally complain about. Today so many organizations and individuals are united behind this issue and many have jointly signed petitions and issued statement with us. Today the fire that Nazanin started and you carried is shinning. Such leaps of conscious are irreversible and it is only a matter of time before the world will only remember such barbaric practices in the chapters of history

 With your selfless efforts SCE, now the leading world organization on the subject of child execution, was formed less than 2 years ago. SCE is now well respected in Iran and the world. It is not a week that a human rights organization, activist, attorney, family member of a juvenile, etc do not contact us for help, advise, information, assistance or coordination. We have been on many major and small medias and named on so many news pieces and blogs worldwide. Today we have sites on Wikipedia, youtube, myspace, orkut, iranian.com, facebook, care2, gather and manage a discussion forum . All this was made possible with your efforts without receiving one penny by any of us and in contrast some of us even have financially donated to SCE. Thanks to the initiation of D.W. Duke , SCE is now an official non-profit organization and that is why we have dropped the word “campaign” from your name for a while.  We now have published the most comprehensive list of solutions to end child execution in Iran. …..and the long list continues ………

 But Most importantly in addition to raising awareness you have saved lives and brought hope and smile to the faces of children facing execution and their families .

 By raising awareness and pointing everyone to the real nature of Iran’s government; Million signature campaigns for gender equality, Stop Child Executions and others everyday chisel the foundation of the barbaric regime in Iran. These efforts will eventually lead to the collapse of a regime that is a threat to Iranians and the world. But eventually Iran’ solution is a political one by Iranians, with the support of the world, uniting regardless of their differences under the common secular belief of respect for independence, freedom, justice and human rights .”

In response Nazanin Afshin-Jam the President and Co-founder of Stop Child Executions wrote: 
“I feel so blessed to have met David Etebari years ago when we were campaigning to save Nazanin Fatehi from death row. I feel blessed to have met such a devoted and selfless individual who gave every cell of his being to our campaign. I feel blessed to have made a good friend, someone I could lean on in times when I felt too emotionally exhausted to continue. David’s resilience kept me bounding. I am most grateful to David who has spent the last few years devoting half the day to SCE and other important human rights issues and taking a tremendous loss in his own affairs for the sake of others. …. I can honestly say that I could not have done this without David. That said, all of you play such an important “piece of the pie”. David, you have been such a shining star and thank you for being there for us, when we most needed it .”

SCE’s legal council and officer DW Duke wrote:
“Nazanin is the face of SCE but David is the backbone….I have to echo Nazanin’s comments.  David is a rare and unique human being.  His contributions to SCE are immeasurable….. I know that his contributions to SCE will remain as our cornerstone forever and he will always be part of us but it will not be the same as when he was the First Mate of our ship.  … As he moves into his new endeavors he will always be loved and respected by those who have come to know him.” 

About David Etebari (USA)

David Etebari is the co-founder of Stop Child Executions . Born in Tehran, Iran he has lived in the USA for 30 years. David has written many articles for major internet sites and blogs and he also has created video collages posted on YouTube and Google, some seen by more than 300,000 viewers.. Since the early days of the campaign to save Nazanin Fatehi, David spent countless hours bringing worldwide awareness to the plight of minors facing execution in Iran. He initiated the myspace site for Nazanin Fatehi which was viewed by more than 100,000 visitors. He later created the myspace page for Delara Darabi. The two sites were among the most interactive internet sites to address the issue of minors facing execution. He also initiated the Wikipedia pages for Nazanin Fatehi, Delara Darabi and the Stop Child Executions.
As the former campaign coordinator and vice president of Stop Child Executions, David played a major role in planning, organization and coordination of the SCE as well as research and editorial of the SCE news updates. David Etebari currently maintains an advisory and support role at SCE.