URGENT ACTION: Iranian prisoner rights activist imprisoned

Emadeldin Baghi , the head of Society for Defending Prisoners’ Rights in Iran , a journalist and writer was arrested this Sunday on charges of “spreading propaganda and publishing secret documents”. He has already served several jail terms in Iran and received awards from Western countries for his work.

In July 2007, Mr. Baghi published the first comprehensive report about child executions in Iran. It was after Mr. Baghi’s report that the recorded number of the children facing execution rose drastically. Shortly after the report Mr. Baghi was sentenced to 3 years imprisonment with the alleged charges of  “assembly” and “conspiracy for crimes against country’s security” and  “propaganda against regime of Islamic Republic of Iran for benefit of foreign and opposition forces”.  

Regardless, Mr.  Baghi continued his human rights efforts. He and his wife were also present on the scheduled day of execution of Sina Paymard, the young flute player who was scheduled to be taken to the execution pole for the second time but was saved in July 2007 by mediations and offering blood money to the family of the alleged victim.

Mr. Baghi maintains a website at www.emadbaghi.com and has been outspoken in opposition to recent surge of executions in Iran. He was also recently interviewed by German Radio DEUTSCH WELLE Persian Programming.

Stop Child Executions Campaign demand the Iranian Authorities and government to immediately release Emad Baghi and to drop all charges. We further request United Nations and other International organizations, governments and authorities to strongly object to the imprisonment of the Iranian human right activist Mr. Baghi.

AFP (Agency France Press) :

Reuters: http://in.news.yahoo.com/071014/137/6lx8x.html

Etemaad newspaper in Iran : http://www.etemaad.com/Released/86-07-23/103.htm#49125 

Send your appeals to:

Head of the Judiciary,
His Excellency Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi
Justice Ministry BLDG. – Panzdah-Khordad (ARK) Sq.
Tehran.  Iran.
Phone: [00 98 21] 391 1109
Fax: [00 98 21] 390 4986
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Leader of the Islamic Republic,
His Excellency, Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei
The Office of the Supreme Leader,
Shahid Keshvar Doost St.
Tehran.  Iran.
Phone: [00 98 21]  64411
Fax: [00 98 251] 7774 2228
(Mark as: “FAO the Office of His Excellency, Ayatollah Khamenei
Email via website: http://www.leader.ir/langs/EN/index.php?p=sendletter
Salutation: Your Excellency