Yesterday a group of Iranians went to visit the father of the victim to ask for his pardon but he was not home and travelling. Many had come from long distances with flower to pay respect to the victim (Mazdak).
Yesterday Ali’s attorney, Mohammad Mostafaei told SCE Campaign and Ali’s family that he is also trying to prove that Mazdak’s murder was not intentional. Mostafaei is supposed to hold a meeting with Iran’s district attorney and the deputy to head of Iran’s judiciary about Ali’s case.
Nazanin Afshin-Jam and Stop Child Executions Campaign welcome the news of halting Ali’s imminent execution and demand a permanent stop to his execution as well as a full and just review of his case in accordance with the international judiciary standards.
Chain of events:
Ali’s current attorney, Mohammad Mostafaei was referred to Ali’s family by Nazanin Afshin-Jam and Stop Child Executions Campaign after the family contacted SCE asking for help when Ali’s appeal was already denied. Following this contact Nazanin Afshin-Jam and SCE issued an urgent action communiqué and consequently informed Amnesty International, UN human rights commissioner, Canadian government, International Committee Against Execution and other resources which lead to a world wide action call by Amnesty International, an official statement by the president of European Union, members of Swedish Parliament, UNESCO in Iran and others condemning Ali’s execution order. This also brought new hope to Ali who was reported to be very depressed and scared at the time and he started writing letters from prison.
It was only then that after nearly 5 years, the Iranian media began covering Ali’s story in more detail which resulted in a public uproar and demand to stop Ali’s execution. Scores of Iranians from all walks of life sent letters and called Iranian authorities , media and Ali’s father asking to stop Ali’s execution and his pardon.
The upcoming meeting by District attorney and the deputy of Ayatollah Shahrudi with Ali’s attorney is unprecedented and a signal that authorities of Islamic regime in Iran being faced with opposition to Ali’s execution worldwide and in Iran are trying to find a solution to Ali’s case.
170 more children Facing Execution:
To read more about Ali Mahin-Torabi visit:
http://scenews.blog.com//Ali+Mahin-Torabi/ and https://www.stopchildexecutions.com/the_row.aspxTo help save Ali and other children facing execution in Iran visit: https://www.stopchildexecutions.com/how-you-can-help.aspx