17 year old Iranian boy sentenced to death for relationship with his girlfriend

According to a report by Association in Defence of Political Prisoners and Human Rights in Iran  A 17 year old teenager, Mosleh Zamani, has been sentenced to death . He has already served 4 years in prison.

 The judge, Brojerdi and his adviser Seyed Hassan Jafari of the Appeal Court #27 of the Supreme Court of Iran, approved the death sentence, and have already instructed the authorities in the city of Sanandaj to execute the child.

Mosleh Zamani was charged for having had sexual relationship with his girlfriend. Having served 4 years imprisonment, Mosleh was sentenced to death according to Article 105 of the Islamic criminal law.

SCE Campaign is very concerned about Mosleh’s situation as only last week a man was stoned to death for adultery. This was despite the fact that the Iranian authorities htad promised not to proceed with this barbaric sentence. It is feared that  woman is also in imminent danger of stoning. When Nazanin Afshin-Jam was informed of the initial plan to stone to death both the man and woman las month, she initiated contacts to stop the sentence however soon the Iranian officials assured the international human rights organizations does not take place. Last week after Nazanin was notified of unannounced stoning of Ja’far Kiani  in an emotional email to SCE team she wrote:

“…. Why doesn’t the world do something? Why doesn’t the UN protect these people? We need to be prudent because even when officials claim they wouldn’t carry out an execution and that they grant a stay of execution, they deny it and sometimes carry out the execution…..”

Stop Child Executions Campaign strongly objects to the unfair sentencing of Mosleh Zamani.  Please contact Iranian authorities and object to Mosleh Zamani’s sentence. 

نوجوانی ۱۷ ساله بنام مصلح زمانی پس ازتحمل چهار سال حبس درزندان سنندج محکوم به اعدام شده است.

حکم اعدام مصلح توسط شعبه ۲۷ تجدید نظردیوان عالی کشور به ریاست محمد رضا بروجردی ومستشار سید حسن جعفری تایید شده وبرای اجرا حکم به مقامات قضایی شهر سنندج اعلام گردیده است.

مصلح زمانی به اتهام ارتباط جنسی با دوست دخترش پس ازچندسال حبس کشیدن محاکمه و براساس ماده ۱۰۵ مجازات اسلامی به اعدام محکوم شده است.

برای نجات جان مصلح زمانی از اعدام تلاش کنید!

انجمن دفاع از زندانیان سیاسی وحقوق بشرایران

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