Safar Angooti
Safar Angooti’s scheduled execution was postponed today for one month. Many people gathered outside of the gates at Evin Prison in Tehran to pressure the family of the deceased to grant a stay of execution to Safar. This extra month will allow flexibility to try and negotiate a pardon.
Stop Child Executions would like to thank all those who took immediate ation to try and save Safar’s life.
Out of policy and principle Stop Child Executions does not collect “blood money” (retribution in kind) because it can create a bad precedent for other children waiting on death row as well as not addressing the chore problems with the laws under the jurisdiction of the Islamic Republic of Iran; however SCE helps connect those who would like to make the payment to save a life. In Safar’s case, if you would like to make a donation, please connect with his lawyer Mohammad Mostafaei to found out more details on the bank transaction at mostafaeilawer@yahoo.com