Behnood had allegedly killed a boy during a street fight in Tehran when he was 17 years old. He has been in prison for the last 4 years and all the reports pointed to a stay of execution in his case.
In his weblog, Mohammad Mostafaie wrote: “I went to the Executive office of the Tehran Criminal Court yesterday to follow up on Benood Shojai’s case. I was told by Mr. Jaberi, the clerk of the office that no date had been set for Behnood’s execution and a stay of execution is in effect. This morning I heard that Bahnood Shojai had been transferred to the isolation ward in prison. I went back to the Executive office to inquire about the case. Mr. Jaberi confirmed the execution and said that the Qisas( Islamic retaliation Law) will take place tomorrow”.
Bahnood was below the age of 18 when he committed the murder. The family of the victim had forgiven Behnood and had unequivocally given up their right to retribution (The right of victim’s family under Qisas
law) in front of several witnesses namely Messrs. Ezzatollah Sahabi, Parviz Parastoui, Sayed Mohammad Mojabi, Dr. Golzari and a few others.
Mosatafai adds: “After I brought up the fact the family of the victim had given up their right to retribution, the file was sent back to the issuing court. The judges from the 74th provincial criminal court rejected the appeal arguing the verbal retrieval of family’s right to retribution even when it is confirmed by the witness affidavit o does not constitute a reasonable ground for appeal and the execution order shall remain in effect”.
Also in an opinion related to this case Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi had previously said:” where there is credible witness testimony on the forgiveness by the victim’s family such forgiveness remains irretrievable”.
Leader of the Islamic Republic
Ayatollah Sayed ‘Ali Khamenei, The Office of the Supreme Leader
Islamic Republic Street – End of Shahid Keshvar Doust Street
Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Email: info_leader@leader.ir
via website: http://www.leader.ir/langs/en/index.php?p’letter (English)
Salutation: Your Excellency
Head of the Judiciary
Ayatollah Sadeq Larijani
c/o Director, Judiciary Public Relations and Information Office
Ardeshir Sadiq
Judiciary Public Relations and Information Office
No. 57, Pasteur St.,
corner of Khosh Zaban Avenue
Tehran, Iran
Email: info@dadiran.ir This e-mail address is being protected from
spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it (In the subject line
write: FAO Ayatollah Shahroudi)
Salutation: Your Excellency
And copies to:
Judiciary spokesperson
Alireza Jamshidi
Howzeh Riyasat-e Qoveh Qazaiyeh / Office of the Head of the Judiciary
Pasteur St, Vali Asr Ave., south of Serah-e Jomhuri
Tehran 1316814737, Iran
Email: info@a-jamshidi.ir This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Salutation: Dear Sir
Also send copies to diplomatic representatives accredited to your
country. Please check with your section office if sending appeals after
the above date.
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